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You had to be there translate French

349 parallel translation
- No, you had to be there.
- Pas si facile.
You see, we've just picked your name from this enormous drum full of names, only you had to be there to win, and you are, so you have.
C'est que nous venons de tirer votre nom parmi tant d'autres, mais pour gagner, vous deviez répondre, c'est le cas, donc voilà.
You had to be there.
Il fallait y être.
- I guess you had to be there.
Il faut en avoir vu un pour apprécier. Désolée d'avoir raté ça.
No. You had to be there.
Vous auriez dû voir ça.
Doesn't seem worth it but I guess you had to be there, huh?
Ca a pas l'air de les valoir, mais chacun son truc.
i guess you had to be there.
C'était très amusant.
You had to be there.
I guess you had to be there.
Il fallait y être.
Does he ever mention his family? You remember that he wouldn't give Barney a check, it had to be cash? And he won't go out there and play Gordon's part.
Souviens-toi : il a pas voulu donner de chèque à Barney... et refuse de jouer le rôle de Gordon.
And woe to our old Nippon, if we had not learned that from you... there would probably be no free Japan now.
Et malheur à notre vieux Nippon, Si nous n'avions pas appris cela de vous... Il n'y aurait probablement pas de Japon libre maintenant.
But I'm warning you, and you, Jean La Cour... member of the City Counsel, and all of you... if we get us another dose of yellow fever like we had back in'30... when there wasn't enough men alive to bury the dead... there just isn't going to be any town to run a railroad into. I'm telling you what's a fact.
Mais je vous préviens, vous, La Cour, membre de ce conseil, et vous tous, si nous avons une épidémie comme en 1830, quand on n'était plus assez pour enterrer les morts, personne ne survivra pour construire cette voie ferrée.
If there were any reasonable chance for me to help you, it'd be different. But, during this quiet little weekend in the country... my family's been threatened... I've had a knife thrown at me, I've been shot at, I've been suspected of murder.
Si je pouvais vous aider j'agirais autrement mais durant ce calme week-end à la campagne ma famille a été menacée, j'ai servi de cible et on m'a suspecté de meurtre.
But you've had a pretty heavy jolt, you've taken it quietly. You'll forgive me for saying there've been times I thought you ought to be hanged.
Le train arrive, mais sache que, parfois, je t'aurais giflé!
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today. We had no idea there was any difficulty about the deposit.
Suggérez-moi comment justifier le fait que ces dames aient à vous donner aujourd'hui un argent dont elles ont besoin pour organiser leur soirée de demain.
You know, Father... if I had to live my life over again... there'd be a lot of changes made.
Vous savez, mon père, si je devais refaire ma vie, je changerais beaucoup.
Was there someone you thought would be incriminated... if Nurse Linley had been allowed to speak yesterday?
Qui se serait senti menacé, si Linley avait parlé hier?
Yes, sir. If you were told that Dr. Young had examined the glass after he had discovered that Colonel Paradine was dead... That he'd examined the glass and found it to be clean, that it had been washed and dried, would you still hold to your statement that there were a few drops of burgundy remaining in the bottom of the glass?
Si je vous dis que le Dr Young l'a examiné après avoir découvert la cause du décès, qu'il l'a examiné et qu'il était propre et sec, maintenez-vous qu'il restait quelques gouttes au fond du verre?
Don't you suppose I knew there had to be a Mary if there was going to be any White House?
Que j'ignorais que Mary devrait vous soutenir?
Oh, I don't think you had to be hurt, but there was good in it.
Je ne le pense pas, mais il y a du bon là-dedans.
With all the hemming and hawing that goes on, you'd think there wasn't an honest seaman to be had in Bristol.
Apparemment, il n'y a pas de marin honnête à Bristol.
I told you, if there was any news to be had, you'd get it.
- Je vous ai dit que vous saurez tout.
But if I had ordered to caress and encourage you, there would be no one to do it.
Mais si j'ordonne de vous cajoler et de vous encourager, il n'y aura personne pour le faire.
We could say that this is the skeleton of What you had here before, right? Well, What's there to be surprised then?
Pleurez, ne vous arrêtez pas.
We had a council meeting and everyone agreed that if you wanted to stay we could go to the deputy, I'm sure there'd be no problem.
Le Comité s'est réuni. Il a décidé que si vous voulez rester, vous êtes le bienvenu.
If you only had the sense to take my advice, we'd still be there. Little girl who kept eyeing you was kinda pretty.
On aurait pu rester, la fille ne te quittait pas des yeux.
There may be advantages being married to an older woman like if you had trouble with historical dates.
Avoir une femme plus âgée, c'est sûrement un avantage... Si on a oublié ses leçons d'histoire.
