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Zippy translate French

151 parallel translation
- I'm sure it's a zippy little community.
- Quelle communauté active!
Good-bye, fuzzy, zippy, zingo, starr.
- Salut, chérie. Salut, Fuzzy.
Oh, Iggy, on your way out, could you take out the garbage?
Salut, Zippy, Zingo, Starr. Tu peux sortir les ordures en partant?
Z, my name is Zippy And my husband's name is Zorro
Je m'appelle Zippy Mon mari s'appelle Zorro
This Isn't Like Zippy, Your Imaginary Friend?
Ce n'est pas comme Zippy, ton ami imaginaire?
You Said The Same Thing About Zippy.
Tu as dit la même chose de Zippy.
Sure you don't need any help keeping zippy under control?
Pas besoin d'aide pour contrôler Zippy?
You're afraid he might look like Zippy the Pinhead.
Tu as peur qu'il soit défiguré?
And like that's not bad enough... he took my Mr. Zippy patch.
Comme si ça ne suffisait pas, il a pris ma plaque de M. Boute-en-train.
Who knew the Zippy Mart was still open on Christmas Eve?
J'ignorais que le supermarché était ouvert aussi tard pour le réveillon.
I see someone feels zippy.
Voici quelqu'un plein d'allant.
Full of zippy dates and zesty names?
Y a des dates et des noms excitants?
Carter, you and Teal'c keep an eye on Zippy's kids.
Carter, Teal'c, surveillez les gosses de Zippy.
Just stay away from Zippy and his gaggle of Goa'ulds, OK?
vous restez éloignés de Zippy et son troupeau d'affreux, ok?
You harpoon me for being engaged... when, in a zippy and unexpected twist, you yourself turn out to have a fiance.
Vous m'avez reproché d'être fiancé et par un retournement de situation inattendu, vous vous avêrez l'être.
Perhaps a zippy cartwheel...
Peut-être exécuter une pirouette...
Is this Zippy Print in Dallas?
Zippy Print à Dallas?
No, zippy, read your thing!
Non, monsieur l'éclair, lis ton truc!
- Just cool it, Zippy. WOMAN : Smile.
Cool, mon pote.
It wasn't Captain Zippy's Rave, or fantastic, potent, herbal Viagra?
Ce n'était pas les raves de Captain Zippy ou du fantastique Viagra aux herbes?
I mean... Eric's got that Zippy personality and Kelso's old man.
Eric a du peps et Kelso fait très viril.
- Yeah, that is "Zippy Tee."
- Oui, c'est "Zippy Tee".
Well, gadzooks, Zippy's getting his freak on.
Ça alors, Flash va tirer sa crampe.
- Okay, listen to me, Zippy.
Ecoute-moi bien, Zébulon.
Look at him there. He looks more like Zippy from Rainbow. Hello!
* équivalent Kermit du Muppet Show
Berta one, Zippy one.
Berta, un, Joyeux, un.
You know, with Zippy out of here... ... you're gonna have that nice guest room just go to waste.
Vous savez, comme Joyeux va partir, vous allez avoir une chambre d'amis qui ne servira à rien.
Hmm, zippy the pinhead with a smashing idea.
- Zippy l'idiot a une idée géniale.
Zippy Cola is a client of First Fidelity.
Sippy Cola, un client de First Fidelity.
Also seems I've saved Zippy Cola from a multimillion-dollar suit.
De plus, j'ai épargné à Zippy Cola un procès de plusieurs millions de dollars.
Nose work, zippy.
Rhinoplastie, mon pote.
Back off, zippy.
Ne vous approchez pas.
Hey Zippy!
Hé, Zippy!
No zippy one-liners?
- Pas de bonnes blagues?
- Zippy.
Zippy is kind of an affectionate nickname.
Zippy, c'est un petit surnom très sympa.
- Out of the way, Zippy.
- Allez, barrez-vous, Zippy.
Show me a movie about Christ's life, or Christ walking around going like, you, get up, Zippy.
Où est le pain? II arrive!
What happened to zippy?
Qu'est-ce qui est arrivé à Zippy?
- Is zippy dead?
- Zippy est mort?
Zippy was a good bird.
Zippy était un gentil oiseau.
Hey, zippy.
Salut, Zippy.
I had Zippy kiss him.
Zippy lui a fait un bisou.
Zippy kissed him.
Zippy l'a embrassé.
And Zippy.
Et Zippy.
Zippy was dead the day before yesterday.
Zippy était mort avant-hier.
Zippy, Jesus Christ almighty.
Zippy, nom de Dieu.
My bird zippy Conveyed to me, Despite the obvious Dissimilarities between us, We become friends.
Mon oiseau Zippy m'a suggéré que malgré les différences manifestes qu'iI y a entre nous, nous devenions amis.
I can take a check. Hey. zippy.
Hé, le vif éclair.

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