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Bowling translate Portuguese

2,130 parallel translation
Keep working on that bowling.
Continuar a praticar esse bowling.
We could do something fun like go bowling.
Podíamos fazer algo divertido como jogar bólingue.
bowling's his thing. Plus, we're having lunch with my mate Ben tomorrow.
Além disso, amanhã vamos almoçar com o meu amigo Ben.
And when will'the trofeo bowling Captain, the games are finished.
E quando a taça de bowling do capitão desaparecer, acabaram-se as apostas.
Then reach in,'look, a bowling ball'.
Mete a mão e, " Olha, uma bola de bowling.
I'm the one fucking pushing out a goddamn bowling ball
Mas que raio? Eu é que estou a parir uma bola de bowling, porra!
I'd hate to lose my father's bowling ball.
Odiaria perder a bola de boliche do meu pai.
- A bowling-scene.
- Bowling. - Bowling?
- Bowling?
A sério?
- It's only bowling. Comme on, what were you so afraid of?
- É só bowling, porquê esse medo todo?
" D : Bowling is the most popular sport in America and it is important that we fit in.
Bowling é o desporto mais popular da América, e é importante jogarmos.
I thought we're going bowling.
- Pensei que iríamos ao bowling.
If we were just bowling.
Se formos ao bowling.
Just think, years from now you're gonna have a big huge family and you're gonna wanna share stories and one of the stories will be that when you were in high school put a bowling ball at your chemistry teacher's front porch.
Pensa nisso : criarás uma família irão querer ouvir histórias, e uma será de quando estava no liceu e deitaste uma bola de bowling na varanda do teu professor de química.
What's your daddy know about your bowling?
O que sabe o teu pai sobre a tua bola?
Well, he's godly in at all you know and to him it's just a game
Bom, bowling é apenas um jogo,
So we should actually go bowling.
Então, devias mesmo jogar bowling.
Bowling. That's what I get.
Bowling... é o que posso fazer.
- We're not going bowling.
- Não vamos ao bowling.
I saw you, 1989, Bowling Green University.
Eu vi-o, 1989, Universidade de Bowling Green.
Nothing. I was thinking of going bowling.
Nada, estava pensando em ir jogar boliche.
No, I don't know if they've got bowling anywhere.
Não, não sei se têem bowling em algum sitio.
And he might go have a look to see if there's a bowling alley around.
E é capaz de ir procurar um sitio onde se jogue bowling por aqui.
You realize there are no bowling alleys in Bruges?
Sabes que não locais em Bruges para jogar bowling?
What are they gonna have, a medieval fucking bowling alley?
Que iriam eles ter, uma merda de um salão de bowling medieval?
Look, bro, when I see four girls in matching bowling shirts... that's how I roll, man.
Olha, bro, quando ver quatro garotas no boliche é isso que quero, cara.
It's a bowling alley.
É um salão de bowling.
Bowling, all right.
Bowling, está bem.
Mr. Wendell said I wasn't fit to work in the bowling industry.
Mr. Wendell disse que não tinha perfil para trabalhar na indústria do Bowling.
I'm 24 years old, with a college degree, I rent out bowling shoes for a living.
Tenho 24 anos, um curso, e ganho a vida a alugar sapatos de bowling.
You used to rent out bowling shoes.
Alugavas sapatos de bowling.
- All right. Are you guys part of a bowling team?
O último.
Your father's at the bowling alley!
! Ele está no bowling!
What are you doing here? ! I'm bowling here.
- Estamos a jogar bowling!
lawn bowling? Forget about it.
Um jogo de bólingue no jardim.
We're in a bowling alley.
Nós estamos num "Bowling".
I don't think there's a disabled list for rec league bowling, buddy.
Não acho que haja lista de lesionados na liga de "bowling", amigo.
Just'cause I'm getting married doesn't mean I'm not gonna be here for bowling night... or fishing weekend or Jason's biannual "porno palooza."
Só porque estou para casar não quer dizer que não estarei nas noites de "bowling"... No fim de semana de pesca ou no semestral "Pornopalooza" do Jason.
Are those eyeballs or bowling balls?
Isto são olhos ou bolas de bowling?
Oh, yeah, I just made up that my sister got robbed at gunpoint to get out of bowling?
Sim, inventei que apontaram uma pistola à minha irmã para fugir ao bowling?
Take his bowling shirts and the rest of his crap with you when you leave.
Leve as camisolas do bowling e as porcarias dele quando sair.
- Yeah, that's the bowling alley.
- Sim, ali é o salão de bowling.
It was the go-go'80s, the height of professional bowling, girls, limos, wristbands.
Eram os loucos anos 80, o apogeu do bowling profissional, miúdas, limosinas, pulseiras.
Oh, I'm supposed to take up a hobby.
E que eu tenha um passatempo. Estou a pensar em bowling...
I thought I picked up a tail leaving the bowling alley.
Pensei que me seguiam.
You know how they say she can suck a bowling ball through a straw.
Se fala por aí que ela faz o que quer.
- Do you believe it or not, there are bowling balls on the bowling line.
Acredite, no bowling eles têm bolas.
No bowling tonight.
Nada de bowling.
Said something about going out bowling.
Disse algo sobre ir jogar bowling?
First day of our high school careers.
Pertencem a uma equipa de bowling?

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