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When you were a child translate French

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The kind you probably made yourself when you were a child.
Tous les enfants en font.
Someone probably told you weird stories about the curse... when you were a child.
Quelqu'un a dû vous raconter d'étranges histoires... sur la malédiction quand vous étiez enfant.
You know, Stephen, you always did smirk even when you were a child.
Tu as toujours eu ce petit sourire narquois, même quand tu étais enfant.
Did your mother hurt you, Mark, when you were a child?
T'a-t-elle fait du mal quand tu étais petit?
You told me yesterday that once when you were a child... your father was angry at you, quite unjustly.
Vous me disiez hier que votre père avait été injuste.
Tell me, Dowd. When you were a child, didn't you have a playmate?
Dites-moi, Dowd... quand vous étiez enfant, aviez-vous un camarade de jeu?
When you were a child, didn't you have a mother and a father, and a house and a street in a town?
Et quand vous étiez enfant? N'avez-vous pas eu une mère, un père, une maison, une rue et une ville? Non.
You've understood that your body was the same as when you were a child, as innocent.
C'est toi qui as compris que ce corps était resté le même.. .. que ton corps d'enfant, tout aussi innocent.
In a music box your mother had when you were a child.
Il sortait d'une boîte de votre Maman.
I don't know you as well as I did when you were a child.
Je ne te connais plus aussi bien que lorsque tu étais petite.
Your father said that when you were a child, you were over-imaginative and inclined to be frightened of your own shadow.
Votre père a dit que vous aviez une imagination hyperactive. Vous étiez effrayée par votre propre ombre.
And when you were a child, did you tell your parents everything?
Et toi, quand tu étais gosse, tu disais tout à tes parents?
Tell me, when you were a child, did you know any Negros or Jews?
Dites-moi, quand vous étiez petit... vous connaissiez des Noirs ou des Juifs?
You felt persecuted as you did when you were a child.
Vous vous êtes senti persécuté comme dans votre enfance.
Even when you were a child, don't you remember being ill?
Même étant enfant, vous n'avez pas souvenir d'avoir été malade?
And when you were a child
" Et quand tu étais enfant,
You, Mr. Shabaty, when you were a child.
Vous, quand vous étiez enfant.
Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were a child?
Aviez-vous un ami imaginaire, étant enfant?
- Hm? - Maybe when you were a child?
- Quand vous étiez enfant?
It was all right when you were a child and made funny faces.
Quand, petite, tu faisais des singeries...
Look, it's like the cakes you had when you were a child.
Profite-en tant que tu es jeune.
"Did you enjoy life when you were a child?"
"L'enfance était-elle une bonne période de votre vie?"
You know, Olga Nikolayevna, it's like when you were a child...
Vous savez, olga Nikolaïevna, quand il arrive dans l'enfance...
- It's like when you were a child... and you had an imaginary friend. You know, someone that you made up?
C'est comme quand on est enfant et qu'on a un ami imaginaire.
You still look like you did when you were a child.
Tu as toujours le même visage que quand tu étais enfant.
The high priest himself placed these around your neck when you were a child.
Le grand prêtre l'a placé lui-même autour de ton cou quand tu étais petit.
We'll play a little game now that we didn't play when you were a child.
On va jouer à un jeu auquel on n'a pas joué quand tu étais petite.
It's funny, you used to loathe Milk when you were a Child.
C'est drôle, tu détestais le lait, enfant.
Do you remember, when you were a child, the animals used to call your name?
Tu te souviens quand les animaux disaient ton nom?
When you were a child, you lived in large house with yellow shutters.
Bientôt, vous aurez une grande maison avec des rideaux jaunes.
And this is the land you left when you were a child.
Et cela est la terre que vous avez quitté lorsque vous étiez enfant.
You approached games in this same way when you were a child?
Tu faisais la même chose quand tu étais petit?
Did you ask to learn when you were a child?
Avez-vous demand lire quand vous tiez petit?
Did you play with puppets when you were a child?
Jouiez-vous à la poupée, quand vous étiez enfant?
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?
Papa-maman t'ont pas assez couvé quand t'étais petit?
I should've beaten you when you were a child, but I had to do what she wanted!
Ta mère m'avait empêché de te battre quand tu étais enfant!
Will you tell me what awful thing I did to you when you were a child?
Quelle est cette chose effroyable que je t'ai faite?
Were you lying when you told me you might be going to have a child? Pete's child?
As-tu menti quand tu m'as dit porter l'enfant de Pete?
When you were in South America before you were missing Sandra told me she was going to have a child.
Quand tu étais en Amérique du Sud, avant ta disparition, Sandra m'a dit qu'elle portait un enfant.
But tell me this fact, Dr. Segert. When you saw the prisoner's hand reach for the safety catch on that cable car did she, of her own free will, decide not to kill the child at that time or did she refrain from that act because she was aware that you were watching?
Mais dites-moi, Dr Segert, quand vous avez vu la prisonnière retirer le loquet de la porte, croyez-vous qu'elle a décidé de ne pas tuer le petit de son propre chef, ou qu'elle l'a simplement fait parce qu'elle vous avait aperçu?
When you were a little child... after her death... the evils of this house reached out for you.
Quand tu étais petite, après sa mort, les démons de cette maison s'en sont pris à toi.
Do you remember when you were a little child and you used to tell me that you were tired, I would stroke your hair ever so gently?
Vous souvenez-vous quand vous étiez enfant et ce que vous faisiez quand vous étiez fatiguée, je vous carressais les cheveux tout doucement?
Well, what were you covering when that poor child was murdered? Where were you?
Où étiez-vous lorsque cette pauvre femme a été tuée?
Where were you when this child was killed?
Où étiez-vous lorsque cette jeune fille a été tuée?
When I was a child, you were the world and I adored you.
Quand j "étais enfant, tu étais tout et je t" idolâtrais.
You were a motherless child of seven when I first knew you
Mon cœur ne put supporter de vous voir ainsi, ton père et toi.
You know, I remember when I was a child,... there were other similar legends. But now I search and search and search my mind,... and I just don't... Don't seem to remember it.
Toute petite, j'ai entendu des légendes similaires, mais j'ai beau me creuser l'esprit, je n'arrive pas à m'en souvenir.
When you were a little girl, you were like my own child to me.
Quand tu étais petite, tu étais comme mon enfant.
When you were a little girl, you were like my own child to me.
Quand tu étais petite, tu étais comme mon enfant à moi.
Remember, Paul, When you Were so ill as a child?
Tu te souviens, quand tout gosse tu as été si malade?
You were only a child when you left for the capital
Vous n'étiez qu'un enfant quand vous êtes parti à la capitale

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