By yourself translate Portuguese
3,727 parallel translation
You're not going in a dark hallway by yourself.
Isso é estupidez. Não vai andar sozinha por esse corredor.
And they let you stay here by yourself?
E deixam-te ficar aqui sozinho?
Don't you ever get lonely out here all by yourself?
Nunca te sentes sozinha aqui sempre metida?
And you can either die like a man, and walk outside there by yourself, or you can die like a coward and get my wife and my children killed along with you.
Pode morrer como um homem e ir lá para fora pelo seu pé ou pode morrer como cobarde e fazer com que a minha mulher e os meus filhos sejam mortos.
Here by yourself or waiting for somebody?
- Está aqui sozinha? À espera de alguém?
Or-or, you might wanna be by yourself.
Ou... ou até podes ficar a vê-lo sozinho.
You're not scaling those cliffs by yourself.
Não vais escalar os penhascos sozinha.
But do you really think you can manage here all by yourself?
Achas mesmo que consegues viver aqui sozinha?
Okay, land this plane. But if she goes, I go, and you can finish... your fucking musical by yourself, you spoiled ginger.
Está bem, aterra este avião, mas se ela se for, eu vou também, e podes acabar o musical sozinho, seu ruivo mimado.
Today, the lesson we think of exercise, perform, fix all by yourself and silently.
A lição de hoje, pensem num exercício e executem, façam a correção sozinhos, em silêncio.
You get to fly the X-57 all by yourself.
Já vais poder pilotar a X-57 sozinho.
Go Play by yourself.
Vai brincar sozinha.
You okay here by yourself? Yeah.
- Ficas bem aqui sozinha?
You can't do this by yourself.
- John, não pode fazer isto sozinho.
Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?
Tens a certeza que queres ficar aqui sozinha?
Must have been scary to leave your mom and dad and move out here all by yourself.
Deves ter ficado com medo de vir para cá sozinha.
I know you've been by yourself for a little while, sir.
Sei que tem trabalhado sozinho há muito tempo, senhor.
You're allowed to retire to a corner by yourself, as if contemplating your sorrow.
É permitido recolher-se solitário num canto, como meditando sobre a sua própria tristeza.
Sydney, you're not by yourself.
Sydney, tu não estás sozinha.
You should not be here by yourself.
Sim, eu sei. Não devias ter vindo sozinho.
Looks like you're making plenty of noise all by yourself.
Parece que andas a fazer barulho suficiente sozinho.
By yourself?
Do you live by yourself?
Vive sozinha?
So, you never get lonely being out here, all by yourself?
Então, nunca fica solitário... ficando por aqui sozinho?
By yourself?
If you got home insurance where you got car insurance, then you're gonna have to pay for this all by yourself. So get Upstate. You'll save money and be better protected from mayhem like me.
Poupam dinheiro e ficam protegidos de desgraças como eu.
Hey, you might have to go home by yourself.
Olha, se calhar vais ter de ir sozinho para casa.
Did you actually come by yourself?
Vieste mesmo sozinho?
Or you consult this case by yourself while I make coffee.
Ou investigas este caso sozinho en quanto eu faço café.
Call us back when you can, which you obviously can because you're stuck... by yourself in a mental hospital. Call us, bitch.
Telefona quando puderes, obviamente podes porque estás metida sozinha num hospital psiquiátrico.
What makes you think you can run this place by yourself?
O que a leva a pensar que consegue gerir este sítio sozinha?
Those dumb bitches leave you here by yourself?
Aquelas cabras deixaram-te sozinho?
You can't do this by yourself.
Não podes fazer isto sozinha.
But lik e knowing that there's four of your best mates it's a great feeling to know that you're not in it by yourself.
Mas estar aqui com quatro grandes amigos... É uma sensação óptima saber que não estamos sozinhos.
t's so much cooler to be in a band than be by yourself.
É tão mais fixe estar numa banda do que cantar sozinho!
- By yourself?
I gotta be honest, the thing I like about this place, you come in by yourself, you sit down, you strike up a conversation.
Preciso admitir, do que gosto aqui... é que tu chegas sozinho, sentas-te e começas a falar.
Not by yourself. If you hadn't noticed, he just kicked our ass.
Se não reparaste, ele apanhou-nos a jeito.
But as for your choices, you made those all by yourself.
Mas quanto às tuas escolhas, foste tu que as fizeste sozinho.
The opportunity to make yourself feel better by doing something senselessly heroic may yet present itself, but...
A oportunidade de se sentir melhor, fazendo algo estupidamente heroico ainda se pode apresentar,
So either prove to me your divinity by fighting and killing me, or you will reveal yourself to be a liar, a coward, and an all-around piece of shit.
Então vem prová-lo, sua divindade, lutando comigo e matando-me, ou então vais ser revelado como um mentiroso, um cobarde, e apenas e só um merdas!
By the time you were 15 you were handling yourself pretty well.
Quando fizeste 15 anos, já te safavas muito bem.
Ah, perhaps you'like to re-center yourself by meitating in the garens.
Talvez queira recompor-se meditando nos nossos jardins.
Well, it sounds like you're no longer degrading yourself by hanging out with those perverted musicians all the time. Okay...
Parece que já não te estás a rebaixar ao andar sempre com aqueles músicos tarados.
Exploding people by exploding yourself.
Explodir pessoas explodir a ti mesmo.
Suit yourself. This is amazing by the way.
Sem macarrão, só molho.
Because the only way to rid the world of evil, is by putting yourself in its path.
Um pouco mais difícil.
By yourself.
By getting yourself thrown in jail?
Atirando-te para a prisão?
Oh, by all means, insert yourself into that situation.
De certeza, que também te vais meter neste assunto.
Don't hurt me by hiding yourself.
Quem está escondido que se mostre.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
by your command 18
by you 119
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19
yourself included 25
by your command 18
by you 119
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19