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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / He knew what he was doing

He knew what he was doing translate Portuguese

246 parallel translation
He knew what he was doing.
Ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
He knew what he was doing when he turned them over to us.
Ele sabia o que fazia quando nos entregou o ouro dele.
He knew what he was doing. Knew what Stumpy would do, too.
Sabia o que fazia e o que o Stumpy faria.
He cut the cards. He knew what he was doing.
Ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
Sure, Dragon knows what he's doing, just like he knew what he was doing when he worked for the Nazis during World War II.
É claro que o Dragon sabe o que faz, tal como quando trabalhava para os Nazis.
He knew what he was doing.
Sabia o que estava a fazer.
He knew what he was doing, that's for sure.
E ele sabia o que fazia, não há dúvida.
- He knew what he was doing.
- Sabia o que estava a fazer.
Yes, I could see the frenzy in his eyes, he knew what he was doing,
saberia que o Wilson estava morto? Eu diria que sim ; de onde eu estava, vi-lhe o olhar esgazeado, quando percebeu o que fizera.
Listen. He knew what he was doing.
Ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
- But he knew what he was doing.
- Mas ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
The knife was convenient, but he knew what he was doing.
A faca serviu bem, mas ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
KAREN : He knew what he was doing.
Ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
Because he knew what he was doing.
Ele sabia o que fazia.
You could tell he knew what he was doing.
Dava para perceber que ele sabia o que estava a fazer.
He knew what he was doing, sir.
Ele sabia o que fazia.
So you told your boss that Mr. Hastings knew what he was doing?
Assim você disse ao seu patrão que Mr Hastings sabia o que ele fazia?
I wouldn't worry about that, Judge. I think Colonel Caldwell knew what he was doing.
Não se preocupe, Juiz, o Coronel Caldwell sabia o que fazia.
He didn't know what he was doing, any more than he knew what he was saying.
Ele não sabia o que fazia, nem sabia o que estava a dizer.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Ele sabia exatamente o que estava fazendo.
Hengstrom and I were talking on the boat about what I was doing with Gamma Five, and he knew the project was canceled.
Falei com o Hengstrom sobre o meu trabalho com o Gama Cinco e ele sabia que o projecto foi cancelado.
Tom Turner knew what he was doing.
O Tom Turner sabia o que estava a fazer.
I knew what he was doing with his other hand.
É fácil de imaginar o que fazia com a outra mão.
Believe me, this is the best solution I tell you, I knew what he was doing
Acredite em mim, esta é a melhor solução eu tinha dito, eu sabia o que estava por
This time Norl knew what he was doing.
O tal Norl parecia saber o que fazia... e para um gorila, o seu inglês não estava nada mal.
Arkady, whoever cut off their faces knew what he was doing.
Arkady, quem arrancou as faces deles, sabia o que estava a fazer.
Well perhaps he was so rattled and bustled by meeting this other fellow that he hardly knew what he was doing. That's likely enough.
Talvez estivesse tão perturbado e agitado por ver esse outro tipo, que mal sabia o que fazia.
Skeletor knew what he was doing.
Skeletor sabia o que fazia.
Do you think God knew what He was doing when He created woman?
Acham que Deus sabia o que fazia quando criou a mulher?
Now, as we reflect on the life of this bewildered young man... eddie knew exactly what he was doing.
Agora, enquanto reflectimos sobre a vida desse desnorteado homem... O Eddie sabia exactamente o que fazia.
But when Jay went through the academy and became an officer, well I knew what he was doing every day, you know?
Você sabe, o desenvolvimento físico, bruto. Agora você soar como Jay falar. Sim, eu acho que sim.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Ele sabia bem o que fazia.
In my opinion, Mr. Beltran knew what he was doing and he hasn't forgotten.
Acho que ele sabia o que fazia e não o esqueceu.
I'd be able to testify that although he may have been traumatized as a youth, he knew exactly what he was doing when he killed his father.
Posso depor que apesar de ter sido traumatizado na juventude, ele sabia exactamente o que fazia quando matou o pai.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Ele sabia perfeitamente o que estava a fazer.
The guy who pulled this off knew what he was doing.
O gajo que tirou isto sabia o que estava a fazer.
Yuri knew what he was doing.
O Yuri sabia o que fazia.
Carl Lee Hailey knew what he was doing.
Carl Lee Hailey sabia o que estava a fazer.
If they knew what he was realy doing in Detroit. So would I.
Se soubessem o que ele faz em Detroit, também eu saberia.
Q-Ball knew what he was doing.
O Q-Ball sabia o que estava a fazer.
I just wish I knew what he was doing to these children.
Só queria saber o que ele estava a fazer com estas crianças.
I don't know who he was or what he was doing there, but he knew what I was. I could just tell.
Não sei quem ele era ou o que fazia ali, mas ele sabia o que era.
I'll assume the killer knew what he was doing and that C wasn't one of his initials.
Calculo que o assassino sabia o que fazia e que o C não era a inicial dele.
I mean. why would Nathan blow all this money if he didn't really think that I knew what I was doing?
Porque é que o Nathan esbanjaria todo este dinheiro se não pensasse mesmo que eu sei o que estou a fazer?
He knew exactly what he was doing.
E isso indica que ele sabia exactamente o que estava a fazer.
I don't know how he did it, but witnesses say he really knew what he was doing.
Nem sei como ele o fez, mas as testemunhas dizem... que ele sabia mesmo o que estava a fazer.
Emil knew exactly what he was doing.
Emil sabia exactamente o que estava a fazer.
I know he knew just what he was doing and how much joy she would bring to the world.
E sei que Ele sabia o que estava a fazer e a alegria que ela ia trazer ao mundo.
Maybe Dad knew what he was doing.
Se calhar o pai sempre sabia o que estava a fazer.
No, your father knew exactly what he was doing.
Não, o teu pai sabia muito bem o que estava a fazer.
I don't think he knew what I was doing this time.
Ele não sabia o que eu estava fazendo.

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