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Cougars translate Portuguese

164 parallel translation
This is the final game that pits the Southeastern champion, Cougars, against the finalist from the Southwestern conference, the Polecats :
Este é o jogo final onde sairá o campeão do Sudeste. Os Cougars estão novamente disputando as finais com os Polecats.
They certainly aren't as big as the rival Cougars :
Eles não são certamente grande como os rivais Cougar
The Encino Cougars are already on the ball field now :
Os Cougars de Encino já estão no campo de bola agora
COMMENTATOR : Playoff game between the Polecats and the Cougars :
jogo de Playoff entre os Polecats e os Cougars
The Polecats have taken the field, and here is the leadoff batter for the Cougars, little Frankie Lupo :
Os Polecats estão no campo, e aqui é o leadoff batendo para os Cougars, o pequeno Frankie Lupo
And the Cougars take a 1-0 lead :
E os Cougars levam uma dianteira de 1-0
At the end of six innings, the Cougars have a commanding 6-0 lead over the Polecats :
Ao término de seis innings, os Cougars têm uma dianteira de 6-0 em cima dos Polecats
At the end of six innings, the Cougars have a commanding 6-0 lead over the Polecats :
Ao fim de seis innings, os Cougars têm uma dianteira de 6-0 em cima dos Polecats
And the Cougars are taking the field :
E os Cougars estão em campo
Yeah, and those Cougars are going to be swamped by reporters.
Sim, e esses Cougars serão inundados por repórteres.
But they have managed to overtake the Cougars :
Mas eles conseguiram passar os Cougars
And the final score, the Polecats beat the Cougars nine to eight :
E a contagem final, os Polecats bateram os Cougars nove a oito
( KITT ) According to Coach Berchuk... his Cougars should have no problem with the Mustangs on Sunday.
De acordo com o treinador Berchuk... os Cougars dele não devem ter problemas contra os Mustangs no Domingo.
You might be interested in knowing their president also owns the LA Cougars.
Talvez te interesse saber que o seu presidente é dono dos LA Cougars.
Bad man of the Cougars!
- O terror do Cougars!
"Harrison High School Cougars, 1964 Regional Division Champs."
" Harrison High School Cougars... Campeões das regionais de 1964.
With yesterday's come-from-behind victory, the S.C.L.S.U. Mud Dogs... earned a New Year's Day date with Red Beaulieu and the Louisiana Cougars... in the first annual Bourbon Bowl.
com a vitória de ontem, os S.C.L.S.U. Mud Dogs... ganharam o passe para enfrentar o Red Beaulieu e os Louisiana Cougars... no primeiro torneio anual de Bourbon.
Touchdown, Cougars!
- Touchdown, Cougars!
Cougars lead is 17-0.
Cougars lideram por 17 a 0.
The Cougars are dominating.
Os Cougars estão dominando.
- The Cougars are coming out from their own 20 yard line.
- Os Cougars estão saindo da linha de 20 jardas.
The Cougars lead 27-7 in the middle of the third quarter.
Os Cougars lideram por 27-7 no meio do terceiro quarto.
- as the Cougars line up on the ball.
- Os Cougars se alinham em volta da bola.
Come and get this one, Cougars.
Venha e pegue este, Cougars.
Lady Cougars on three.
Lady Cougars nos três.
One, two, three, Lady Cougars!
Um, dois, três, Lady Cougars!
Crenshaw Cougars!
Crenshaw Cougars!
Cougars 42, Torosnothing.
Cougars 42, Toros nada.
There are no cougars in Indiana.
- Em Indiana não há pumas.
Cougars, wolves, whatever.
Pumas, lobos e assim.
Wolves and cougars ate our roast beef Well, I think you all did great.
Mas nunca estivemos tão unidos.
Go, Cougars!
Vá, puma!
They trap cougars, put them in a cage and drag them around the country to show them to people with vests and straw hats.
Apanham pumas, põem-nos em jaulas e os arrastam pelo país... para se acostumarem a gente de colete e chapéu.
Take it. There's cougars out there. If you see one, fire a shot in the air and it'll take off.
Se vires um puma, dispara para o ar que ele foge.
But the terrain's too rough to follow at night, and there's cougars up in that area.
Mas o caminho é perigoso à noite e há pumas nesta área.
There's cougars out there.
Há pumas lá fora.
- Go, Cougars!
- Força, Cougars!
The Poughkeepsie State Flying Cougars are all over Average Joe's today. It just doesn't look good for'em.
Os Pumas Voadores estão hoje a dominar a Average Joe isto não está bom para eles.
Gordon Pibb, alone, facing five Cougars.
Gordon Pibb, só, enfrentando 5 Pumas.
That's where the cougars come in.
A conversa era essa.
Meninas? Olá?
One, two, three, Cougars!
Um, dois, três, Cougars!
The basket counts, and the Cougars have tied the game.
O cesto conta e os Cougars empataram o jogo.
And the Bayhill Cougars take the lead with nine seconds left.
E os Bayhill Cougars passam a liderar quando faltam nove segundos.
And congratulations to our nine Cougars.
Eu felicito os nossos 9 viajantes.
Hey, this is two cougars doing it, right? Yeah, that's two cougars doing it.
Ouve lá, isto são dois pumas a pinocar, certo?
The Cougars came in second in the state.
- Os Cougars ficaram em segundo.
And bless dear Benny with success as a varsity third base starter for the Cumorah Cougars.
E abençoai o Benny com êxito, enquanto titular da terceira base dos Cumorah Cougars.
Go Cougars.
- E o Nathan?
But so are the wolves and cougars!
- Está bem, mas fala assim.
Let's go, Cougars, let's go!

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