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You want me to trust you translate French

597 parallel translation
- You want me to trust you but - Yes
- Tu veux que je te fasse confiance, mais...
If you want me to trust you, Leave your gauze to let me see your face
Si tu veux que je te croie, ôtes ton voile et montre-moi ton visage
Il faut me faire confiance, comme tu veux que je te fasse confiance.
You want me to trust you, I'm trying, but didn't you get another phone call?
J'essaie de te faire confiance et je te vois prendre un autre appel.
So now, I want you to trust me.
Aujourd'hui, je te demande de me faire confiance.
Something so incredible that I do not trust my own eyes... and I want you to help me prove it.
Quelque chose de si incroyable que je n'en crois pas mes yeux... et je veux que vous m'aidiez à le prouver.
Helen, I want you to trust me.
Je veux que vous me fassiez confiance.
I want you to trust yourself entirely to me for a while, until you're up and around...
Je veux que tu te reposes entièrement sur moi le temps que tu sois remis sur...
Nick, I don't want anything to happen. Look, you've got to trust me.
Je ne veux pas qu'il t'arrive quelque chose.
I certainly wouldn't want to, but as long as you don't trust me... Or have the slightest bit of faith in me...
Je ne voudrais certainement pas, mais puisque tu ne me fais pas confiance... et que tu n'as pas la moindre foi en moi- -
I want to help you, Seetha. Trust me.
Je veux également ton bonheur, crois-moi.
I want to trust you. It seems to me that I need help very much.
Je veux avoir confiance en vous... car j'ai l'impression que j'ai grand besoin de secours.
I want you to trust me, Carla.
Faites-moi confiance Carla.
If you want Leo you're gonna have to trust me.
Si vous voulez Leo, il faudra me faire confiance.
I want you to think of me as a friend, to trust me.
Je suis ton ami, fais-moi confiance.
Irene, I want to help you. You've got to trust me.
Irène, je veux t'aider, tu dois me faire confiance.
- I just want you to trust me.
- Fais-moi confiance.
Now, Larry you know they can make you say anything they want. You know that. You'll have to trust me.
Larry... tu sais qu'ils peuvent te faire dire tout ce qu'ils veulent.
All I want is for you to trust me.
Il faut juste me faire confiance.
music may be the oil of show business, but you do not want to get involved. - trust me.
Il vaut mieux que tu touches pas au show-business.
If you want me to still trust you.
Si tu veux que j'aie encore confiance en toi.
I want you to trust me.
Je veux que vous me fassiez confiance.
Anyway, if I want you to trust me, it's only fair that I should trust you.
Peu importe. Pour obtenir votre confiance, il faut bien que je vous fasse confiance.
Well, turn it on we want to see if it works. What's the matter, don't you trust me?
Allume-le, je veux voir s'il marche.
I want you to trust me, Tina.
Je ne supporte pas que tu te méfies de moi.
If you want to get better, you must trust me now.
Si tu veux guérir, tu dois me faire confiance.
I just want you to trust me again.
Je voudrais que tu me fasses confiance.
- She can trust me. - She doesn't want to see you.
Elle ne veut pas vous voir.
Oh, trust me. You'll be able to taste all you want.
- Tu goûteras ce que tu voudras.
You just want me to drop everything now and just trust you?
Que je vais tout laisser tomber et te refaire confiance?
If you want my help you have to trust me.
Il faut le croire.
I'm familiar with your life and I want you to trust me.
Je connais votre vie, et je veux que vous me fassiez confiance.
I want you to trust me.
Fais-moi confiance.
Drop the gun! I want you to trust me.
Lâche ton pétard!
But I want you to trust me.
Mais aie confiance en moi.
If we want to thrive, you must trust in me.
Si nous voulons prospérer, tu dois me faire confiance.
I want you to take a chance and trust me.
Je veux que tu saisisses ta chance et que tu me fasses confiance.
I want you to trust in John Kelly. And I want you to let me do my job... ... which right now is preparing him for cross.
Gina zarone, fais confiance à John Kelly... laisse-moi faire mon métier et préparer son audience.
I want you to trust me on this.
Fais-moi confiance.
Listen, if you want to live, you got to trust me.
Si vous voulez rester en vie, faites-moi confiance.
Trust me. You don't want to go to a hospital here.
Croyez-moi, je vous déconseille les hôpitaux du coin.
Trust me, son, - you don't want to make me mad.
Il ne vaut mieux pas me faire enrager.
You want me to trust a cop? !
Faire confiance à un flic?
Libby... it's hard to explain right now, and I do want to tell you, but I need you to trust me.
Libby, c'est difficile à expliquer pour le moment. Je veux vraiment t'en parler, mais tu dois me faire confiance.
Trust me, buddy, you want to take this call.
Crois-moi, tu dois prendre l'appel.
Trust me, you don't even want to be around this thing.
Vous feriez mieux de ne pas l'approcher.
! Maybe you feel that way now but trust me when you find out who killed Latha and Fala and maybe now Mobara you're not going to want to leave it to someone else.
C'est ce que tu penses maintenant, mais crois-moi, quand tu sauras qui a tué Latha, Fala et peut-être Mobara, tu voudras t'en occuper toi-même.
Even if you don't want to believe me, just once, can't you trust me?
Si tu ne peux me croire, peux-tu juste une fois me faire confiance?
Oh, believe me. Trust me. You definitely want to call her back.
Oh, crois-moi, tu veux vraiment la rappeler.
I want you all to trust me.
Je veux que vous me fassiez confiance.
I want you to trust me to make my own choices, and I want you to stop trying to control my life just because you can't control yours!
Tu contrôles ma vie au lieu de la tienne.

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