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Eram translate Portuguese

42,291 parallel translation
They were his trophies.
Eram os seus troféus.
Atsula communed with Nunyunnini for the barriers were thinner then between people and their gods.
Atsula conversou com Nunnyunnini. Nesses tempos, as barreiras entre pessoas e deuses eram mais estreitas.
In truth, the American colonies were as much a dumping ground as an escape, a forgetting place.
Na verdade, as colónias americanas eram mais um aterro do que uma fuga, um lugar de esquecimento.
For five years, for 10 years, for life, you were sold to a captain and would ride his ship crowded tight as a slaver's.
Por cinco, dez anos, ou toda a vida, eram vendidos a um capitão e seguiriam no seu navio, amontoados como escravos.
These men were part of the CCPD task force that Savitar murdered.
Estes homens eram da força de intervenção da polícia que o Savitar matou.
I mean, two of them turned out to be bad guys, but even they were good teachers who really taught me how to use my powers.
Dois eram tipos maus, mas foram bons professores que me ensinaram como usar os meus poderes.
And they were smart, but today, at least, we were a bit smarter.
E eles eram inteligentes, mas, pelo menos hoje, fomos um bocado mais.
They were, like, these images... places I've never seen before.
Eram como imagens, lugares onde nunca estive.
You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but... but it's me.
Pensaste que o Thawne e o Zoom eram os teus maiores inimigos, mas sou eu.
His youth and ego were my allies.
A juventude e o ego dele eram os meus aliados.
- But then when your team showed me the future... and showed me that my crazy ideas aren't so crazy after all, - Oh. I just felt more intimidated than ever.
Mas quando a tua equipa me mostrou o futuro, mostrou-me que as minhas ideias malucas não eram assim tão malucas, senti-me ainda mais intimidada.
It was... it was his eyes.
Eram os olhos dele.
The... yes, the fires were... high-temperature accelerant fires, because the flames... were, were... very yellow.
Os incêndios eram de alta temperatura, porque as chamas... eram... muito amarelas?
Barry had 28 years of experiences to define him, and some of those memories were bad, but some were good, too.
O Barry teve 28 anos de experiências a defini-lo. Algumas das memórias eram más, mas algumas eram boas.
But they were mostly about what he desired, which I doubt you want to hear.
Mas eram na maioria sobre o que ele desejava que eu duvido que queiras ouvir.
I thought it was drugs.
Pensei que eram drogas.
I thought they were Shine's boys, and you sent them to mess my b-day up.
Achei que eram homens do Shine e que iam arruinar a minha festa.
I thought angels were supposed to be guardians... Fluffy wings, halos.
Pensava que os anjos eram supostos de serem guardiões... com asas fofinhas, halos.
They were soldiers, just doing what they were told.
Eles eram soldados, estavam só a fazer o que lhe mandaram.
Their children... Gideon, Boyd, and Catriona... Were like three rotten little peas in a pod.
Seus filhos, Gideon, Boyd e Catriona... eram como três ervilhas podres dentro de uma vagem.
They were yellow.
Eles eram amarelos.
They were yours.
Eram dos teus.
Aztecs were pretty serious about their killings.
Os Aztecas eram bastante sérios com as suas mortes.
Again, not people.
De novo, não eram pessoas.
Not quite the harps and halos you thought.
Não eram bem os halos e as harpas que julgavas.
And where are they from?
E de onde é que eram?
He wanted The Creator's best friend, but the hounds were too vicious.
Ele queria os melhores amigos do Criador, mas os cães eram demasiado malignos.
Most of them were local, but one wasn't.
Sim. A maioria delas eram de locais, mas uma não era.
Look, I know... I know that you and Jarrod, you were close.
Olha, eu sei... sei que tu e o Jarrod, eram próximos.
The bishops owned all the houses, all the businesses.
Os Bishop eram donos de todas as casas, todos os negócios.
Or they did until a few years ago.
Ou eram até há uns anos atrás.
I mean, they were like a cousin or an auntie of ISVAs, I think.
Quer dizer, eram tipo um primo ou uma tia da Cath, acho eu.
Cath Atwood would know who they were?
A Cath Atwood saberia quem eles eram?
They were new.
Eram novos.
Every man at that party was one of your mates. I know.
Todos os homens da festa eram teus amigos.
- They're all mates, all live round here.
Eram todos amigos, vivem todos aqui.
Before these reports of non-recent attacks, who were lining up as our key suspects for the attack on Trish Winterman?
Antes destes relatos de ataques anteriores, quem eram os principais suspeitos do ataque à Trish Winterman?
Dan and Tom were friends.
O Dan e o Tom eram amigos.
- I didn't know whose it was.
Porque não devolveste? Não sabia de quem eram.
Some of them, presumably, were regular customers.
Alguns deles, imagino, eram clientes habituais.
I thought it was just drunk sex.
Pensei que eram uns bêbados a ter sexo.
Not jobs or money, not Governor Odegard... just Dan and without him, this place would be condemned to agony at the hands of a monster.
Não eram os empregos, nem dinheiro ou a Governadora Odegard. Apenas o Dan, e sem ele o sítio estaria condenado à agonia às mãos de um monstro.
They were my favorite berry when I was your age.
Eram a minha baga preferida quando tinha a vossa idade.
Your father and mother were very brave in their days.
O vosso pai e a vossa mãe eram muito corajosos.
I thought there were three of you.
Julgava que eram três.
I know you two were close.
Sei que eram chegadas.
I thought they were penniless orphans.
Julgava que eles eram órfãos sem dinheiro.
Emily, Aaron, you were both in Command Ops when MacLeish gave the order... Find the leak.
Emily e Aaron, eram ambos responsáveis quando o MacLeish deu a ordem.
A payoff to fight against the Taliban.
Eram um pagamento para lutarem contra os talibãs.
At first, I thought I was being paranoid or delusional you know, first jump stuff, but now I don't know.
Pensei que estava a ser paranóica ou que eram delírios. Coisas do primeiro salto, mas agora não sei.
There were a dozen.
Bem, eram uma dúzia.

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