By the time i was translate Portuguese
865 parallel translation
I could read the Bible by the time I was seven years old.
Eu já lia a Bíblia aos 7 anos.
By the time I was your age, I had already killed a man.
Na tua idade já tinha matado um homem.
And yet I was a millionaire by the time I was 18.
E no entanto eu era um milionário aos 18 anos.
By the time I reached her, the door was closed.
Quando cheguei junto dela, a porta estava fechada.
I was just thinking. By the time we get home, I might own one of them.
Só estava a pensar, quando voltarmos, talvez seja dono de uma.
By the time we rolled into Philly, I was feeling okay.
Quando cruzávamos a Filadélfia, eu me sentia bem.
It's the first time I was ever told that by a policeman.
Foi a primeira vez um polícia me disse aquilo.
By the time I got down and ran for my rifle, Pa was hanging on the corral fence.
Quando desci e corri para agarrar o meu rifle, o meu pai estava pendurado na cerca.
It was all finished by the time I grew up.
Estava tudo pronto quando eu cresci.
I would have gone before, only I was afraid you mightn't be here by the time I'd finished.
Já podia ter falado com eles, mas receava que não estivesses aqui.
I thought I'd make him love me. And by the time that he asked me to marry him, I'd lied to myself inside for so long that I believed it was me he cared for and not the money.
Achei que podia vir a me amar, e quando me pediu em casamento... já me iludia há tanto tempo, que acreditei que me amava.
She come up fast in the middle of the night and by the time I had woke up, maybe there was five or six inches of snow on the ground.
Apareceu rapidamente a meio da noite e quando acordei, talvez já houvesse doze a quinze centímetros de neve no chão.
She was gone by the time I got to Hollywood.
Ela não estava lá na altura em que eu estive em Hollywood.
By the time I got there, my trailer was gone.
Quando cheguei lá, o meu trailer tinha desaparecido.
I should have known by this time that the wise thing to do was to stay out of your way when he's in the house.
Eu já deveria saber que a melhor coisa para fazer... era ficar longe de você quando ele está na casa.
Once I heard him scratchin'on our screen door... but he was gone by the time Atticus got there.
Uma vez ouvi-o a arranhar a janela da nossa porta... mas desapareceu antes de o Atticus lá chegar.
By the time the place was declared safe, I had this installed.
Quando o lugar foi declarado seguro, já eu tinha isto instalado.
By the time I came along, the company was hanging on the ropes.
Quando deitei mão à firma, ela estava nas últimas.
It was 23.15, Oceanic Time when Natasha and I left Alphaville by the peripheral roads
Eram 23.15, hora oceânica quando Natasha e eu saimos de Alphaville pela avenida periférica.
Yes, the last time I saw Kosovich he was showing his courage by trying to assassinate a parrot.
A última vez que vi Kosovich demonstrava a sua coragem tentando matar um papagaio.
By the time I got out my gun to help, why, he was already dead.
Quando peguei na minha arma para o ajudar, ele já estava morto.
That's the first time I was saved by the yellow bird.
Foi a primeira vez que fui salvo pelo pássaro amarelo.
By the time I got here, he was already the boss.
Quando cá cheguei, ele já era o chefe.
And then by the time I fired, the thing was already moving.
E, quando disparei, já se estava a mexer.
And I'd be thinkin'that he was just about to the Rio Grande by this time.
E agora deve estar perto do Rio Grande.
I have to say I was impressed by how he worked everything out ahead of time every delivery schedule, the mailbox key...
Tenho de dizer que fiquei impressionada como ele fez tudo com antecedência. Cada horário de entrega, a chave do correio.
So, I was walking by, because my head was somewhere else at the time.
Eu passei, pensando noutra coisa.
By the time the court declared him dead, this studio was near bankruptcy. I don't understand.
Quando o tribunal declarou a morte dele, o estúdio estava quase falido.
I thought it was absolutely unnecessary, because by the time the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima we were conducting negotiations with the Soviet government, looking towards an early end of hostilities. And we were completely exhausted.
Achei que era completamente desnecessário, porque quando largaram a bomba em Hiroshima estávamos em negociações com o governo soviético, à procura de um fim antecipado para as hostilidades e estávamos completamente exaustos.
