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Gatewood translate Portuguese

29 parallel translation
My initial impression of First Lieutenant Charles Gatewood... remains distinct in my memory.
A primeira impressão do Primeiro-tenente Charles Gatewood... permanece viva na minha memória.
By personal inclination, Lieutenant Gatewood kept his own counsel.
Por inclinação pessoal, o Tenente Gatewood não se manifestou.
First Lieutenant Charles P. Gatewood.
Primeiro-tenente Charles P. Gatewood.
Lieutenant Charles Gatewood at your service.
Tenente Charles Gatewood, ás ordens.
Faced with the potential enemy that possessed superior numbers... Lieutenant Gatewood hit upon an unusual tactic.
Face ao potencial inimigo em número superior, o Tenente Gatewood escolheu uma táctica original.
You have a good long glass, Gatewood.
Tens bons vidros compridos, Gatewood.
Lieutenant Gatewood told me of your trip up from the border.
O Tenente Gatewood contou-me da vossa viagem da fronteira.
No, I'm sorry, Lieutenant Gatewood is a company officer.
Não, lamento. O Tenente Gatewood é oficial da companhia.
Six weeks after I took up residence at Turkey Creek, Lieutenant Gatewood... and AI Sieber came to visit.
Seis semanas depois de me ter mudado para Turkey Creek, o Tenente Gatewood... e o Al Sieber foram visitar-me.
Gatewood. You come to visit me.
Vieste visitar-me.
I'm not good farmer, Gatewood.
Não sou bom agricultor.
Today while Gatewood talked with me, I looked into my power.
Hoje, enquanto o Gatewood falava comigo, utilizei o meu poder.
Apache challenge Gatewood to come out and fight.
Os Apaches desafiam Gatewood para lutar.
In his own way, he was as taken by the Apache... as was Lieutenant Gatewood.
À sua moda, estava tão interessado nos Apaches, como o Tenente Gatewood.
Lieutenant Gatewood, myself and many others... had to taste the humiliation of being dismissed from the field.
O Tenente Gatewood, eu e muitos outros, tivemos de passar pela humilhação de sermos dispensados do campo de batalha.
Do you know why I called you here, Gatewood?
Sabe porque o chamei aqui?
Lieutenant Gatewood chose the Apache scout, Chato, to accompany him... as well as myself and AI Sieber, who became bored with his retirement.
O Tenente Gatewood escolheu o batedor Apache, Chato, para o acompanhar, eu e o Al Sieber, que se tinha aborrecido com a reforma.
Charles Gatewood.
Charles Gatewood.
Nice doing business with you, Mr. Gatewood. But... I changed my mind.
Foi bom negociar consigo, mas... mudei de ideias.
Gatewood! No more burro!
Acabaram as mulas!
Have they taught you to lie, Gatewood?
Ensinaram-te a mentir?
Who are you, Gatewood?
Quem és tu?
After arranging Geronimo's final surrender... Lieutenant Gatewood was transferred to a remote garrison in Northern Wyoming.
Depois de ter conseguido a rendição final de Jerónimo, o Tenente Gatewood foi transferido para uma guarnição remota no Wyoming.
Instead of being rewarded with a medal for his heroic efforts... Lieutenant Charles Gatewood was sentenced to obscurity.
Em vez de ter recebido uma medalha pelos seus esforços heróicos, o Tenente Gatewood foi condenado á obscuridade.
It's about Mr. Gatewood.
É sobre o Sr. Gatewood.
Mr. Gatewood wouldn't want me to be a part of any of this.
O Sr. Gatewood não quereria que eu fizesse parte disto.
Hi, Mrs. Gatewood, how's Kim feeling?
Olá, Sra. Gatewood, como está a Kim? O quê?
Gatewood? Yes.
Stanley Gatewood.
- Stanley Gatewood.

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