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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did you see his face

Did you see his face translate Portuguese

167 parallel translation
- Did you see his face? - No, but I wish I had. If he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
Não, mas gostaria de vê-la, porque se ele te faz algum mal, matá-lo-ei!
Did you see his face?
- Mas viu-lhe a cara?
- Did you see his face? - Yeah.
- Viu a cara dele?
- Did you see his face?
- Viram-lhe a cara?
Did you see his face? - Yes, I saw him.
- Sim, nós vimo-lo.
Did you see his face?
Viu-lhe o rosto?
Just a minute. Did you see his face?
Um momento, Viu-lhe o rosto?
Did you see his face?
Viste o rosto dele?
Did you see his face?
Viu o rosto dele?
Did you see his face?
Viste a cara dele?
Did you see his face?
Viste a cara com que ficou?
Did you see his face?
- Did you see his face?
- - Tu viste o rosto? -
- Did you see his face?
- Viu a cara dele?
- Did you see his face?
- Viste a cara dele?
- Did you see his face?
- Viu-lhe a cara?
Uh-uh. I mean, did you see his face?
Viste a cara dele?
Did you see his face?
Viste-lhe a cara?
I mean, Henry, did you see his face?
Henry, viste a cara dele?
Did you see his face?
Viram a cara dele?
- Did you see his face? - Oh, man.
Viste a cara dele?
Did you see his face when we worked on him?
Viste a cara dele quando chegaste perto dele?
Did you see his face?
Viu a cara dele?
Wow, did you see his face?
Uau, viste a cara dele?
But did you see his face?
E viste-lhe a cara?
Did you see his face?
- Viste a cara dele?
That wasn't luck, did you see his face?
Isso não foi sorte, não lhe viste a cara?
Did you see his face?
- Viu-lhe o rosto?
It's gone now, but did you see his face?
"Agora já se foi, mas viste a cara dele?"
Yeah, brilliant punch, Big D. Did you see his face?
Belo gancho, Dudão! Viste a cara dele?
Did you see the look on his face?
Viu a expressão no seu rosto?
Oh, so you did see his face, after all.
Afinal, viu-lhe a cara.
Did you see the expression on his face... when I told him his last three pictures were stinkeroos?
Viste a expressão dele... quando lhe disse que os últimos filmes não prestaram?
Did you see the old hypocrite's face when I broke his whiskey bottle?
Viu a cara do velho hipócrita quando parti a garrafa de uísque?
Did you even see his face?
Repararam na cara dele?
Did any of you see a guy with glasses with a sneery expression on his face?
Algum de vocês viu... um tipo de óculos com uma cara repugnante?
Bam, bam! - Did you see the look on his face?
- Viu a cara dele?
Did you see the look on his face?
Viste bem a cara dele?
Did you see the look on his face?
Viram a expressão da cara dele?
Did you see the look on his face?
Estás a ver a cara dele?
Did you see the brightness on his face, Sher Singh?
Viu o brilho no seu rosto Sher Singh?
Did you see the look on his face?
Viste a cara do meu tio?
Did you see the look on his face?
Meu, viste a expressão na cara dele?
Can't you see he was lyin', Nickie? Did you see the look on his face?
Não reparaste que mentia, na expressão de medo que tinha?
His face! Did you see it?
A cara dele!
Did you see the look on his face when he took Raines and my father away?
Viste a expressão dele ao levar o Raines e o meu pai?
But did you see the look on his face when he saw us?
Mas viste a cara dele quando ele nos viu?
[All Laughing] Did you see his face?
Viram a cara dele?
Even if he did, if he ever did come back... if he ever dared to show his face or whatever in the garden again... if after all this destruction... if after all the terrible days of this terrible century... he returned to see how much suffering his abandonment has created... if all he has to offer is death... you should sue the bastard.
Mesmo que voltasse, se alguma vez voltasse, se alguma vez ousasse dar outra vez as caras, ou lá o que é, no jardim, se depois de toda esta destruição, se depois de todos os dias terríveis deste século terrível, voltasse para ver quanto sofrimento o Seu abandono tinha causado, se tudo quanto tem a oferecer é morte,
Did you see what he did to his face?
- Viste o que fez á cara do Sonny?
Man, poor Jud... Did you see the look on his face when we drove off?
Meu, pobre Jud... viste a cara dele quando fomos embora?

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