By the time I got to him, he was covered with hot stuff.
Quando vi, estava coberto de entulho incandescente.
I was too late to save her. She'd been stabbed by the time I got there!
Cheguei tarde, tentei salvá-la, imbecil.
When I saw Claire again for the first time next summer... it was at a party given by, oh let's say, the X's near the Place de la Concorde.
Quando vi a Claire pela primeira vez nesse Verão foi numa festa dada no "X", perto da Place de la Concorde.
It was telling me that my time had come and that I must give way to someone by the name of Agrippa.
Dizia-me que a minha hora chegou. E que tenho de ceder o lugar a alguém com o nome de Agripa.
By the time I got there, my feet were so covered with blisters that all I could do was sit. I couldn't dance.
Quando lá cheguei, os meus pés tinham tantas feridas, que me limitei a ficar sentada, sem poder dançar.
Let me tell you about the time I was surrounded by Cylons.
Deixem-me contar-lhes a vez que fiquei cercado de Cylons.
Because I was at a football game with my kids, that's why. By the time I spoke with Dr. Levy, you were already over there.
Quando falei com o Dr. Levy... você já estava lá.
The other day, I was walking over by, uh, where I used to live, you know, a long time ago.
Outro dia passeava por aqui onde vivi há muito tempo.
By the time I got on the bicycle, I was ready to fall over dead.
Quando montei na bicicleta, estava pronto para cair duro.
I was through medical school by the time your mom and I got serious.
Eu já tinha acabado o curso de medicina quando a relação se tornou séria.
Consequently, as I was guilelessly reading my book, there was no gardener to come trotting by respectfully touching his forelock and registering the time on his grandfather's turnip watch. In short, Monsieur Poirot, I don't have the ghost of an alibi.
Enquanto eu estava lendo tranquilamente o meu livro, não cheguei a ver qualquer jardineiro, com relógio de bolso a registar a hora, assim, Monsieur Poirot, eu não tenho nenhum álibi.
At that time... I was really in love with him, I was spellbound... by the personality, the leader... by his political baggage.
E nessa época, eu estava muito apaixonada por ele, estava completamente fascinada, pela personagem, o dirigente, pela bagagem política que ele tinha.
This was the first time I was ever beaten up by a bunch of Bluebells.
Foi a primeira vez que fui espancado por um grupo de escuteiros.
I'm known because of the time of the struggle of the Jewish people I was one of the # # # # that made it possible to have what we have,... what we've been able to defend by the skin of our teeth.
Sou conhecida por que no tempo de luta pelo povo Judeu... eu era uma dum grupo que tornou possivel termos o que temos, o que fomos capazes de defender com todos os nossos esforços.
I also liked the way you fix the cops. You're good. By the time Callaghan was killed,
Também gostei da maneira como enganaste os chuis.
By the time he got out, Rachel and I were married, Lisa was nearly 7, and he flipped out.
Quando ele saiu da prisão, eu e a Rachel estávamos casados, a Lisa tinha perto de 7 anos e ele passou-se,
I used to hold onto this all the time just to make me feel like he was close by.
Costumava agarrá-lo, para sentir que ele estava perto.
But seriously, I stopped for gas the other day and the service was so slow... by the time they filled me up, my upholstery was out of style.
Mas falando sério, eu parei á dias para deitar gasolina e o serviço estava tão lento... que até que eles me enchessem a minha tapeçaria já estava fora de estilo.
Well, actually, I was by myself at the time.
Bem, por acaso eu estava sózinho na ocasião.
The first time I saw Blomquist's work... I was so overcome... so affected by its intensity... that I had to excuse myself from the exhibit... before I passed out from sheer exhaustion.
A primeira vez que vi a sua obra, fiquei tão comovido... tão afectado pela intensidade que... Bem... tive de me retirar antes que desmaiasse de pura exaustão.
By the time I got back here I thought I was gonna faint.
Quando cheguei aqui, pensei que ia desmaiar.
Well sir, I was away around at the lvy Plant for some brandy, and by the time I had brought it back the young woman had... well she wasn't here anymore.
Fui ao "Ivy Plant" buscar brandy para a reanimar e, quando voltei, a jovem tinha desaparecido.