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Why don't we sit down translate French

204 parallel translation
Now, why don't we sit down and talk this thing over.
Asseyons-nous et discutons-en.
Why don't we sit down?
Pas vraiment. Asseyons-nous!
Why don't we all sit down and have a good cry?
Arrêtez, On va pleurer!
- Why don't we sit down?
Si on s'asseyait?
Why don't we all sit down and talk things over?
Asseyons-nous pour parler de tout ça.
Why don't we sit down and talk it over?
On pourrait faire toute sorte de marchés.
Why don't we sit down, hmm?
Raymond, why don't we just sneak away for a few minutes and sit down somewhere quietly and have a drink?
Pourquoi ne partons-nous pas quelques minutes pour boire un verre quelque part?
Why don't we all sit down?
Si on s'asseyait?
Why don't we sit down?
Pourquoi ne nous asseyons-nous pas?
Why don't we sit down and relax?
Si tu t'asseyais pour te détendre?
Why don't we sit down?
- Et si on s'asseyait?
Why don't we all go in and sit down.
On peut passer à table immédiatement.
Why don't we just sit down and have a little chat.
Et si on s'asseyait plutôt pour causer un peu.
- Why don't we sit down over there?
Why don't we sit down?
Now, Neddy, why don't you sit down and have a drink and then we'll all go to the Grahams'?
Maintenant, viens t'asseoir... prendre un verre avant d'aller chez les Graham.
Why don't we all go and sit down to dinner?
Si on passait à table?
Oh, hey, look, uh... why don't we all sit down over here? Sure.
Si on s'asseyait là-bas?
Why don't we sit down, eh? Sit down here.
Mettez-vous à l'aise.
Why don't we just... sit down for a bit and talk?
On devrait en discuter, qu'est-ce que t'en dis?
Why don't we all sit down and get acquainted.
Nous devrions nous asseoir et faire connaissance.
Why don't we just sit down, you, me, and Sigmund?
Si on allait s'asseoir? Vous, moi et Sigmund.
Why don't we go sit down somewhere?
Allons nous asseoir.
Why don't we sit down, Frank?
Asseyons-nous, Frank.
Why don't we sit down and discuss it?
Asseyons-nous pour en discuter.
Why don't we sit down and sing it together?
Si on s'asseyait pour le chanter?
Why don't we just sit down... and have some wine?
Que dis-tu de t'asseoir et de prendre un verre de vin?
Why don't we sit down?
Si on s'asseyait?
Good. Then why don't you sit down and we'll talk.
Alors, asseyez-vous et bavardons.
Why don't we sit down and pick up the conversation where we left off?
Si on s'asseyait là pour reprendre là où on s'était arrêtés.
Why don't you we sit down here?
Asseyons-nous donc.
Why don't we sit down and talk about it?
Nous pourrions nous asseoir et en discuter.
Well, why don't you sit down and we'll have a little talk about it?
Asseyez-vous. On pourrait en parler toutes les deux.
Ah, why don't we all sit down.
Why don't you sit down so we can discuss this like mature- -
Asseyez-vous donc qu'on discute entre personnes matures.
Why don't we start out with a tour of the house and later on we'll sit down and go over that application you filled out.
Commençons par la visite, on verra ensuite votre dossier.
Why don't you sit down so we can talk?
Assieds-toi et parlons.
Why don't we sit down.
Asseyez-vous donc.
Why don't we take a minute, relax, sit down and cool off.
Venez donc vous asseoir et vous calmer un peu.
Why don't we sit down here?
Pourquoi ne pas aller nous asseoir?
Oh, I'll tell you what why don't we just mosey on upstairs and, you know, just sit down, maybe on the potty and thumb through some college catalogues.
Je vais te dire... Pourquoi on n'irait pas se promener à l'étage? On pourrait s'asseoir, peut-être sur le pot, et feuilleter les brochures des facs.
Why don't we all go in the living room and sit down and talk?
Si nous allions plutôt bavarder au salon?
Why don't we sit down, enjoy this beautiful dinner, get to know each other.
Asseyons-nous et profitons du repas pour faire connaissance.
Why don't you just sit down here, and we'll talk about something else.
Tu n'as qu'à t'asseoir et on discutera d'autre chose.
- Well, why don't we all sit down.
Prenons place. Je vous prie...
Why don't you and I go upstairs, turn the lights down, sit in bed, bottle of wine, and we can watch the game up there.
On va monter se coucher. tamiser les lumières, boire du vin et on regardera le match là-haut.
Now why don't we sit down for a while?
Et si on s'asseyait un peu?
Why don't we all sit down? Ooh. ( SNIFFING )
On va s'asseoir?
Why don't I take you to lunch? We can sit down. We can- -
On pourra s'asseoir, on pourra...
Why don't we sit down and try to hold this to a mere $ 20 billion deal?
Pourquoi ne pas nous asseoir et nous en tenir à une offre de 20 milliards?

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