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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Would you like to come

Would you like to come translate French

1,134 parallel translation
Pat... would you like to come back home with me?
Pat... veux-tu m'accompagner chez moi?
Mr. ives, would you like to come, too?
- Voulez-vous venir avec nous?
Would you like to come?
Si vous voulez profiter de ma voiture?
Would you like to come to my house on Sunday for lunch?
Voulez-vous venir déjeuner dimanche?
Would you like to come along?
Voulez-vous en être?
Would you like to come in?
Tu entres?
Steve, would you like to come up here for a moment, please?
Steve, avance un peu!
Would you like to come up for a drink?
Vous montez prendre un verre?
How would you like to come to a neck-wringing party?
Tu ne veux pas aller te faire tordre le cou?
Would you like to come inside and have some iced tea?
Tu entres? Je t'offre un thé glacé?
I wonder, would you like to come and have something to eat with me tonight?
Aimeriez-vous dîner avec moi?
Would you like to come out into the garden with me while I feed Miss Muffet her curds and whey?
Voulez-vous venir au jardin avec moi? Je vais donner son lait à la souris verte.
How would you like to come to work for Mrs. Endicott Otis?
Aimeriez-vous venir travailler pour Mme Endicott Otis?
It won't be so nice this year. Would you like to come?
Je crains que ce ne soit pas très gai en ce moment.
Oh, we just dropped in. Would you like to come through?
Dinsdale inspirait largement la loyauté et la terreur parmi ses associés, mais quel homme était-il vraiment?
Would you like to come for a walk?
Voulez-vous faire une promenade?
Would you like to come up here for a little visit?
Ça te dirait de venir me rendre visite?
Would you like to come in and see the inside? Oh, no, no.
Voulez-vous voir l'intérieur?
Would you like to come in for a second, man?
Vous pouvez venir une seconde?
Would you like to come up?
- Oui. Vous voulez monter?
Would you like to come in?
Veuillez entrer.
Would you like to come over?
Vous pourriez faire un saut et venir?
How would you like to come down there with me?
Ça te dirait de partir avec moi?
How would you like to come back to America after this war as heroes?
- Voulez-vous rentrer au pays en héros après la guerre?
Would you like to come stay with me, Pa?
Aimerais-tu venir habiter avec moi, papa?
If I could find a way to get off this island, would you like to come with me?
Si je peux m'évader d'ici, tu viens avec moi?
Would you like to come to town wi th us, Cinderella?
Tu voudrais venir avec nous en ville, Cendrillon?
Would you like to come wi th us to the ball?
Aimerais-tu venir avec nous au bal?
Sirs, would you like to come and see my automaton?
Voulez-vous venir le voir?
Would you like to come in?
Tu veux entrer?
- Would you like to come with me?
Tu veux venir avec moi?
But then at the last minute we didn't feel like it, a couple of friends came by anyway we were listening to some music, dancing and talking, would you like to come up?
Au dernier moment, on a changé d'avis. Quelques amis sont venus quand même. On écoute de la musique, on danse, on bavarde.
- Would you like to come up for a drink?
Vous montez prendre un verre?
Would you like your horse? Well, then, come to Cocatlan.
Alors, viens le chercher à Cocatlan.
Maybe you would like to come with me inasmuch as you've taken an interest in him.
Vous pouvez venir, puisque son cas vous intéressait.
On the other hand, perhaps this Sargon would like you to come with us.
D'un autre côté, Sargon aimerait peut-être que vous nous accompagniez.
While I check on Adam, how would you like Esmeralda to come and read to you?
Pendant que je vais voir Adam, on pourrait demander à Esmeralda de venir lire avec toi.
I would like you to come out on the balcony with me... and let me photograph you waving to our people, to my people.
Je voudrais que vous sortiez sur le balcon... Je vais vous photographier saluant nos frères.
No, I would like you to come out and have dinner with me.
Non, j'aimerais que vous veniez dîner avec moi.
The chief would like you to come down.
Le chef veut que vous descendiez.
If you would like to come to me at night I won't be ashamed, I'll do as you say.
Si tu veux dormir avec moi, dis-moi le moyen qui ne me fasse pas honte et je t'obéirai.
Dying like an actress would come most natural to you
Mourir comme une actrice serait le plus naturel pour toi.
Would you like Marcus to come with us. Oh, no.
Marcus vient aussi?
Would you like to come along?
Tu veux venir?
Would you like us to come back another time?
Voulez-vous que nous revenions un autre moment?
Would you like to come through?
Voulez-vous rester un moment?
- Would you really like to come?
- Vous désirez vraiment venir?
Anyway, to make a long, dull story even duller... I come from a time when a guy like me would drop into a joint like this... and pick up a young chick like you... and call her a bimbo.
Qu'importe, pour rendre une ennuyeuse histoire, encore plus ennuyeuse... je suis d'une epoque ou un gars comme moi, viendrait dans un endroit pareil... pour draguer une jeune nana comme toi... et la traiter de petasse.
We would like to invite each of you to come and go with us.
Nous aimerions inviter chacun d'entre vous à nous accompagner,
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you... the lady that did such a wonderful job as hostess on the television program... this morning of the Watts Festival... Miss Gee Whiz. Come on, let's meet Miss Carla Thomas.
Mesdames, messieurs, j'aimerais vous présenter la dame qui a si bien présenté l'émission télévisée de ce matin sur le Festival de Watts, mademoiselle Gee Whiz, Allez, voici mademoiselle Carla Thomas,
How would you like me to tell those guys that you cry when you come?
Je vais dire à tes potes que tu pleures quand tu jouis.

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