He didn't have to translate Portuguese
1,462 parallel translation
He used to have a good reputation, didn't he?
Ele costumava ter uma boa reputação, não é?
So who was I to say he didn't have a chance?
Por isso, quem era eu para dizer que ele não tinha hipóteses?
He didn't have to treat my painting like that.
Ele não devia tratar os meus quadros.
And who would be dead if he didn't have someone to save?
E quem é que estaria morto se não tivesse que me salvar?
Ok, stop he didn't do it on purpose to have asthma
E ainda tem cheiro. Ok, pare. Ele não tem culpa por ter asma.
I'm quoting. "If God didn't want my daughter to have a third leg... he wouldn't have stuck one between the other two."
A operação é amanhã. Mas o pai, Mr. Aguero, não cede.
- Well, he didn't spell it out, but I think that means you're gonna have to have your funeral without the body.
Bem, ele não disse com todas as letras, mas acho que quer dizer... que vais ter que fazer o funeral sem o corpo, da tua mãe.
Which we could have recovered long ago and turned over to the DSR for safe keeping, but we didn't, because you sat on what you knew, which makes you as guilty as he is.
A flor que já podíamos ter recuperado há muito tempo e entregue à DSR para estar segura, mas que não recuperámos porque tu não contaste o que sabias, o que te faz tão culpado como ele.
Rachel, Jack wouldn't send you in if he didn't have complete faith in your ability to succeed.
Rachel, o Jack não te enviaria se não confiasse inteiramente na tua capacidade.
- That's convenient... considering you didn't even have the courage to tell Maeby that he'd moved out.
É conveniente, considerando que nem tiveste coragem... para dizer à Maeby que ele tinha saído de casa.
bruce didn't have any friends, so he had to invite his enemies, a real "who's who" of las vegas.
O Bruce não tinha amigos, por isso tinha que convidar os inimigos, um verdadeiro "quem é quem" de Las Vegas.
I mean, he didn't have time to steal a car.
Não podia ter tido tempo de roubar o carro.
And it would have felt a lot worse, if I didn't know he'd gone on to a better place.
E nao estaria me sentindo pior se ele não estivesse ido para uma lugar melhor
Now, he didn't have to use a powder that fine.
Porém, ele poderia não ter usado um pó tão fino.
He didn't have to use threaded caps,
Poderia não ter usado tampas de rosca.
And he didn't even have to use a steel pipe, and it would have been a whole lot safer if he hadn't.
E poderia até não ter utilizado tubos de aço e teria sido muito mais seguro se não o tivesse feito.
We talked to some of his clients, and he was in debt up to his ears and promising stuff he didn't have time to forge.
Falámos com alguns dos clientes dele e ele estava endividado até à orelhas. E a prometer coisas que não tinha tempo para falsificar.
Now if and it, it happened... that they forgive him... so he didn't have to do to hisself what he wouldn't let be done to him... well then, I guard, that man might think... setting forth afterwards... with whatever fucking loudmouth went along with him...
Agora, se acontecer... que eles o perdoem, de forma que não necessite de fazer a si o que não quer que lhe façam, bem, julgo que pensaria, ao ir-se embora depois, com qualquer desbocado que fosse com ele,
Well, you don't have a place to live, you don't like to work, you didn't want to marry Morty so he doesn't have to pay alimony.
Não tens casa nem emprego. Como não casaste com o Morty, ele não tem de pagar-te nada.
He didn't have any reason to lie.
- Não tinha razões para mentir.
He probably didn't want to have them on him in case he got stopped.
Ele provavelmente não os quereria ter com ele em caso de ser mandado parar.
He didn't have to turn in that cheat.
Ele não precisava de ter entregue aquele vigarista.
But he didn't have anyone to share it with.
Mas não tinha ninguém com quem a partilhar.
Well, he didn't know exactly what I wanted to talk about, or else he might not have made this introduction.
Bem, não sabia ao certo sobre o que queria falar... ou poderia não nos ter apresentado.
His attitude was like I didn't have an existence outside of what he was doing to me.
A atitude dele era como se eu não tivesse existência fora do que ele me estava a fazer.
And then Zach said he couldn't have sex and I didn't want to explain it, so I made him believe that I still wanted to.
