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How long was i out translate Portuguese

122 parallel translation
- How long was I out? - Hours.
- Quanto tempo estive desmaiado?
- How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo passou?
How long was I out there?
Quanto tempo fiquei adormecida?
How long was I out for?
Quanto tempo passou?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desmaiado?
- How long was I out? - Four months.
- Quanto tempo eu estive em coma?
How long was I out on the lawn?
quanto tempo estive na relva?
- How long was I out?
- Estive desmaiada quanto tempo?
- How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desmaiado?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desacordada?
- How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
How long was I out for?
Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
- How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo estive a dormir?
- How long was I out?
- Dormi por quanto tempo?
How long was I out?
Estive inconsciente muito tempo?
How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo estive desmaiado?
How long was I out there?
Quanto tempo faz que eu saí de lá?
- How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo estive desmaiado?
How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
How long was i out?
Quanto tempo fiquei apagado?
- How long was I out?
- Por quanto tempo é que eu apaguei?
How long was I out for?
Quanto tempo estive desmaiada?
- How long was I out?
Durante quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desmaiada?
How long was I out?
Por quanto tempo estive dormindo?
How long was I out? A few weeks.
Umas semanas.
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desacordado?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive fora?
How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo eu estive inconsciente?
A quanto tempo ele saiu?
How long was i out for?
Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
oh, my god.how long was i out?
Meu Deus. Por quanto tempo fiquei desmaiado?
How long was I out?
Estive a divagar durante quanto tempo?
- How long was I out?
- Por quanto tempo eu apaguei?
Well, I don't know how long I stumbled around out there, like I was drunk.
Bem, não sei quanto tempo andei por lá, aos tropeções, como se estivesse bêbado.
I was at a party not so long ago, where someone read out a poem about death and love, and how they sink into each other.
Há algum tempo atrás estive numa festa e alguém queria ler um poema. Era sobre o amor e a morte, como se fundem um com o outro e como se complementam.
I have lived long enough to find out how wrong.. .. I was about... so many things.
Vive o suficiente para me dar conta de como eu estava equivocado sobre... tantas coisas.
I was trying to find out how long they're gonna keep you here, that's all.
Só queria saber quanto tempo é que te vão manter aqui.
So when he said he was getting married to a woman he'd only known for five weeks, and he wanted me to stand up for him, I thought, man, how long can his luck hold out?
Quando disse que se ia casar com alguém que conhecia há semanas, e queria que o apoiasse, pensei quanto tempo duraria a sorte dele?
( groans ) How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
I don't know how long l was out, but... the next thing I knew, I was awake and... and I was breathing normally and I looked over at Harry.
Não sei quanto tempo fiquei desacordado, mas... a próxima coisa que eu sei, e que eu estava de pé e... respirando normalmente e procurei pelo Harry.
I don't know how long I was out.
Não sei por quanto tempo fiquei inconsciente.
I've been out of the game for so long... I've forgotten how much fun it could be- - even though we were conning your own daughter... who I haven't seen since she was what, 4?
Esqueci como era divertido... mesmo dando golpe em sua filha... que eu não vejo desde os quatro anos.
How long has it been They got me sittin'in the state pen I gotta get out but that thought was thought before
Em 1994, Nelson Mandela foi eleito presidente, pondo fim a 46 anos do regime do Apartheid.
- How long was I out?
- Quanto tempo desmaiei?
I didn't know how long we were going to be, so I was just going out to get us some lunch.
Não sabia quanto tempo iremos demorar, então só estava indo almoçar.
How long was I out?
- Durante quanto tempo dormi?
I don't know how long it was - maybe seconds, maybe half a minute - all that time, I kept trying to figure out if I had a hard-on.
Eu não me lembro quanto tempo foi, talvez segundos, talvez meio minuto. Durante esse tempo, fiquei a tentar lembrar-me se fiquei excitado.
How long was I zoned out?
Quanto tempo estive desligado?
How long was I out?
Quanto tempo estive desmaiado? Alguns minutos.

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