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Ginny translate Portuguese

659 parallel translation
Good night, Ginny.
Boa noite, Ginny.
Hold your knees together, Ginny. Always hold your knees together.
Junta os joelhos, tens de juntar sempre os joelhos.
That was for Ginny's benefit, was it?
Isso era em benefício da Ginny, não era?
Ginny said to him "Do what Mummy says", and he hit her!
A Ginny diz "Faz o que a mamã disse" e ele bate-lhe!
Ginny, that maybe was none of your business.
Ginny, se calhar não te devias ter metido.
Standin'there, next to Mr. kyser, that's the shoulder of Ginny Simms.
Ali de pé, perto do Sr. kyser, isso é o ombro da Ginny Simms.
Good morning, Ross, how are you? Hi, Ginny!
Bom dia, Ross!
What is this crap, Ginny?
Que treta é esta, Ginny? És a minha assistente.
Ginny, I was starting to worry about you.
Ginny, começava a ficar preocupado.
Ginny, put your car on the lot, OK?
Ginny, põem o teu carro no estacionamento.
I missed you, Ginny.
Tive saudades tuas, Ginny.
- Bullshit, Ginny.
- Tretas Ginny.
Jason's a legend, Ginny.
O Jason é uma lenda, Ginny.
- Night, Ginny.
- Boa noite, Ginny.
Yeah, Ginny, what?
Sim, Ginny, o que...
Ginny, c'mon.
Ginny, vamos.
You're OK, Ginny.
Está tudo bem, Ginny.
- Ginny just went in.
- Acabou de entrar a Ginny.
Ginny, why don't you and the girls go inside?
Ginny, vai para dentro com as miúdas, sim?
Ginny Fieldmiraculously survived repeatedattacks by the axe-wielding killer, and was taken to a local hospital today.
Ginny Field sobreviveu pormilagre às repetidas machadadas do assassino, e foi hoje conduzida ao hospital local.
Ginny, baby.
Ginny. querida...
Now this in here was chasing Ginny Lee when I bumped into him.
Este perseguia a Ginny Lee quando esbarrei com ele.
- Ginny.
- A Ginny.
He came here about 8 : 00 to see Ginny?
Ele veio cá cerca das 8h para ver a Ginny?
Yeah. Ginny and the bookkeeper.
Sim. a Ginny e o contabilista.
That's why you will tell me when you find Ginny Lee, right?
É por isso que me avisas se encontrares a Ginny Lee, certo?
- What makes you think I'm after Ginny?
- Por que achas que a procuro?
- It's me, Ginny Lee.
- Sou eu. a Ginny Lee.
Either way, Ginny Lee Lewis is...
Seja como for. a Ginny Lee Lewis está...
Ginny, did you ever see this key before?
Ginny. alguma vez viste esta chave?
- Ginny Lee's in City General.
- A Ginny Lee está no hospital.
Better call Fat Freddie, tell him about Ginny.
Avisa o Fat Freddie. Do acidente da Ginny.
You said you'd tell me when you found Ginny Lee.
Tinhas de dizer que viste a Ginny Lee.
Ginny, Mike, Sara, Sam!
Ginny, Mike, Sara, Sam!
It's a drag your sweet 16's the day before Ginny gets married. But big deal. They'll remember.
É chato ser na véspera do casamento da Ginny, mas não é o fim do mundo.
Ginny dumped Rudy. He's her new fiancée.
A Ginny largou o Rudy.
We're all upset that Ginny's marrying a bohunk.
Preocupa-nos a todos que a Ginny se case com ele.
But if I were Ginny, I'd have this guy crawling on his knees.
Se eu fosse a Ginny, ele rastejava aos meus pés.
Well, let me tell you something about Ginny.
Deixa-me dizer-te algo sobre a Ginny.
Ginny's not in the shower.
A Ginny não está no duche.
Come on, Ginny.
- Anda, Ginny.
Here, Ginny. Drink this.
Toma, Ginny, bebe isto.
Um, Ginny, I'm really happy for you.
Ginny, estou tão feliz por ti.
"Love, Ginny."
"Com amor, Ginny."
- Ginny?
- Ginny?
You know Ginny.
Oxalá não faça frio, amanhã.
It's not going to be cold.
Sabes como é a Ginny.
Are you all right, Ginny?
Estás bem, Ginny?

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