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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Where did you get that from

Where did you get that from translate French

121 parallel translation
- Where did you get that from?
- Où l'avez-vous eue?
- Where did you get that from?
- Où avez-vous trouvé ca? Ç
Where did you get that from?
Vous avez trouvé ça!
- Where did you get that from?
- D'où cette drôle d'idée?
Where did you get that from?
Où tu as eu ce tuyau?
Where did you get that from?
Je ne suis pas une fan de télé.
Where did you get that from?
D'où tenez-vous cela?
Now, where did you get that from... John LeCarre? No.
Ça vient de qui, de John Le Carré?
Where did you get that from anyway?
Où t'as eu cette merde?
Where did you get that from?
Où est-ce que tu as pris ça?
- Where did you get that from?
- Où avez-vous pris ça?
- Where did you get that from?
D'où sors-tu ça?
Where did you get that from?
Où t'as pêché tout ça?
Where did you get that from?
D'où tu sors ça?
Where did you get that from?
Où t'as entendu ça?
- Where did you get that from?
- Où tu as été pêcher ça?
Where did you get that from?
D'où ça vient, ça?
Big Momma, where did you get that from?
Big Mamma, où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Where did you get that from?
- Où l'avez-vous eu?
Where did you get that from?
Où l'as-tu pris?
.. where did you get that from, your mother?
Qui disait ça? Ta mère?
I don't understand why you had to make up all that rubbish... about my father being a Russian sailor and dying in the Cold War. I mean, where did you get that from?
Je n'comprend pas pourquoi vous avez du raconter toutes ces conneries... à propos de mon père, un marin russe mort pendant la guerre froide, vous avez trouvé ça où?
So, where did you get that from?
D'où tu tiens ça?
Where did you get that from?
T'as entendu ça où?
Where did you get that from?
Où tu l'as trouvé?
The heroin you were carrying at the time of your arrest... where did you get that from?
L'héroïne qu'on a trouvée sur vous, d'où venait-elle?
Where did you get that from, for God's sake?
Où allez-vous pêcher tout ça, bon sang?
Where did you get that news item? From a little bird?
D'où tiens-tu ta source?
Where did you get that idea from?
- Où as-tu été chercher ça?
Where did you get that idea from?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire ça?
Where did you get that money from?
- D'où avez-vous ces billets?
- Where did you get that from?
- D'où cela vient-il?
Where did you get that dress from? Mr. de Groot bought it for me.
Ne le laisse pas t'offrir des choses.
Now, either you tell us were and from whom you got that gun or I'm gonna put you in the guard house until you rot! - Now, where did you get it?
Dites-nous d'où vous tenez ce fusil ou je vous laisse pourrir en prison.
But where did you get it? From that North Korean. What North Korean?
Ce documentaire, c'est un conte de fées.
Where did you get the idea from that I'm Joachim Stiller?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que c'est moi?
Where did you get that idea from?
Quelle idée!
- Where did you get that hat from?
- Où tu as eu cette casquette?
My God, Mieze! Where did you get that idea from?
Ecoute Mieze, pourquoi tu penses ça?
Where did you come from, anyway, and how did you get in that building?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais dans ce hangar?
- Where did you get a stupid lie like that from?
D'o - tu sors un mensonge débile comme ça?
Where on earth did you get that from, Philip Philipovich?
Où l'avez-vous ramassé?
Where the hell did you get that from? You thought.
Où tu as pêché ça?
Where did you get all that money from?
D'où sors-tu tout cet argent?
Where did you get that hat from?
Où t'as pris ce chapeau?
Where did you get that information from? And why did you show that picture on the air?
D'où vient l'info et pourquoi vous l'avez diffusée?
Who? Where did you get that idea? From my mother?
Qui t'a mis cette idée en tête?
That fish, where did you get it from?
- Ce poisson dans la cuisine, d'où vient-il?
Where on earth did you get that idea from?
Où t'es allé pêcher une idée pareille?
Where on earth did you get that from?
Avec tous les autres destructeurs de la planète.
Henri, where did you get that pendant from?
Henri, où as-tu trouvé ça? D'où vient cette médaille?

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