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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You don't know anything about this

You don't know anything about this translate French

159 parallel translation
You don't know anything about this.
Tu ne sais rien. Compris?
Now, look, you don't know anything about this, see?
Ecoute : Tu ne sais rien de tout ça.
Mr. Matuschek doesn't know anything about this. I'm the manager, and you don't work here anymore!
Je suis le gerant et vous ne travaillez plus ici.
But I don't know anything about this crime or whatever you call it.
Mais je ne sais rien à propos de ce crime, si c'est bien cela.
Now, Nick, I don't want to seem too personal. But if you tell me you don't know anything about this thing, all I can say is baloney.
Sans vouloir te vexer, si tu prétends ne rien savoir, je n'en croirai rien.
I don't know if you men know anything about the politics in this state, but if you don't, you should.
Je ne sais pas si vous êtes au courant de la politique fédérale, car sinon, vous devriez
I don't know anything about army procedure, Colonel, but couldn't you be court-martialed for this?
- Ça vous ennuie? - Non. J'ignore les procédures de l'armée, risquez-vous de passer en conseil de guerre?
You don't know anything about this man, and he knows everything there is to know about you. Oh, wait.
Tu ignores tout de lui, mais lui connaît tout de toi.
You don't know anything about this girl.
Tu ne sais rien sur cette fille.
- No. - You don't know anything about this?
Vous n'en savez rien?
I don't know anything about how you work this.
Comment vous arrangez-vous?
You don't know anything about this.
Tu n'y comprends rien.
You don't know anything about this boy and you'll believe everything he tells you.
Tu sais rien sur ce garçon. Et tu crois tout ce qu'il te dit.
All this time gone by, and you still don't know anything about me
Depuis tout ce temps, tu ne sais toujours rien de moi.
J'ignore où vous avez trouvé vos témoins, mais c'est le troisiéme qui ne sait rien de l'affaire.
You don't know anything about this.
Vous n'y connaissez rien.
Are you sure you don't know anything about this?
Etes-vous sûr de ne rien savoir à ce sujet?
But I don't know anything about any successor or where you want this brought :
On a des prévisions sur l'intensité du champ magnétique en vue?
I don't know anything about your courtroom procedure, but I demand to be heard before you sentence this man to die :
Je ne connais rien à vos procédures judiciaires : mais j'exige d'être entendu avant de condamner cet homme à mort :
I mean, I don't even know how to begin talking about this... but you know, in the Middle Ages... before the arrival of scientific thinking as we know it today... well, people could believe anything.
Comment dire ça? Au moyen âge, avant l'avènement de la pensée scientifique, on croyait n'importe quoi, tout était vrai... on "voyait" la statue de la Vierge pleurer ou saigner...
I don't know if you know anything about this but you have to call me right away!
Je ne sais pas si tu es au courant. Rappelle-moi d'urgence!
I mean, come on, Apollo, we don't know anything about this guy you're fighting, really.
en fait.
You don't know anything about this stuff. Honey, honey, that's why we have this book.
"Chapitre premier : masque facial."
If anybody ever asks you anything about this dead girl, you don't know anything. [Spanish] Nothing.
Si on te parle de cette fille, tu ne sais rien, tu comprends?
You don't know anything about this?
Vous ne savez rien?
You don't know anything about this Joey.
Tu ne connais rien de ce Joey.
What, you've been living with these people all your life and you don't know anything about this?
Tu vis avec eux et tu sais rien de tout ça?
I think you know as much as I do about this Foot Clan... and I don't think you're doing anything about it.
Vous connaissez l ´ existence du "Clan du Pied" autant que moi, et je ne pense pas que vous vous en occupiez.
Hey, man, you don't know anything about this city.
Tu ne sais rien de cette ville.
Uh, you know, Molly, I just don't know anything about this town of yours here.
Vous savez, Molly, je ne connais pas du tout cette ville.
Look, Will, I know I'm talking to teenage hormones from hell... but if you care about this young lady, you don't want to do anything... to damage the relationship.
Will, je sais que je parle à un adolescent tenaillé par ses hormones, mais si tu tiens à cette jeune fille, tu ne feras rien qui puisse détériorer votre relation.
Why would this nice old Italian lady deny having told you anything about a treasure or a list of names? I don't know.
Pourquoi cette charmante dame nierait-elle cette histoire de trésor et de liste?
I don't think you know anything about this case, which is why you stuck it with Detective Ryan. And I think you should allow her to decide how to proceed.
Vous avez refilé ce dossier à l'inspecteur Ryan, c'est à elle de décider.
- I don't want you to say anything. - Now I know what this is about.
Rien, je sais d " où tout ça vient.
Londo, please, don't pretend you don't know anything about this.
- Oui? Londo, ne faites pas semblant de ne pas être au courant.
I don't suppose you know anything about this. Oh! There it is.
Vous n'êtes pas au courant, j'imagine.
Don't you know anything about this period in time?
Vous ne savez donc rien de cette période?
I, I I know this is an ideal sort of kissing moment you know, night, moon, boat, water lapping you know, it's, um... i t's perfect and I'm I'm not feeling that it would be nice but I don't really know anything about you and I'm I'm still on the rebound
Je sais que c'est l'instant idéal pour un baiser. La lune, la barque, le clapotis de l'eau. C'est parfait.
So, you don't know anything about this investigation? No!
Donc, tu ne sais rien de cette enquête?
So you don't know anything about this assault on Peter Reardon, the bartender?
Donc, vous ne savez rien au sujet de cette agression?
And just what kind of stuff are you people thinkin'about? You know, I don't see how this has anything to do with Thomas's murder.
Je ne vois pas le rapport avec le meurtre de Thomas.
Tell me you don't know anything about this.
Jure-moi que tu n'as rien à voir avec sa mort.
And don't let on that you know anything about this.
Et ne lui dites pas ce que je vous ai dit.
Look, Doc, I don't know anything about this woman, or why she doesn't appreciate you, and I may not be an expert on music, but I'm a pretty good Engineer.
Je ne la connais pas, j'ignore pourquoi elle ne vous apprécie pas et je ne suis pas experte en musique, mais je suis un excellent ingénieur.
You don't know anything about this, right?
Vous en savez rien, n'est-ce pas?
Matthew, this town has a history you don't know anything about.
Matthew, cette ville à une histoire que tu ne connais pas.
Are you telling me you don't know anything about this?
Vous dites que vous ne savez rien?
See, this is why you don't know anything about anything.
Et voilà! Ça ne m'étonne pas de toi. Tu ne comprends absolument rien.
You don't know anything about this, Rena, so just stay out of it.
Tu ne sais rien de tout ça, Rena, alors t'en mêle pas.
But I don't know anything about this murder you're talking about.
- Quatre mois. Mais je sais rien sur le meurtre dont vous parlez.
You see this is why you don't know anything about me.
C'est là où tu me connais pas vraiment.

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