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Why don't you go home translate French

623 parallel translation
"Why don't you go home, my child?"
"Pourquoi ne rentres-tu pas chez toi, petite?"
You wanna be a crook? Why don't you go home?
Vous voulez être escroc?
Say, why don't you fellows go home and go to work?
Pourquoi vous ne rentrez pas pour chercher du travail?
Why don't you go down to the morgue and live there, instead of making a morgue out of our home.
Pourquoi ne pas aller vivre à la morgue, au lieu de transformer notre demeure en morgue?
Why don't you guys be good and go home to your wives?
Soyez de gentils garçons et retournez chez vos femmes. - Qui est-ce?
Why don't you get something to eat and go right home?
Mangez un morceau et rentrez.
Why don't you go and have a cup of tea and take off your coat and make yourself at home?
Va donc prendre le thé, enlever ton veston et faire comme chez toi.
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi ne rentres-tu pas?
Why don't you go on home?
Rentrez donc chez vous.
Why don't you go home and go to bed.
Si tu rentrais te coucher?
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi tu rentres pas chez toi?
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi ne rentrez-vous pas chez-vous?
Why don't you go home, Tommy?
Pourquoi tu ne rentres pas, Tommy?
Masterminds. Why don't you go home? Maybe Williams will call on you.
Messieurs les intellos, il venait peut-être vous voir!
Why don't you all go home?
Pourquoi ne rentrez-vous pas tous?
Why don't you go home and attend to your little formalities there?
Pourquoi ne pas faire ça chez toi?
Why don't you go home?
Rentrez-chez vous.
Why don't you go home to Kansas?
Pourquoi ne pas rentrer au Kansas?
Why don't you go home?
- Pourquoi ne rentres-tu pas?
- Why don't you go back home?
- Pourquoi ne rentrez-vous pas chez vous?
- Why don't you go home? I'm busy.
- Rentrez chez vous, j'ai à faire.
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi ne rentres-tu pas chez toi?
June... why don't you just go on home?
Tu devrais rentrer.
Now why don't you let my wife go home?
Laissez ma femme rentrer.
You tell me. - Why don't you go home? - That's where l'm going.
Pourquoi ne rentres-tu pas chez toi?
If you're sleepy, why don't you go home?
Si tu as sommeil, rentre.
Why don't you go home.
Rentrez chez vous.
- Why don't you go home? - I'm slowly going crazy!
- Tu ne t'en vas pas?
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi vous ne rentrez pas chez vous?
Jim, why don't you go on home?
Jim, tu n'as qu'à rentrer.
Why don't you stop drinking and eat, Or why don't you go home?
Arrêtez de boire et mangez, ou rentrez.
Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi tu ne rentres pas?
Why don't you go home where they're aren't? .
Pourquoi ne pas rentrer?
- Why don't you go home?
- Rentre donc.
Why don't you leave this town? Go home.
Pourquoi ne repartez-vous pas?
Why don't you go home to your wife?
- Vous rentrez chez votre femme?
Why don't you button up your britches and go home?
Et si tu boutonnais ton pantalon et que tu rentrais chez toi?
Why don't you go home, Mary?
Vous ne rentrez pas?
Why don't you both move? It's time to go home.
Vous devriez vous décider à rentrer.
Why don't you go home and rest up?
Pourquoi ne pas rentrer chez vous?
It's late. Why don't you go home?
c'est tard. pourquoi ne rentres tu pas?
I'm freezing! Why don't you go home?
Pourquoi, ne rentrez-vous pas chez vous?
Why don't you go home, ed?
Rentre chez toi, Ed?
Why don't you go home, McCleary?
Rentrez chez vous.
We've taken the slug out. - Look, sonny, why don't you go home?
Rentre chez toi, fiston.
Why don't you two go home.
Rentrez chez vous.
Hey, why don't you go back home?
Hey, pourquoi ne rentre-tu pas chez toi?
Why don't you go home and shave?
Pourquoi ne pas rentrer chez toi pour te raser?
Hey, Pops, why don't you go home?
Hé, Pops, rentre donc chez toi.
Why don't you go home before Big John gets here?
Ecoute, rentre chez toi avant que Big John arrive.
Why don't you go home?
Tu ne rentres pas?

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