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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did you tell him that

Did you tell him that translate Portuguese

224 parallel translation
Did you tell him that?
Disseste-lhe isso?
Did you tell him that you're giving the celebration speech?
Disseste-lhe que vais ser tu a ler o discurso?
Why did you tell him that?
Por que lhe disse isso?
Did you tell him that?
Disse-lhe isso?
Did you tell him that you really spent the night in the car?
Disseste-lhe que, de facto, passaste a noite no carro?
Did you tell him that she's arriving today?
Disseste-lhe que ela chegava hoje?
And also, I hope Lou told you this. I am bigger, meaner and louder than any other kike in this town. Did you tell him that, Lou?
E mais, espero que o Lou lho tenha dito, mas eu sou o maior e mais barulhento de todos os judeus desta cidade.
Did you tell him that was the reason?
Explicaste-lhe a razão?
Did you tell him that, Dr. Paley?
Disse-lhe isso a ele Dr. Paley?
Did you tell him that I called?
Disseste-lhe que eu liguei?
What did you tell him that for?
E para que lhe disseste isso?
Ooh. Did you tell him that we dated before you were a priest?
Disseste-lhe que andámos um com o outro antes de te tornares padre?
Disseste que copiamos?
Why did you tell him that?
Por que lhe disseste isso?
Did you tell him that?
Did you tell him that you care about him?
Disseste-lhe que gostavas dele?
- Did you tell him that?
- Disseste-lhe isso?
Good. Did you fix it with him to tell me that I have to go to Honolulu for my nerves?
Combinaste com ele, para me mandar ir para Honolulu, por causa dos nervos?
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise that if he did not return, I would tell his parents what had happened?
Näo o ouviu pedir-me que prometesse que, se näo regressasse, eu contaria aos pais por quê?
I didn't mean that. - Yes, you did. But tell him.
Pára que perca o concerto?
Did they tell you how the whale marked him inside as well as out? Did they tell you that mischief was worked on his soul?
Contaram-vos como a baleia o marcou por dentro, e como destruiu a sua alma?
But why did you have to go and tell him all that?
Mas porque tinhas de dizer aquilo? O que te passou pela cabeça?
What did you tell him a minute ago? That he wasn't a man?
Disse há pouco que ele näo era homem?
And you tell him the names of the rest of the men that did this to him.
E dizes os nomes dos homens que o fizeram.
What did you tell him, Mama? That I drink?
- O que Ihe disseste, mãe?
Did you tell him about the night our car broke down near that funny roadhouse?
Contaste-lhes da noite em que o teu carro avariou perto daquela casa?
Did you tell this Chris that you'd seen him in the dream thing?
Contou-lhe que o tinha visto em sonhos?
Why did you tell him all that?
Escusavas de ter dito tudo.
I'm very jealous of Max. I'm not crazy about the idea of you sleeping with him... but if you did it and didn't tell me, that would really bother me.
Tenho muitos ciúmes do Max... e não gosto da ideia de tu dormires com ele... mas se tu o fizeste e não me dizes, isso é que me chateia.
did you tell him that?
Olá, Dorothy
You didn't tell him that, did you?
- Disseste-lhe isso?
Did you tell him about the log book and that you'd cleaned up the van?
Contou-lhe do livro de registo e que tinha limpado a carrinha?
In the letter that you wrote to Omouri,... did you tell him what he will see when he walks into this room?
Na carta que escreveste ao Omouri, disseste-lhe o que ele vai ver, quando entrar neste quarto?
Why did you tell this guy that Kramer didn't invite him to his party?
Por que disseste ao maluco que o Kramer não o tinha convidado?
Did you tell him about that slug inside of you?
Falou-lhe do parasita que tem dentro de si?
I'll tell him that you did not help, that you let her die on your lawn,
E terei de lhe dizer que não me quiseste ajudar, que deixaste que morresse à tua porta.
Would you tell him that our explanation for the missing report did not go down too well with the CMO.
Diz-lhe que a nossa explicação para o sumiço do relatório não convenceu o presidente do Conselho de Medicina?
Ray Bones is the man that you're dealin'with now, and when Bones finds out what you did, he's gonna take everything, including the sporty little hat you got on your head, and then most likely he'll shoot you so you won't tell on him.
Estás a lidar com o Ray Bones neste momento. Quando ele descobrir o que fizeste, leva-te tudo, incluindo esse chapéu desportivo que tens na cabeça. Depois o mais provável será dar-te um tiro, para não o denunciares.
Did he tell you that I got him drunk for the first time during my zhian'tara?
Ele contou-te que o embebedei pela primeira vez na minha zhian'tara?
What did you tell the judge? That you could save him'?
Disse ao juiz que podia salvá-lo?
Did you tell her that you'd kill him if she didn't?
Disseste-lhe que o matavas se ela não o fizesse?
Can you tell him that Julia Salinger called of the Salinger job, which he did not, like, finish.
Diga-lhe que ligou a Julia, da obra dos Salinger, que ele não acabou.
You tell him that I did not kill her.
Diga-lhe que não a matei.
The person that should feel awkward is you. Did you tell him not to call me?
Não lhe disseste para não me ligar, pois não?
- Did you ever tell him that?
Alguma vez lhe disse isso?
Sometimes I wish that I had stayed, you know...,... stand up to him, tell him what he did was wrong...,... instead of running.
Não posso. Tenho medo de meu padrasto. Sabe?
You must do something absolutely extraordinary for Schillinger. But you must never tell him that you did it.
Deve fazer algo absolutamente extraordinário pelo Schillinger, mas nunca deve lhe dizer que o fez.
Did he tell you that before he asked you to take him to Thurman?
Ele disse-te isso antes de te pedir que o levásses ao Thurman?
Did you tell him about that?
Falaste-lhe sobre isso?
Did you tell Joey to get out of town, that someone might try to harm him?
Disseste ao Joey que alguém poderia magoá-lo...
Did you tell him how wrong it is to say something like that?
- Disseste-lhe quão errado é?

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