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Doughnuts translate Portuguese

831 parallel translation
Marvellous. "At two this morning, Mr Deeds tied up traffic " while he fed a bagful of doughnuts to a horse.
Magnífico. " Às 2 da manhã, o Sr. Deeds atrapalhou o trânsito, quando deu um monte de donuts a um cavalo.
"'To see how many doughnuts the horse would eat before he asked for coffee.'
'Quis saber quantos ele comeria antes de pedir um café.'"
How did you feel feeding doughnuts to a horse?
Que sentiu ao dar donuts a um cavalo?
Ever think of feeding doughnuts to human beings? No!
Alguma vez se lembrou de dar donuts às pessoas?
This newspaperwoman, who we've subpoenaed to testify, tells how he held up traffic for an hour feeding doughnuts to a poor horse.
A jornalista, que intimámos a depor, conta que ele parou o trânsito por uma hora para dar donuts a um cavalo.
And when he started feeding her doughnuts,
E quando o tipo começou a dar-lhe donuts, eu gritei :
I wouldn't mind, sir, but Clara won't eat nothin'but doughnuts now.
Não fazia mal, se a Clara agora não quisesse só donuts.
Let him explain his wanderings in his underclothes, his feeding doughnuts to horses.
Ele que explique por que passeou em cuecas e deu donuts a cavalos.
Coffee and doughnuts.
Café e donuts.
- What kind of doughnuts do you want?
- Que tipo de donuts quer?
Didn't you bring me any doughnuts or sweet-rolls?
Também trouxe donuts ou bolinhos?
You didn't ask me to get doughnuts.
Não sabia que era suposto trazer donuts.
Daisy, I'm taking two doughnuts.
Daisy, vou levar dois donuts.
I drink more milk now. Doughnuts were the only thing I used to eat, because I was used to eating them when I wasn't boxing and I was having a hard time.
Bebo mais leite e bolas de Berlim, era a única coisa que comia, porque fui habituado a comer isso quando não jogava boxe e andava aflito.
- You can get coffee and doughnuts.
- Há café e "donuts".
I don't want coffee and doughnuts, I want my wallet!
Não quero café nem "donuts", quero a minha carteira!
It just took him a hundred crew members to help him paint the canvas. The opening scene in The Searchers where Ward Bond. uh. arrives at the house and asks for some coffee. and. uh. asks for those doughnuts and the way he's behaving.
A primeira cena de "Rastros de ódio", em que Ward Bond... chega em casa, pede café e come rosquinhas
Oh. doughnuts. Thank you. sister.
Espere um pouco.
I'm sure fond of them doughnuts.
Claro que gosto de rosquinha.
These are marvelous doughnuts.
Rôscas deliciosos.
Here, take the rest of the doughnuts.
Tome. Leve as roscas.
- She gave me some doughnuts.
Ela deu-me estas roscas.
Cream buns and doughnuts And fruitcake with no nuts
" Bolos de creme e donuts E bolos de fruta sem nozes
If you like sodas, doughnuts or something.
Se gostares de gasosa, donuts ou algo.
And from Mile Forty, Saskatchewan, where he now runs a doughnut shop, number 15, former penalty-minute record holder of the Federal League for the years 1960 to 1968 inclusive, Gilmore Tuttle!
E de Mile Forty, na Saskatchewan, onde agora tem uma loja de doughnuts, o número 15, ex-detentor do recorde de minutos de faltas da Liga Federal desde 1960 até 1968 inclusive, o Gilmore Tuttle.
Remember when we were with those chicks from Laguna and we stopped off for doughnuts?
Lembras-te quando estávamos com aquelas miudas de Laguna e parámos para comprar donuts?
We got the doughnuts and then Waxer he's up on the hood, he's stark naked with his arms out, posing like a hood ornament!
Fomos buscar os donuts, e o Waxer estava em cima do capot, completamente nu... - Era eu que ia a guiar.
Why don't you syringe the doughnuts out of your ear and get some sense into the dormant organ you keep hidden in that rat's maze of yours?
Por que não tiras a cera dos ouvidos e deixas arejar o órgão dormente que tens escondido debaixo desse ninho de ratos?
Couple of doughnuts, too, all right?
- Mais dois donuts, está bem?
That`s two-hundred and fifty doughnuts.
Estes são duzentos e cinqüenta dolarões.
well, I couId take fifty of the doughnuts and deposit the other two-hundred beauties.
Bem, eu poderia ficar com cinqüenta pilas... e depositar os outros duzentos belezas.
Take the doughnuts, take everything.
Leve os donuts, leve tudo.
Marvelous doughnuts. Help yourself.
São muito boas.
All you need is a watermelon and two jelly doughnuts.
Só é preciso uma melancia e dois donuts com geleia.
Go get me some coffee and doughnuts.
Vai-me buscar café e donuts.
- You want coffee and doughnuts, Red?
- Queres café e donuts, Red?
- Where's my coffee and doughnuts?
- Onde está o meu café e donuts?
- These doughnuts fresh?
- Estes doughnuts são frescos?
I don't pay people for eating my doughnuts.
Eu não pago ás pessoas para comerem os meus doughnuts.
I wonder if I could interest you in some of my new, high-protein doughnuts.
Por acaso está interessado nos meus novos donuts, ricos em proteínas?
Me, too. Get some coffee and doughnuts and drive over together.
Também eu, podiamos trazer café e donuts e vinhamos juntos
With coffee and doughnuts?
Com café e donuts?
Tough doughnuts, Floyd.
Azarinho, Floyd.
Stopped for doughnuts.
- Parámos para comprar donuts.
Where's he gonna get crumb doughnuts in the Everglades?
Onde é que ele vai arranjar donuts nas Everglades?
Morning, gentlemen. Coffee and doughnuts?
Bom dia, cavalheiros.
- Coffee and doughnuts.
- Café e donuts.
I'm sure fond of them doughnuts.
Adoro os donuts.
Get some coffees, boys, doughnuts.
Tomem um café, rapazes, e uns donuts.
- You couldn't dunk doughnuts.
Podia ter-te ganho. Não podias nada.

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