I know what you want to say. Had I come earlier, there'd be a feast fit for a king.
Oui... si j'étais venu plus tôt, tu m'aurais préparé un festin de roi.
You just had to be there.
Il fallait juste y être.
But no, you had to leave her there to be slaughtered.
Mais vous l'avez laissée se faire massacrer. DOCTEUR :
Even if there's no poverty to be seen, because the poverty's been hidden even if you got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods and even if it seemed to you that you never had so much that is only the slogan of those who have that much more than you.
Même si on ne voit pas la pauvreté, parce qu'elle sera dissimulée, même si vous êtes mieux payés et pouvez vous offrir davantage de ces biens inutiles, et même s'il vous semble que vous n'avez jamais tant possédé, ce ne sera que le slogan de ceux qui possèdent tellement plus que vous.
Look, I am due in my pulpit at 11 : 00 this morning, and if I ain't there - if my people were to find out that you had me locked up in this filthy, pissy pigsty, there'll be all hell to pay!
Je suis attendu en chaire à 11 heures ce matin. Si je n'y suis pas... Si mes gens apprennent que vous m'avez enfermé... dans cette cellule crasseuse, ça va barder.
I mean, the way they cleared the path, for instance, was incredible. Were you there? Was you in the party that had to be led to the stage?
Par exemple, ils ont ouvert le passage d'une façon incroyable.
Do you know that in the hospitals there's not a single free bed to be had?
Il n'y a plus un lit de libre dans les hôpitaux
Yes, you mentioned it the other day. You said that there had to be another key to fit the new lock, and when you had that key, then you'd have the person who murdered Allen Mallory.
Oui, vous avez dit qu'il devait y avoir une autre clé et que celui qui l'avait était le meurtrier.
Besides that, there wouldn't be nothing to worry about anyway if you had her, that's for dang sure.
En plus, j'aurais pas de quoi m'inquiéter... si c'était toi qui la tenait, pour sûr.
But you said yourself, if he wore gloves there wouldn't be any powder marks. If he had planned it, he would have worn gloves... and it's beginning to look very planned. Yes, sir.
On a entendu parler d'une dispute et aucune trace de poudre sur ses mains.
But Cassen said in order for there to be enough heating going on you had to start the heating before Europa basically cooled off.
Mais Cassen dit que pour obtenir assez de chaleur... il faut commencer à chauffer avant qu'Europe ne se refroidisse.
The Valera girl had to be there... so I could kill her... right? Can you spare a cigarette...
Il fallait bien qu'elle soit là pour que je la tue... non?
If there were weapons to be had, would you do it too?
Si il y avait des armes, tu la ferais aussi?
Then I had to be maid of honor at your wedding. I had to stand there and watch you marry Tom.
J'ai dû être ta demoiselle d'honneur et te regarder épouser Tom.
But if you had to be that kind of guy, I mean, let's just say... there was a gun at your head, which one would you pick?
Mais, si tu étais ce genre d'homme, et si, disons, on te mettait un pistolet sur la tempe, laquelle choisirais-tu?
This area that... you and Bill are going to be going to... We know for a fact there are at least... two tribes, that have had no contact with the outside world. Are you taking fireworks this time?
Dans cette région où vous et Bill vous préparez à aller... nous savons qu'y vivent... au moins deux tribus... qui n'ont jamais eu de contact avec le monde extérieur.
If you had shot him like I asked... there would be another one to take his place, andhewould have killed us for sure.
Si vous l'aviez tué comme je le voulais, un autre l'aurait remplacé et il nous aurait abattus.
i guess you had to be there.
Envoie-la par ici quand tu auras fini. Je commence à m'habituer à cette bouillie.
Well, you just had to be there. It was a very special moment.
Tu aurais dû vivre ce très grand moment.
Still, you must admit, there is some comfort to be had in contemplating... the folly of so many dead, don't you think?
Vous devez admettre qu'on trouve du réconfort dans la contemplation de la folie de tant de morts, non?
There comes a time in every soldier's life when he must stand or fall alone.'it wouldn't do no good to tell you how it was. You had to be there.
Je ne peux pas vous expliquer.
Maybe if you rush right down there, you'll be able to get a place in line. ( door chimes jangling ) Well, I hope you had better luck than we did.
Peut-être que si vous y allez en avance, vous aurez une place au premier rang. J'espère que vous avez eu plus de chance que nous.
You see, I knew there had to be a simple explanation.
Je savais qu'il devait y avoir une explication simple.
You had a right to be there, especially if you and Jimmy Chin were friends.
Vous aviez le droit d'y être, surtout si vous étiez une amie de Jimmy Chin.

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