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Babineaux translate Portuguese

105 parallel translation
And when was the next time you heard from Elliot, Mrs. Babineaux?
E quando foi que você falou novamente com o Elliot? Sra. Babineaux?
Mrs. Babineaux, the defendant claims that under the circumstances...
Sra Babineaux, a ré defende que diante das circunstâncias...
You hear Ms. Georgina Babineaux talk about her husband's will to live?
Ouviu a senhora Georgina Babineaux falando sobre a vontade do marido de viver.
Huell Babineaux.
Huell Babineaux.
All right, Mr. Babineaux.
Muito bem, Mr. Babineaux.
Just thinking about what Babineaux said about the van being dirty and the shovel that Walt had with him.
Estou a pensar no que o Babineaux disse sobre a carrinha estar suja e a pá que o Walt tinha com ele.
Detective Babineaux, my resident, Olivia Moore.
Detective Babineaux, a minha interna, Olivia Moore.
You have to tell Detective Babineaux.
Tens que contar ao detective Babineaux.
You're not in vice anymore, Babineaux.
Já não estás nos narcóticos, Babineaux.
I wanted to see Detective Babineaux.
Queria falar com o detective Babineaux.
I've got, uh, computer forensics on the line for Babineaux.
Tenho em linha a secção informática para o Babineaux.
Detective Babineaux.
Detective Babineaux.
Detective babineaux, homicide.
- Detective Babineaux, Homicídios.
Well, let me guess, you're babineaux.
Bem, deixe-me adivinhar, é o Babineaux.
Detective Babineaux, he was your partner?
O detective Babineaux era o seu parceiro?
Clive Babineaux.
Clive Babineaux.
Your former partner told me you got suspended. Hey, it's Babineaux.
A tua ex-parceira disse-me que tinhas estado suspenso.
Put me through to Devore.
É o Babineaux.
Detective Babineaux, what can we do for you?
Detective Babineaux, o que podemos fazer por si?
Detective Babineaux, Seattle PD.
Detective Babineaux, Seattle PD.
Hi, Detective Babineaux?
Olá, detective Babineaux?
Babineaux, every morning I start with a little quiet time.
Babineaux, começo todas as manhãs com um pouco de calma.
And I don't care if come Sunday you find your own mother dead in her kitchen with an ax in her head. If Mama Babineaux ain't on the board in red, she's what?
E não me interessa se num domingo encontrar a sua própria mãe morta na cozinha com um machado na cabeça, se a mamã Babineaux não estiver a vermelho no quadro, é o quê?
Congratulations, Babineaux, you managed to get it on the board.
Parabéns, Babineaux, conseguiu colocá-la no quadro.
Congrats, Babineaux.
Parabéns, Babineaux.
- Babineaux.
Detective babineaux?
- Detective Babineaux?
" detective clive babineaux confirmed the seattle police's misplaced priorities.
" O detective Clive Babineaux confirma as más prioridades da polícia de Seattle.
- Babineaux.
- Babineaux.
I'm detective babineaux, And this is olivia moore from the medical examiner's office.
Sou o detective Babineaux, e esta é Olivia Moore do gabinete do médico legista.
I'm Detective Babineaux, and this is Olivia Moore from the Medical Examiner's office.
Sou o Detective Babineaux. E esta é Olívia Moore, do Instituto de Medicina Legista.
I'm Detective Babineaux and this is Medical Examiner Moore with the Seattle PD.
Sou o detective Babineaux e esta é a médica legista Moore da polícia de Seattle.
- Clive Babineaux.
- Clive Babineaux.
Detective Babineaux, Seattle PD.
Detective Babineaux, polícia de Seattle.
I'm Detective Babineaux.
- Detective Babineaux?
- O detective Babineaux? - Ele não esteve cá.
Don't mock the Devil, Clive Babineaux.
Não ridicularize o Diabo, Clive Babineaux.
I'm Detective Clive Babineaux, and this is medical examiner Olivia Moore.
Sou o detective Clive Babineaux, e esta é a médica legista Olívia Moore.
Are you Babineaux?
É o Babineaux?
Help her out with whatever she needs, Babineaux.
Ajudá-la com o que quer ela precisa, Babineaux.
Clive Babineaux, Seattle PD.
Clive Babineaux, polícia de Seattle.
Not a good day for team babineaux.
Não é um bom dia para a equipa Babineaux.
The gun registered to one clive babineaux?
A arma registada em nome do Clive Babineaux?
Lola, Detective Babineaux is here.
Lola, está aqui o detective Babineaux.
Babineaux. LIV :
- Babineaux.
Clive babineaux.
Clive Babineaux.
You still there? Woman on phone : Detective babineaux, are you saying the seattle pd
Detective Babineaux, está a dizer que a polícia de Seattle serve os seus próprios interesses à frente dos interesses dos cidadãos que deviam proteger?
I'd like to talk to you.
Sou o Detective Babineaux.
- Babineaux.

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