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Aldous translate Portuguese

185 parallel translation
Do we have the privilege of greeting Aldous Gajic?
Será que temos o privilégio de cumprimentar Aldous Gajic?
- Just Aldous, please.
- Apenas Aldous, por favor.
Although I may have temporarily taken leave of my sanity I withdraw my former judgment and remand Thomas into the remedial custody of Aldous Gajic.
Apesar de que talvez tenha perdido temporariamente a minha sanidade eu retiro o meu anterior veredicto e entrego Thomas para a custodia temporária de Aldous Gajic.
That Aldous character agreed to rehabilitate Jinxo.
Aquele Aldous concordou em reabilitar Jinxo.
This is Aldous Gajic.
Este é Aldous Gajic.
They got Aldous!
Eles apanharam Aldous!
They've got Aldous.
Eles têm o Aldous.
So is Aldous.
O Aldous também.
I'll find it, Aldous.
Eu encontrarei, Aldous.
Are you speaking of Aldous or someone else?
Está a falar de Aldous ou de outra pessoa?
Aldous Huxley also said, "But I like the inconveniences."
O Aldous Huxley também disse "Mas os inconvenientes agradam-me."
What would Aldous Huxley say?
O que diria Aldous Huxley?
Um, Aldous...
Aldous something.
Aldous não sei quê.
Aldous, uh...
Aldous Huxtable.
Aldous Huxtable.
Aldous Huxley didn't even dream of that.
Nem Aldous Huxley sonhou com isso.
Aldous Huxley on LSD, Rainer Werner Fassbinder on cocaine.
Aldous Huxley, LSD ; Rainer W Fassbinder, cocaína.
Lead singer and notorious lothario, Aldous Snow, begs us to change in his environmental anthem, We've Got to Do Something.
O cantor e famoso libertino, Aldous Snow, implora-nos que mudemos SODOMIZEM A INTOLERÂNCIA no seu hino ambiental, Temos de Fazer Algo.
Aldous, this is Peter.
Aldous, este é o Peter.
Hey, I'm Aldous Snow.
Eu sou o Aldous Snow.
- Aldous.
- Aldous.
- That's Aldous Snow right there.
- Aquele é o Aldous Snow.
Sounds like Aldous probably shared a lot of needles, so thank you for dating him after me.
Parece que o Aldous partilhou muitas seringas, obrigado por andares com ele depois de mim.
I'm no Aldous Snow, I guess, you know.
Não sou nenhum Aldous Snow, acho eu.
Let's see if we can get him up here, Mr. Aldous Snow.
Vejamos se o conseguimos trazer ao palco, Sr. Aldous Snow.
ALDOUS : Thank you.
Aldous gave you gonorrhea?
O Aldous transmitiu-te gonorreia?
Where's Aldous?
Onde está o Aldous?
Aldous, Sarah, this is Rachel.
Aldous, Sarah, esta é a Rachel.
- ALDOUS : I hated it.
- Detestei-o.
- Aldous.
" Oh, I'm Aldous Snow.
" Sou o Aldous Snow.
- Sarah and Aldous broke up this morning.
- A Sarah e o Aldous acabaram esta manhã.
Carlos Castaneda, Aldous Huxley, Werner Heisenberg all focused... on one single elementary truth :
Carlos Castaneda, Aldous Huxley, Werner Heisenberg, todos eles se concentraram numa única verdade elementar :
This is a scientific dictatorship which Bertrand Russell said, and the Huxleys said, both Aldous and Julian Huxley said, they would bring in the scientifically-controlled society.
Isto é uma ditadura científica que o Bertrand Russell disse, e os Huxley disseram, tanto o Aldous e o Julian Huxley disseram, trariam uma sociedade cientificamente controlada.
This is Zoe Salmon, and I'm on the set of international rock star Aldous Snow's new music video, African Child.
Sou a Zoe Salmon e estou no local de gravações do novo videoclip da música "Criança africana" da estrela de rock internacional Aldous Snow.
It turns out, it isn't. Aldous'long time girl friend and mother of their son, Naples, model pop star Jackie Q.
A namorada de longa data de Aldous e a mãe do filho destes, Naples, a modelo e "pop star" Jackie Q.
What do you love most about Aldous?
O que adora mais no Aldous?
Jackie, Aldous, welcome back to Showbiz Tonight.
Jackie, Aldous, bem-vindos de volta ao Showbiz Tonight.
How are things going, Aldous?
Como vão as coisas, Aldous?
The old Aldous would have, you know, had his way with you.
O velho Aldous já te estaria a comer.
- I'm just saying. Tell you what, time to invest in Jack Daniel's,'cause Aldous Snow is off the wagon.
Está na altura de investir na Jack Daniel's, porque o Aldous Snow passou-se.
Aldous Snow's father and former manager, Jonathan Snow, has written a tell-all book.
O pai e antigo agente de Aldous Snow, Jonathan Snow, escreveu um livro que explica tudo.
Well, I managed Aldous for the first two years of his career.
Geri a carreira do Aldous nos seus dois primeiros anos.
Yeah, you're watching Aldous Snow on TMZ!
Está a ver o Aldous Snow na TMZ!
- ALDOUS : Right.
- Pois é.

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