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Zeng translate French

84 parallel translation
Right, my name is not as popular as tycoons like Yu Zhen Ting Zeng Gen Bao.
Évidemment... Je n'ai pas un nom, moi! Par rapport aux Yu Zhen-ting, Zeng Gen-bao, je ne fais pas le poids.
Master Zeng. This afternoon Qiu Lian Huan went to the girl who was kept by Xiao Kai and caused trouble.
Chou Lian-huan est allé chez la maîtresse de Xiao-kai.
Master Zeng.
Patron Zeng.
Call Master Zeng.
Appelez-moi Zeng.
To have to fight against Yu Zhen Ting is bad enough and now you provoke Zeng Gen Bao too.
Tu t'en prends aussi à Zeng Gen-bao?
If you bump into Zeng Gen Bao's men you'll be dead.
Tu es grièvement blessé. S'ils t'attrapent, ils te tueront.
You know he established himself by the Knife gang they are desperados
Zeng Gen-bao s'appuie sur le gang des Couteaux. Pour eux, une vie ne compte pas.
Master Zeng Gen Bao.
Zeng Gen-bao.
Who am I to have such an honour!
Je ne suis rien du tout, moi. Que me veut le patron Zeng?
Don't worry, Master Zeng will treat you well.
T'inquiète pas, le patron ne te fera pas de mal.
Not that serious. He killed Master Zeng's men.
Il a tué une dizaine de nos hommes.
Tell Master Zeng by yourself
Tu le diras à M. Zeng.
His men have been bought by Master Zeng.
Zeng a acheté ses hommes.
Zeng Gen Bao has bought off all your men.
Zeng Gen-bao a acheté tous tes hommes.
They are like Zeng Gen Bao too.
Et comme Zeng Gen-bao.
We'll stay with Master Zeng
On reste avec M. Zeng.
Master Zeng has an errand for us.
Il nous a donné un travail à faire.
Master Zeng went to examine goods at some companies.
Il est allé vérifier de la marchandise.
Zeng Gen Bao is taking care of his funeral. They also said that Zeng Gen Bao has taken over all of Yu Zhen Ting's business
Zeng s'occupe des funérailles et aurait déjà fait main basse sur ses territoires.
The matter is now very clear. It's Zeng Gen Bao who is playing all the tricks.
C'est Zeng Gen-bao qui a monté toute l'affaire.
Zeng Gen Bao is looking for you.
Zeng Gen-bao te cherche partout.
When Zeng Gen Bao comes, give him my regards
Tu transmettras mes salutations à Zeng Gen-bao.
Master Zeng looks highly on me after all.
Zeng, tu as une haute idée de moi.
Lin Chong, I'm Zeng Tu Let's see how good you are
Instructeur Lin, veuillez m'enseigner.
Please, Mr. Zeng
Monsieur Tseng, je vous en prie.
I'm grateful for General Zen's grooming.
Le maréchal Zeng m'apprécie.
People from General Zen said... there're some rumors about Governor Ma.
Les hommes du maréchal Zeng lui ont rapporté des rumeurs qui vous font du tort.
The government has its view on this case. Officer Zen will handle this case...
La Cour a chargé le maréchal Zeng de s'occuper de cette affaire.
Please read the letter from Officer Zen.
Voici la lettre du maréchal Zeng.
Zen's idea is that the criminal, not only murdered a royal officer but, also his god-brother. It's a severe crime!
Le maréchal Zeng conclut qu'ayant tué un mandarin, de surcroît son frère de sang, son crime est abominable.
If this is what Zen thinks, we'll follow his viewpoint.
Il faut se soumettre à la volonté du maréchal Zeng.
Hang, follow me to get some medicine Yes
Zeng Xing, viens chercher la potion.
Yi Yanzhong, Zeng Junwei ( Hong Kong )
Yi Yanzhong, Zeng Junwei ( Hong Kong )
Production Supervisor Zeng Qanghui
Directeur de production : Zeng Qanghui
Miss Tseng?
Mlle Zeng?
Tien Yeng Seng is holding the kids hostage and asked you to bring the money
Zeng a pris des otages, et vous a envoyés récupérer son fric.
Zeng! Fly to Chor Ghom Prison and tell them to double the guards double their weapons double everything!
Zeng! tout!
Oh Zeng.
Father, those do not must be rewarded by heaven with fortune
Zeng Can, disciple de Confucius Le Ciel offre le bonheur à l'homme bienveillant.
He says General Zhuo would defeat General Zeng.
Il dit que le général Zhuo va battre Zeng.
Rumor has it Zeng's forces are already fleeing.
Le bruit court que Zeng est déjà en fuite.
Not necessarily. Zeng is backed by the Japs.
Mais Zeng est soutenu par les Japonais.
She's General Zeng's girl...
L'amie du général Zeng.
Colonel, both General Zhuo and General Zeng are there.
Colonel. Ils sont là tous les deux. Le général Zhuo et le général Zeng.
General Zeng : Northeast Troops
Général Zeng Armée du Nord-Est
General Zeng tells me all the time that he trusts and respects you.
Le général Zeng m'a souvent exprimé sa confiance et son respect envers vous.
Colonel, we support Commander Zeng. Why did we try to kill his son?
Colonel, si nous soutenons le commandant Zeng, pourquoi tenter de tuer son fils?
Tell Zeng Gen Bao
Dis à Zeng Gen-bao
Tsang Hang
Zeng Xing!
"Miss Tseng Yazhu"
Mademoisele Zeng Yazhu
Come on, there are drinks waiting for us.
Zeng Dian, disciple de Confucius Maître dit qu'optimiser ses moyens militaires est un art.

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