You won't get hurt translate French
176 parallel translation
You won't get hurt if you move fast!
Rien ne vous arrivera si vous faites vite!
You won't get hurt so much if you circle to the left away from his right.
Tu devrais tourner au loin de sa droite pour ne pas te faire tabasser.
[GUNFIRE] Stay on the floor, and you won't get hurt.
Cessez le feu dans cinq minutes ou nous abattrons Armstrong.
Sit down there, Pop, and you won't get hurt.
Assieds-toi là et tu n'auras pas de mal.
Hey, it won't hurt you to get a little sleep too, partner.
Hé, tu ferais bien de dormir un peu aussi, vieux pote.
Sit down. You won't get hurt. Hey, you.
Asseyez-vous... et y aura pas de bobo!
Mother won't let you get hurt.
Maman veille sur toi.
Then you won't get hurt.
Car alors tu seras en sécurité, tu vois?
If you won't help me, don't hurt me. She'll never get well or speak again...
Ne me faites pas de mal, elle ne se remettra et ne reparlera jamais
Take me to Mr. O'Neil and you won't get hurt.
Emmenez-moi voir M. O'Neil, vous n'aurez rien.
It won't be you who'll get hurt on the roads.
Ce n'est pas vous qui vous trouverez mal sur les routes!
Take it easy, pop. You won't get hurt.
Pas d'histoires, vieux.
Open up and you won't get hurt.
Ouvre et on te fera rien!
Just sit tight and you won't get hurt.
Tiens ta langue ou gare!
You won't get hurt, your buddy's good with guns.
Maintenant, tiens-là! Tu risques rien.
Now, if you do as you're told, you won't get hurt.
Si vous faites ce que je dis, tout ira bien.
Just do like I say, you won't get hurt.
- Faites ce que je vous dis.
You be very careful and don't get hurt, won't you?
Faites bien attention à vous.
Well, the point is that if you're yourself, you won't get hurt.
Le fait est que si tu restes toi-même, rien ne te blesse.
Just come on out and you won't get hurt.
Sors de là et tu n'auras rien.
OK, folks! Come out and you won't get hurt.
Sortez, on ne vous fera pas de mal.
Maybe you won't get hurt, but
Il s "agit de toi. Je veux que tu t" engages en étant sûre.
They won't hurt you. Get off!
Tu n'auras point de mal.
Now, don't scream, and you won't get hurt.
Ne criez pas et tout ira bien.
You stick to the hallway and your room and you won't get hurt.
Contente-toi du couloir et de ta chambre et il ne t'arrivera rien.
I won't let you ever get scared or hurt.
Je ne veux pas que tu souffres.
Stand clear, you won't get hurt.
Il ne vous arrivera rien.
Stay at this end of town and you won't get hurt.
Restez de ce côté de la ville et tout se passera bien.
All right, everybody, clear the streets and you won't get hurt.
Tout le monde degage, on ne vous fera pas de mal.
You're under arrest. Come quietly, and you won't get hurt.
Je vous arrête.
You won't get hurt as long as you keep talking.
Parle et il ne t'arrivera rien.
As long as you're a good boy, you won't get hurt.
Maintenant qu'on se connait, rentrez tranquillement.
- Don't kick or butt with your head and you won't get hurt.
- Ne faites pas le malin et vous ne serez pas blessé.
If you disappear quietly, you won't get hurt.
Tu ferais mieux de te tirer...
Step back and you won't get hurt.
Reculez, c'est dangereux.
- Do as you're told and you won't get hurt!
- Obéissez et il ne vous arrivera rien!
Just do what we say, baby, and you won't get hurt.
Fais juste ce qu'on dit, bébé, et tu n'auras pas de mal.
Sit tight and you won't get hurt.
Reste calme et tu risques rien.
- Throw it down, so when you jump you won't get hurt.
- Oui. - Jetez-le. Il amortira votre chute.
You won't believe this, this is the first time I've been hurt. You better stop by and get some stitches in that hand.
Ca va vous surprendre, mais c'est la première fois de ma vie que je suis bléssé.
Just don't try nothing and you won't get hurt.
Ne fais rien et il t'arrivera rien.
Take it easy and you won't get hurt.
Du calme et il ne vous arrivera rien.
Do what you're told and you won't get hurt.
Faites ce qu'on dit et tout ira bien.
Now, if this guy goes off half-cocked and gets himself hurt... you're gonna get such bad publicity, you won't believe it.
Mais si ce type foire et qu'il se fait blesser... vous aurez une si mauvaise publicité que vous vous en remettrez jamais.
Come out now and you won't get hurt.
Sortez maintenant et on vous fera pas de mal!
Come out now, and you won't get hurt.
Sortez et on vous fera pas de mal!
Come out now, and you won't get hurt.
Vous êtes en état d'arrestation.! Sortez maintenant et on vous fera pas de mal.!
Just tell us how we get out of here, keep quiet and you won't get hurt.
Aide-nous à sortir d'ici et on ne te fera rien.
Don't turn around, and you won't get hurt.
Te retourne pas et il t'arrivera rien.
You won't get hurt.
On ne te fera pas de mal.
Charlie, I guarantee you won't get hurt.
Charlie, je te garantis qu'il ne te fera pas de mal.
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't get it 34
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't get it 34
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161