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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ C ] / Celle

Celle translate Portuguese

30 parallel translation
Celie, you got the ugliest smile this side of Creation.
celle, tens o sorriso mais feio que eu jä vi.
But I tell you what. I can let you have Celie.
Mas pode levar a celle.
Celie is ugly but she works hard, and she can learn.
A celle é feia... mas trabalhadora. E pode aprender.
Celie, Mister want another look at you.
celle, o "Senhor" quer ver - te.
You got to fight, Celie. You got to.
Tens de lutar, celle.
Celie, my boy be needing his supper.
celle, o meu filho quer jantar.
Wha  s it say, Celie?
Que quer dizer, celle?
I'm going out, and I want my supper when I get back!
celle! Vou sair e quero a ceia quando voltar!
You hear me call you?
celle, näo me ouviste a chamar - te?
Celie, ain't that good comb with my other brushes?
celle, aquela escova boa... estä com as outras?
Get me some lemonade.
celle, traz - me uma limonada.
Celie! Get here!
celle, anda cä!
Celie, ma'am.
You has my sympathy.
Tens a minha simpatia, celle.
Hand Pa his hat.
celle, dae o chapéu ao pai.
I been staying with Albert and Celie.
Tenho estado com o albert e a celle.
Celie! Bring me a cool drink.
celle, traz - me um refresco.
- Where's Celie?
- Onde estä a celle?
- Celie is coming with us.
- A celle vem connosco.
Celie is coming to Memphis with us.
A celle vem connosco para Memphis.
With Miss Celie and Shug.
Vou com a Shug e a celle.
Celie, get in the car.
Vem para o carro, celle.
Yeah, Celie. Everything want to be loved.
Tudo quer ser amado, celle.
And, Celie, Adam... has a wife.
celle, o Adam... tem uma mulher.
Tashi, this is my sister, Celie.
Tashi, esta é a minha irmä, celle.
" And in my new house in Celle I was met by an old friend.
E em Celle, fui recebida na minha nova casa por uma velha amiga.
I have lived here for five years now and in spite of all my pleading... " " the Court keeps a close eye on me and refuses to let me leave Celle.
Vivo aqui há cinco anos, mas apesar de todas as minhas súplicas a Corte continua a vigiar-me e recusa-se a deixar-me sair de Celle.
celle, vem ajudar - me a Ievä

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