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Bobby singer translate Portuguese

44 parallel translation
Talked to a guy who knows guy who knows Bobby Singer, And, yeah, looks like the Winchesters were at ground zero When the gate was popped.
Falei com alguém que conhece um cara que conhece Bobby Singer, e sim, parece que os Winchester estavam no local quando o portão foi aberto.
You said this was for Bobby Singer, right?
Disseste que isto era para o Bobby Singer, certo?
Uh, I'm Dean Winchester, I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's.
Sou o Dean Winchester. Sou amigo do Bobby Singer.
Tell that bastard bobby singer to go to hell For ever introducing me to you two in the first place.
Digam ao canalha do Bobby Singer para ir para o Inferno por vos ter apresentado a mim.
Is this Bobby singer?
É o Bobby Singer?
So you know Bobby singer?
Conhece o Bobby Singer?
Here's what I know about Bobby singer.
O que eu sei sobre o Bobby Singer, é que ele é uma ameaça.
Friend of Bobby singer's.
Um amigo de Bobby Singer.
Bobby singer.
Bobby Singer.
Bobby Singer...
- Marcy.
- how long have we been neighbors?
- Bobby Singer. - Há quanto tempo somos vizinhos?
Is that Bobby Singer?
É o Bobby Singer?
Bobby Singer sent me.
Venho da parte do Bobby Singer.
Bobby Singer.
Bobby Singer.
So the character in the show, Bobby Singer...
Então a personagem Bobby Singer...
If there was a demon counterpart to Bobby Singer... Ellsworth would be it.
Se houvesse um demónio equivalente ao Bobby Singer, seria o Ellsworth.
Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard.
Bobby Singer, bastardo paranóico.
That has to be it.
Bobby Singer. Tem de ser este.
Bobby Singer, you had better be washed up when you come down.
Bobby Singer, é bom que tenhas as mãos lavadas quando desceres.
Bobby Singer, my hero.
Bobby Singer, o meu herói.
This is Bobby Singer's direct hot line.
Esta é a linha direta do Bobby Singer.
- Bobby Singer?
- Bobby Singer?
Bobby Singer sent us.
Foi o Bobby Singer que nos enviou.
Bobby Singer sent us.
Bobby Singer mandou-nos.
Bobby Singer sent us.
Bobby Singer enviou-nos.
Is Bobby Singer there?
É o Bobby Singer?
My dad asked me to call Bobby Singer specifically.
O meu pai disse-me para ligar ao Bobby Singer especificamente.
I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's.
Sou um amigo do Bobby Singer.
I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's.
Sou amigo do Bobby Singer. Estou procurando umas informações.
I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's.
Sou amigo do Bobby Singer.
I am the reaper who took Bobby Singer to hell.
Sou o Ceifeiro que levou o Bobby Singer para o Inferno.
Bobby Singer. I'd know you anywhere.
Bobby Singer, reconhecer-te-ia sempre.
- We're here on behalf of Bobby Singer.
Estamos aqui em nome do Bobby Singer.
- Our surrogate dad, Bobby Singer, did.
O nosso pai adotivo, o Bobby Singer, conhecia-a.
Killing you is the next best thing to killing Bobby Singer.
Matá-lo é quase como matar o Bobby Singer.
- Bobby Singer?
- O Bobby Singer?
Bitsy Von Muffling had recently married cabaret singer Bobby Fine... known to everyone, but Bitsy, as the gayest gay man alive.
A Bitsy Von Muffling casara-se com o cantor de cabaré Bobby Fine, que todos, excepto a Bitsy, sabiam ser o gay mais gay do mundo.
Friend of Bobby Singer's.
amigo do Bobby Singer.
- So you know Bobby Singer.
- Conhece o Bobby?
Bobby Singer.
Bobby Singer?
Bobby Singer?
My name is Bobby Singer.
Meu nome é Bobby Singer.

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