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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I'll see you there

I'll see you there translate Portuguese

1,034 parallel translation
Anyway, my old lady's gonna be there, and she gonna get dead in my case if I ain't there, so, look, you have a nice evening, and I'll see you later.
Desejo-te uma boa noite e vejo-te mais tarde.
- I'll see you there.
- Vemo-nos lá.
Take me there and you'll never see me again, I promise.
Leve-me até lá e prometo que nunca mais me verá.
There may be no criminal charges against you... but I'll see these files reach Calcutta... with the recommendation that you be deported as political undesirables.
Podem não ter sido acusados... mas estes cadastros chegarão a Calcutá... Nocivos ao lmpério e ao rajá!
I'll see what we can do, but there's no need for you to call back again.
Vou ver o que posso fazer. Mas não há necessidade de chamar de volta...
Go to work, I'll be there in a second, okay? See you outside.
Vai trabalhar, eu já venho, ok?
Okay. I'll see you there.
Está bem, encontramo-nos lá.
- All right, I'll see you there.
- Está bem, encontramo-nos lá.
I'll see you in there when you're finished, okay?
Te encontro lá quando terminar, está bem?
- I'll see you down there.
- Vou descer.
As soon as the deal's over, I'll see that there is 20 % in it for you.
Se eu fechar o negócio, você leva 20 %.
As a matter of fact, Sheba and I are shuttling them over there, so we'll see you two later.
Aliás, eu a Sheba ficámos com o privilégio de os ir lá levar por isso até logo!
If there's anything else you want to see, - I'll go and get it.
Se tiver algo mais que queira ver, eu trarei.
Someday you'll be wrong. I hope I'm there to see it.
Um dia, há-de errar, só espero estar presente para ver.
- I'll see you there.
- Encontramo-nos lá.
- Uh-huh. Great, I'll see you there.
Ótimo, te vejo depois então.
I'll see you there.
Vejo-te lá então.
There's a bankbook in there that'll show you that that's the truth... so, uh, what you see there is every dime that Edward Maloney has. That's right. That's all I got.
- É tudo o que tenho.
You know, I just figured it's not working out between us and, hell, I'll never see you again. You know, there's just no excuse.
Sabes, achei que as coisas näo estavam a resultar e, chiça, que näo voltaria a ver-te.
I'll see you there.
Vejo-te aí.
All right, I'll see you there.
Está bem, até logo.
I'll see you there and then escort you back to town when you're ready.
Acompanho-a até lá e escolto-a até á cidade, quando estiver pronta.
I'll see you there.
Vejo-te então lá.
Well, I'll see you there, Scott.
Vemo-nos lá, Scott.
I'll see you there.
Vemo-nos lá.
But I'm sure you'll see that as soon as he gets going there is absolutely nothing to stop him!
Mas estou certo que verão... que quando começar não haverá nada que o possa deter.
I'll see you over there in half an hour.
Encontramo-nos ali, daqui a uma hora e meia.
No, you stay there. I'll see you in 20 minutes, okay?
Chego em vinte minutos.
Well, you'll never see more collective poverty than in Israel. - I urge you to take a trip there.
Não haverá mais pobreza do que em Israel.
I'll see you there.
Encontramo-nos lá.
I'll see you when you get there.
Encontramo-nos lá.
Okay, I'll see you there.
Certo. Eu encontro-o lá.
I'm gone. I'll see you there.
Eu vou andando.
You want something to cry about, I'll run you to the state home let you see what's laying out there.
Quer chorar por alguma coisa, eu levo-a à casa de repouso vamos ver o que tem para dizer.
- OK. I'll see you out there.
Vemo-nos lá fora.
I'll see you down there.
Creio que verá, como todos nós, que nesta foto original, há uma nova personagem em cena, o coronel BradIey, adido do Secretário Stevens.
All right. Yeah, I'll see you there.
Está bem, vemo-nos lá.
- l'll see you there.
- I verá você lá.
I'll see you there. Yeah.
Está combinado.
Okay. I'll see you there.
Encontramo-nos lá.
I'll take two and roll for the balance. And, come on, now. There, you see?
Como eu estava falar-vos sobre o Lenonn o cabeça do Anla-Shok o que os humanos um dia iriam chamar de Rangers foi levado perante o Conselho Cinzento.
I'll see you there.
Mas tudo bem, isso resolvemos depois. Vejo-te lá.
There'll be additional things tomorrow, It's accumulating, I'll never keep track, you see?
Amanhã terei ainda mais coisas a dizer-lhe e à força de acumular tanta coisa, não consigo lembrar-me de tudo.
I'll see you at Billy's. We can leave from there.
Então vejo-te no Billy's. E podemos ir a partir de lá.
- I'll see you back there, honey.
- Te vejo lá atrás, querido.
Maybe I'll see you there.
Talvez te encontre lá.
I'll see you there.
Até lá, então.
There's a woman you should see,..... and I'll make sure that you can get in.
Há uma mulher que tens de ir ver, eu trato da vossa entrada.
We got them two ratfucks back up in there. - I guess you'll want to see'em.
Nós demos a eles duas celas ali atrás.
I think you'll see something down there.
Parece-me que vi uma coisa em baixo.

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