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Emery translate Portuguese

492 parallel translation
Because it knew at this moment, across the park Sir Emery is going to announce the marriage of his daughter to the very man you're talking to.
Porque sabia que, neste instante, do outro lado, Sir Emery vai anunciar o casamento da filha...
Neal Emery.
Neal Emery.
- We came to see Mrs. Emery.
- Viemos ver a Sra. Emery.
I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Emery.
Lamento imenso, Sra. Emery.
Have you got anything for me on the Emery case?
Tem algo para mim do caso Emery?
Mrs. Emery, do you know of any reason why your husband should have killed himself?
Sra. Emery, sabe de alguma razão para que o seu marido se suicidasse?
Mrs. Emery.
Sra. Emery.
Mrs. Emery, I'm sure the Inspector didn't mean to imply...
Estou certo de que o inspector não quis insinuar...
The name's Neal Emery.
Chama-se Neal Emery.
- Emery?
- Emery?
May I have one more, Mrs. Emery?
Posso tirar mais uma, Sra. Emery?
How about giving a fellow American a break, Mrs. Emery?
Um minuto para um colega americano, Sra. Emery?
I'm an old friend of Mrs. Emery's.
Sou um velho amigo da Sra. Emery.
Oh, Mrs. Emery?
Sra. Emery?
Oh, Mrs. Emery, this is Jefreemy Bates, a fisherman from the island of Tobago.
Sra. Emery, este é o Jefreemy Bates, um pescador da ilha de Tobago.
Mrs. Emery, your husband didn't commit suicide.
Sra. Emery, o seu marido não se suicidou.
" I saw Neal Emery's boat docked at the landing
" vi o barco do Neal Emery no ancoradouro...
Mrs. Emery, if you knew Max Fabian's history, you'd have no trouble whatever in believing it.
Sra. Emery, se conhecesse a história do Max Fabian, não teria qualquer problema em acreditar.
There is an alternative, Mrs. Emery.
Há uma alternativa, Sra. Emery.
Is this where Neal Emery lives?
É aqui que vive o Neal Emery?
- You knew the deceased, Neal Emery?
- Conhecia o falecido Neal Emery?
Can you give me any reason why Mr. Emery should have taken his life?
É capaz de me dar alguma razão para o Sr. Emery se ter suicidado?
To understand Mr. Emery, you must remember he was an American.
Para compreender o Sr. Emery, tem de se lembrar que ele era americano.
- Mrs. Emery, please?
- Sra. Emery, por favor?
Mrs. Emery, we have no wish to add to your grief, and we shall try to conclude this hearing as rapidly as possible.
Sra. Emery, não desejamos aumentar o seu pesar... e tentaremos concluir esta audiência o mais rapidamente possível.
That'll be all, Mrs. Emery.
É tudo, Sra. Emery.
- Not in the tropics, Mr. Emery.
- Não nos trópicos, Sr. Emery.
- Mrs. Emery, this is Inspector Smythe.
- Sra. Emery, fala o inspector Smythe.
There's a Steve Emery.
Está aqui um Steve Emery.
This is such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Emery.
É um prazer conhecê-lo, Sr. Emery.
Look, Mr. Emery, with me there is no necessity to shoot in the dark.
Sr. Emery, comigo não é necessário mandar tiros no escuro.
Please, Mr. Emery, you must realize she is not just a woman, some woman, she's Woman with capital "W."
Por favor, Sr. Emery, tem de perceber que ela não é apenas uma mulher, é uma Mulher com "M" maiúsculo.
- How do you do, Mr. Emery?
- Como está, Sr. Emery?
Oh, Chris, perhaps Mr. Emery could join us for dinner tonight.
Chris, talvez o Sr. Emery nos possa acompanhar hoje ao jantar.
You're quite right, Mr. Emery.
Tem toda a razão, Sr. Emery.
Don't you agree, Mr. Emery?
Não acha, Sr. Emery?
- And you, Mr. Emery, what would you like?
- E o Sr. Emery, o que vai beber?
You going to be with us much longer, Mr. Emery?
Ainda vai ficar cá muito tempo, Sr. Emery?
And you, Mr. Emery, I'm afraid my chef hasn't made much of an impression on you, either.
E você, Sr. Emery, acho que não ficou com grande impressão do meu cozinheiro.
Mrs. Emery.
A Sra. Emery.
- Oh, how do you do, Mrs. Emery?
- Como está, Sra. Emery?
Mr. Emery, Mr. Bronec.
Sr. Emery, o Sr. Bronec.
How do you do, Mr. Emery?
Como está, Sr. Emery?
You can show Mrs. Emery the moonlight, but I'm keeping Mr. Emery here with me.
Podes mostrar à Sra. Emery o luar, mas eu fico aqui com o Sr. Emery.
We had to carry Mrs. Huebling upstairs, and your friend Mr. Emery is with her.
Tivemos de levar a Sra. Huebling lá para cima e o teu amigo Emery com ela.
I'm sorry this was not a more successful evening, Mr. Emery.
Lamento que esta noite não tivesse sido melhor, Sr. Emery.
Mr. Emery.
Sr. Emery.
- And Mr. Emery is my concern.
- E eu preocupo-me com o Sr. Emery.
Mr. Emery, there has been a thorough investigation of all the facts.
Sr. Emery, houve uma investigação aprofundada de todos os factos.
Mr. Emery, you have a decided flair for the dramatic.
Sr. Emery, tem uma grande queda para o dramático.
I must caution you, Mr. Emery, that libel is a very serious matter.
Devo avisá-lo, Sr. Emery, a difamação é um assunto muito sério.

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