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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You're going to be ok

You're going to be ok translate French

118 parallel translation
Ok, you're going to be spending a lot of time alone.
Bien, elle va passer beaucoup de temps toute seule.
Okay, if you're going to be suicidal, I'll stay!
Ok, si tu deviens suicidaire, je reste!
If you don't show up, you're going to be in real trouble.
Conklin, t'as intérêt à te pointer, OK?
You're going to be OK, Chief.
Tu vas bien aller, chef.
You're going to be OK, Raph.
Tu vas t ´ en sortir, Raph.
You're going to be OK.
Ça va aller.
You're going to be ok, Jake.
Ça va aller, Jake.
You're going to be OK.
Tu iras mieux.
You're going to be OK.
Tout va bien aller.
Makmura, you're going to be OK
Tu vas t'en tirer.
Dés qu'on arrête le sang, on met Nathan dans le camion.
You're going to be OK.
Tout ira bien.
Hey, you're going to be OK, OK?
Ça va aller.
Sure. I hope you're not going to be mad at me, but... the thing is... after we crack this case... I'm going to find another line of work... if that's OK with you.
Ne le prends pas mal, mais... une fois cette affaire résolue, je changerai de branche, si ça te va.
You're just a little bit panicked now, but everything's going to be OK.
C'est du cinéma. Tu es juste anxieuse mais tout va bien se passer.
You're going to be OK.
Tu vas t'en remettre.
- Don't you worry Stanley, you're going to be ok.
Ne t'en fais pas, tu vas guérir.
- You're going to be OK.
- Ca va aller.
As long as it's me that she wants, you're going to be ok.
C'est moi qu'elle veut, tu ne risques rien.
Xena, are you sure you're going to be ok?
- Xena, ça va aller? - Oui!
- You're going to be OK.
- Tout va bien se passer.
OK, you're going to be stunned.
Ok, Tu vas être étourdie.
But you're going to be all right, okay?
Mais tout va bien aller, ok?
Well, if you're OK, then I have to be going, but good luck.
Si tout va bien, je vais te laisser, bonne chance.
You sure you're going to be okay after school?
Tu es sûre que tu seras ok seule après école?
OK, but if we're going to be more than two people who sneak away to far off movie theaters and make out in an ugly car four afternoons a week, you're gonna have to get over it.
Okay, mais si on doit être plus que deux personnes qui se glissent furtivement dans un ciné et qui passent 4 après-midi par semaine dans une horrible voiture, il va falloir que tu t'y fasses.
Lex, you're going to be Ok.
Attend, ça va aller.
It's OK. I'm here now, you're going to be OK.
Ca va, je suis là maintenant, ça va aller.
Ella, look, are you sure you're going to be OK?
Ella, écoute, tu es sûre que ça va aller?
Okay, look, Alex, if you're saying that he's going to be gone forever, then we need to talk. Um...
Ok, écoute, Alex, si tu dis ça, qu'il sera parti pour toujours, alors on doit parler.
It's OK. You're going to be all right.
On va vous sortir de là.
Are you sure you're going to be OK? Jacks!
- Ça va aller, t'es sûr?
Lexi, you're going to be ok.
Lexi, tu vas aller bien.
Okay, Diane, you're going to be quarterback this time. / What?
Ok, Diane, tu va faire le quarter back cette fois. Quoi?
Hey, look, little man. You're never going to be alone, OK?
Hé, écoute petit, tu ne seras jamais seul, d'accord?
you're going to be ok. you know that, don't you?
Ça va aller, vous le savez, non?
alright, listen man, I couldn't give a shit if you're older this young'n's bin colder give it ten years then I'm going to be known as a better than older I swear now people staying colder so don'try n tell me your older
OK, écoute, je me fous si t'es plus vieux ce jeune il est plus cool. Donne-moi dix ans et je serais mieux que plus vieux, j'te jure le monde reste plus cool alors raconte pas que t'es pus vieux tu peux être rocker ou plus mix de musique promo et tout c'qu'il y a, alors essayes pas de m'dire c'que j'peu pas faire
You're going to be OK, Harry.
Vous allez vous remettre, Harry.
You're going to be ok.
Tout va bien aller.
You're going to be OK.
Tout va bien se passer.
You're going to be OK.
Tu iras bien.
By the time I've finished with you, you're going to be begging for those rabid ferrets to be gnashing on your nuts. OK.
Quand j'en aurai fini avec toi, tu supplieras pour qu'on les amène, ces furets enragés.
Ok, so you're going to be faithful to a chick You're not even sleeping with?
Tu vas être fidèle à une fille avec qui tu couches même pas?
You're going to be OK.
Tu vas aller bien.
You're going to be OK, you know.
Ça va bien se passer pour vous, tu sais?
And if I find out you've been lying to us, well... we're not going to be as nice as we've been so far, okay?
Si je découvre que vous nous avez menti, alors... on ne sera pas aussi sympas que maintenant, OK?
Look, I know you're going to be alone tonight, okay?
Je sais que tu seras seule ce soir, OK?
You're going to be ok.
Ca va aller.
But you're not going to be hurt anymore, okay?
Mais on ne te fera plus de mal, OK? On?
Goldburg, you're going to be all right, okay?
Goldburg, Tout va aller bien, ok?
You're going to be ok.
Ça va aller.

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