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Crosby translate Portuguese

270 parallel translation
Go ahead and make a record of it.
Chama o Bing Crosby.
It looks just right for the Crosby picture.
Parece perfeito para o filme do Crosby.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome with us, Crosby, stills Nash.
Senhoras e senhores, dêem as boas-vindas a Crosby, Stills Nash.
Bach, Beethoven, Bing Crosby.
Bach, Beethoven, Bing Crosby.
The infamous Crosby Bridge accident, right?
O acidente na Ponte Crosby.
Near the corner of Crosby.
Perto da esquina com a Crosby.
Where's the young man that actually designed these things?
Onde está o rapaz que projetou os robots? - Dr. Crosby?
Crosby... he is hiding in the toilet, sir.
Crosby está escondido no banheiro.
Newton Crosby. You must make instantaneous appearance.
Newton Crosby, deve comparecer neste instante.
Crosby, now don't you hang up on me.
Crosby, não desligue.
No... I'm sure we'll all agree that Dr. Crosby has designed a weapon... that will keep our world safe for all time.
Certamente todos concordamos que Dr. Crosby criou... uma arma que manterá o nosso mundo a salvo para sempre.
I'm glad you think this is all such a joke, Crosby.
Fico feliz por você achar que tudo isso é uma piada, Crosby.
Couldn't it? Couldn't it, Crosby?
Não é, Crosby?
You did this, Crosby... - Howard! - so you wouldn't have to talk to those people.
Você fez isso, Crosby... então você devia falar com aquelas pessoas.
And it's Crosby.
E o nome é Crosby.
Newton Crosby, PhD.
Newton Crosby, PhD.
Hello Crosby.
Olá, Crosby.
This is Crosby.
Aqui é Crosby.
Her pants are blazing for you Newton Crosby.
Ela está de quatro por Newton Crosby.
Terrific job, Crosby.
- Ótimo trabalho, Crosby.
Newton Crosby, Ph. Dork.
Newton Crosby, Doutor Doidão.
Crosby, I'm telling you right now... this little fart of a robot is beginning to give me red ass.
Crosby, estou avisando agora mesmo... este maldito robot está me dando dor de cabeça.
Hear my dust, Newton Crosby!
Coma poeira, Newton Crosby!
Newton Crosby, no run, no talk.
Newton Crosby, sem correr, sem falar.
Today, Crosby, today!
Hoje, Crosby, hoje!
Newton Crosby, PhD, not know this?
Newton Crosby, PhD, não sabe isso?
Crosby... if I were you I would come out of there.
Crosby... se fosse você, entregava-me.
Crosby, we're going to have to ask you to surrender the robot.
Crosby, temos que lhe dizer que o robot se deve render.
Sorry, Crosby... we can't take any more chances.
Sinto muito, Crosby... não podemos correr mais perigo.
Now, you move out, you go to Miami, you sit in the sun, listen to Bing Crosby, play checkers, bingo.
É assim... Vocês mudam-se, vão para Miami... Sentam-se ao Sol, Ouvem o Bin Cosby.
Condit High, Crosby, El Roble.
Condit High, Crosby, El Roble.
Together with my friend, Newton, we designed and we built the real Number Five robot.
Meu amigo Newton Crosby e eu concebemos e construímos o verdadeiro robô Número Cinco.
He was Newton Crosby's partner.
Ele era parceiro do Newton Crosby.
We're going to press on and have the happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye.
Nós vamos carregar nele e ter um grande Natal desde que Bing Crosby dançou com o sacana do Danny Kaye.
Father brophy, I am father Crosby. Father stills...
Padre Brophy, eu sou o padre Crosby.
Crosby : Does anyone know where...
Alguém sabe onde...
Bigger than Hope and Crosby.
Maiores que o Hope e Crosby.
We'll be bigger than Burns and Allen, bigger than Hope and Crosby.
Seremos maiores que o Burns e Allen, maiores que o Hope e Crosby.
This man removed his nose and upper teeth 3 inches in front of my face and started crooning like bing Crosby.
Eu vi o homem a tirar o nariz e a cantar como o Bing Crosby.
Bing Crosby, Cab Calloway!
Bing Crosby, Cab Calloway!
I'm Jazz, a close, personal friend of bill Cosby.
Sou o Jazz, um amigo íntimo, pessoal do Bill Crosby.
They ordered Bing Crosby's Christmas Album. The CD.
Encomendaram o álbum de Natal do Bing Crosby, o CD.
I want to hurt Bing Crosby.
Apetece-me matar o Bing Crosby.
There's me and Keith Moon and David Crosby breaking into this little sweet shop, right?
Era eu, o Keith Moon e o David Crosby a tentarmos arrombar a loja, certo?
Get Bing Crosby. I like you better.
Não precisas de lutar com o McVie.
- She loved Bing Crosby.
- Usou aparelho até aos 1 7.
- She wore braces until she was 17.
- Adorava o Bing Crosby.
- Dr. Crosby? - Yes.
- Sim.
Crosby, what's he going to do?
- Crosby, o que ele fará?
Newton Crosby.
Newton Crosby.
Damn it, Crosby, you lied to me again.
Droga, Crosby, Você mentiu de novo.

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