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Bainbridge translate Portuguese

81 parallel translation
Bainbridge and Sons.
Bainbridge e Filho.
Bainbridge or something.
Bainbridge, ou algo assim.
Are you the boy that brought Bainbridge Corwin's body back from Chickamauga?
Foi você o rapaz que trouxe o corpo de Bainbridge Corwyn desde Chikanawa?
Mrs Bainbridge.
Sra. Bainbridge.
The Remarkab / e Mrs Bainbridge.
A Extraordinária Sra. Bainbridge.
It's called The Amazing Mrs Bainbridge.
Chama-se a Fantástica Sra. Bainbridge.
The Amazing Mrs Bainbridge.
A Fantástica Sra. Bainbridge.
Who was in The Amazing Mrs Bainbridge?
Quem entrava na Fantástica Sra. Bainbridge?
I certainly think so. And guess what - I have a surprise for you. Mrs. Rhonda Bainbridge, in person, on my show.
Eu creio que sim e adivinhem, tenho uma surpresa para vocês, em pessoa, no meu programa, a sra. Rhonda Bainbridge,,
The widow of Edward Bainbridge, whom, as we all know, was "Machine Gun" Joe Viterbo's first score.
A viúva de Edward Bainbridge que como já sabem, foi atropelado por Joe metralhadora.
If you don't have a date, I bought this new Barry Manilow record today... it's Mary Lou Bainbridge, if you throw out my number again...
Se não tens namorada, comprei hoje o novo disco do Barry Manilow... É a Mary Lou Bainbridge, se voltas a deitar fora o meu número...
Bainbridge Hospital, can I help you?
Hospital Bainbridge, posso ajudar?
Bainbridge Hospital, may I help you?
Hospital Bainbridge, posso ajudar?
Later, that year, I took him to Bainbridge.
Mais tarde, nesse ano, levei-o a Bainbridge.
The hoist was sold to a guy named Bainbridge, who tried to build a machine works out near Delano.
O guindaste era do tal de Bainbridge, que tentou montar um negócio em Delano.
Bainbridge ends up in bankruptcy court, and the state winds up with the land.
Ele foi à falência, e o Estado ficou com a propriedade.
And the judge is Everett Bainbridge, if I'm not wrong.
Se não me engano o juíz é o Everett Bainbridge.
And Mr. Bainbridge is taking a very, very close look at these dogs.
E o Sr. Bainbridge está a examinar muito, muito de perto estes cães.
Vaughn will be escorting the Caplans to Bainbridge Island.
O Vaughn vai acompanhar os Caplan para a Bainbridge Island.
Doreen Bainbridge locks her doors every night. Says the girl next door does the same.
Doreen Bainbridge tranca a porta todas as noites e diz que a vizinha do lado faz o mesmo.
Doreen Bainbridge works in the corporate field and Joanne Crooks is a dancer, so feels like completely different social circles.
A Doreen Bainbridge trabalha em advocacia, e a Joanne Crooks é bailarina, ou seja, devem ter círculos de amigos muito diferentes.
Do you know Doreen Bainbridge?
- Conheçes uma Doreen Bainbridge?
- With a Bainbridge algorithm.
- Com um algoritmo Bainbridge.
Oh, tell us about Arthur Bainbridge.
Conta-nos sobre Arthur Bainbridge.
Hrothbert of Bainbridge I summon you...
Hrothbert of Bainbridge convoco-te...
Hrothbert of Bainbridge I sum...
Hrothbert of Bainbridge convo...
That Harry, is your new teacher and his name is Rothbert of Bainbridge.
Aquilo Harry, é o teu novo professor e chama-se Rothbert of Bainbridge.
We're joined now via satellite from Bainbridge Island, Washington, By Jerry's fellow mob expert Manny Safier, The author of the new book "The Wise Guide to Wiseguys."
Junta-se agora a nós, a partir de Bainbridge Island, Washington, o colega de Jerry especialista na Máfia, Manny Safier, autor do novo livro "Guia Sobre os Mafiosos".
Bainbridge Press.
- A Bainbridge Press.
His colleague, Ken Bainbridge, put it another way when he leaned close to Oppenheimer and whispered,
O seu colega, Ken Bainbridge fez outra leitura, ao sussurrar a Oppenheimer,
There's a clinic on Bainbridge Island.
Há uma clínica em Bainbridge Island.
Bronx-bound 34 to Bainbridge will be departing in 15 minutes.
O Bronx 34 para Bainbridge partirá dentro de 15 minutos...
And all I have to do is proof his Bainbridge briefs.
E só tenho que verificar os sumários dele da Bainbridge.
Mike Ross, allow me to introduce the Bainbridge briefs.
Mike Ross, permite-me que te apresente os sumários de Bainbridge.
At the same time I gave you my Bainbridge briefs, which you haven't finished.
Na mesma altura que te dei os meus sumários da Bainbridge, que ainda não acabaste.
I looked through your work on the Bainbridge briefs.
Estive a rever o teu trabalho nos sumários de Bainbridge.
You heard she's kicking it these days up at the Bainbridge corrections facility for women?
Sabia que nos dias de correm ela está a cumprir pena no Centro Correcional Feminino de Bainbridge?
CTF 151, this is Bainbridge CharlieOscar. Over.
CTS 151, aqui é o comando do Bainbridge.
Bainbridge CO has until your arrival to negotiate a surrender. But upon boarding, you will assume command.
O Comandante vai negociar uma rendição até à vossa chegada, mas ao chegarem, vão assumir o comando operacional.
Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge.
Barco salva-vidas do Alabama, aqui fala Frank Castellano, Comandante do USS Bainbridge.
Lieutenant Hicks.
Sou o Tenente do USS Bainbridge.
Bainbridge, this is RHIB 3.
Bainbridge, aqui é o bote 3 :
Bainbridge to lifeboat, you must surrender.
Bainbridge para o salva-vidas : Rendam-se.
Halyburton, Boxer. This is Bainbridge.
Halyburton, Boxer, aqui é Bainbridge.
Captain Phillips is safe and en route. Bainbridge, over. Well done, everybody.
O Capitão Phillips está seguro no Bainbridge.
I wanna introduce to you Adrian Kaling and Kent Bainbridge, the young scientists that developed this fantastic drug.
Apresento-lhes Adrian Kaling e Kent Bainbridge, os jovens cientistas que desenvolveram o medicamento.
I found Bainbridge and Kaling when they were working in a garage in grad school.
Encontrei o Bainbridge e o Kaling quando trabalhavam numa garagem na pós-graduação.
Lived out on bainbridge island.
Morava na Ilha Bainbridge.
Professor Weldon holds the Bainbridge Chair in Comparative Literature and she's about to publish what will prove to be - the definitive work on Jane Austen.
A Professora Weldon dirige a cadeira de Literatura Comparativa e está prestes a publicar o que se provará ser o trabalho definitivo sobre Jane Austen.
"Dear Mr.. Holmes, my name is Bainbridge."
" Caro Sr. Holmes, chamo-me Bainbridge.
It's "sailor". And Bainbridge thinks his stalker is a bloke.
Gostam de marinheiros, e o Bainbridge acha que é um perseguidor.

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