E depois o Zach disse que não podíamos fazer sexo, e eu não queria explicar-lhe, então fiz-lhe acreditar que eu queria.
Some timid cunt shoveling shit with a collar around his neck because he didn't have the courage to die like a man.
Algum condenado miserável que tinha de baldear bosta, porque não teve coragem de morrer como um homem!
Sheriff tells me the kid didn't have any colours before he hit juvie but to stay alive, he had to claim Spookstreet.
O xerife diz que o miúdo não andava em gangs antes da adolescência, mas, para sobreviver, teve de se juntar aos Spookstreet.
Officially, we're supposed to honor the signed document, but I think he... intended to change the pre-Need and just never... didn't have time to.
Oficialmente, deveríamos honrar o documento assinado, mas acho que ele tenciona alterar isto, só que nunca... Não teve tempo para o fazer.
Well, he didn't have to say it, sweetie.
Bem, não precisou de falar, querida.
You didn't have to kill him just because he wasn't normal anymore.
Não era preciso matá-lo apenas porque já não era normal.
Well, that's why I have to go back. He didn't tell me.
- É por isso que tenho de voltar.
Maybe if you didn't baby Eric so much, he wouldn't have had to leave to prove himself.
Talvez se não o mimasse tanto, ele não tivesse de ir embora para provar o seu valor.
All I know is, he quit. Then the bus crashed, and I really didn't have a chance to ask him about it after that.
Tudo o que sei é que desistiu e depois houve o acidente do autocarro e não consegui perguntar-lhe o que aconteceu.
The D.A. decided he didn't have enough evidence to convict, so six weeks after he was arrested, Logan walked.
O procurador achou que não tinha provas suficientes para o acusar, 6 semanas depois de ter sido preso foi libertado.
He didn't let me offer him something he would have to refuse.
Nem me deixou oferecer-lhe algo que teria de recusar.
Oh, he didn't have to tell me.
Ele não precisou de me dizer.
Well, I got news for you. I didn't get all primped and preened to have some over-fed, pompous puffball tell me he's too good for me.
Pois fica sabendo que não me apinoquei toda para uma bola de pêlo pomposa e anafada me dizer que é bom demais para mim!
He didn't wanna have anything to do with it, but he did it for me.
Ele não queria ter nada a ver com aquilo, mas fê-lo por mim.
Where the rich black couple adopted the poor white trash kid, and they didn't have the heart to tell him he's not black?
Onde um casal de negros ricos adopta um rapaz branco. E não tem coragem de dizer que ele não é negro.
But he didn't have any place to go.
Mas ele não tinha sitio nenhum para onde ir.
He found out that Bobby was getting out, and he threatened to tell him that we stole from him. He wanted money that we didn't have, Dwight. He wanted $ 10,000.
E descobriu que o Bobby ia sair e ameaçou dizer-lhe que o tínhamos roubado, pedia dinheiro que não tínhamos, dez mil dólares ;
Oh, I wish he didn't have to go backto Tibet.
Quem me dera que ele não tivesse de voltar para o Tibete.
I didn't have any money to get to New York so I meet this guy at a club, he works on a ship.
Eu não tinha dinheiro para ir para Nova Iorque, então conheci um tipo numa discoteca e ele trabalhava no navio.
The guy just opened fire He didn't have time to react
Ele nem teve tempo de reagir.
God knows he didn't have to write, not after all that money on In Cold Blood.
Deus sabe que não precisava de escrever, depois do dinheiro de "A Sangue Frio".
He / she looks, it is well, we have a body, we have some rakes... and a lot of people that didn't see anything... because they fear to say something, the friends, well... then...
Está bem, temos um corpo, temos umas pistas... e muita gente que não viu merda nenhuma... porque temem dizer alguma coisa contra os amigos,... então o quê...
I knew he wanted to break up but he didn't have the balls to.
Sabia que ele queria terminar mas não tinha coragem.
- He didn't have to.
- Não foi preciso.
We assumed he just didn't have time to flick it off.
Presumimos que não tivesse tido tempo para a desactivar.
He didn't have anything left to give.
Não lhe restava mais nada para dar.
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't want to 25
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't tell me anything 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't want to 25
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't tell me anything 22