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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I've been thinking about this

I've been thinking about this translate Portuguese

304 parallel translation
I've been thinking it's not safe for you to roam Chicago looking for this George Kaplan you've been telling me about.
Tenho estado a pensar não é seguro para ti ires a Chicago procurar por esse George Kaplan de que tens falado.
Yeah, I've been thinking about this thing. And I guess old Frank Towns just never could stand being told what to do.
Tenho pensado... e suponho que o velho Frank Towns... nunca suportou que Ihe dissessem que fazer.
I've been thinking about this holiday, and I was wondering if possibly, just once, w-w-we might go abroad somewhere.
Estive a pensar sobre estas férias e estava a perguntar-me, se por uma vez, se poderiamos ir algures para fora.
I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr Soaper, but I've been thinking about this camping trip for the girls that remain with us during the holidays.
Desculpe incomodar, Dr. Soaper, mas pensei na viagem de campismo para as meninas que permanecem connosco durante as férias.
I've been lying in this bed for three weeks thinking about it and all I know is I don't want to go to prison and I can't play Cathcart's game.
Há três semanas que penso nisso aqui deitado e apenas sei que não quero ir para a prisão, e que não posso fazer o jogo do Cathcart.
Sonja, I've been thinking about this.
Sonja, estive a pensar nisto.
I've been thinking about the legal aspects of this case... and the government can't have any actual backup for what they're doing.
Estive a pensar acerca dos aspectos legais deste caso... e o Governo não pode ter argumentos legais para o que andam a fazer.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about this... and I'm ready to have kids.
Eu tenho pensado muito acerca disto... e eu estou pronto para ter filhos.
I've been thinking about this since your brother put a stop to our blockade run.
Penso nisto desde que o teu irmão impediu o nosso ataque.
I've been thinking. I know this is gonna sound a little weird, but... I've been thinking, and the more I been thinking about it... the more I realize that maybe it wasn't....
Sei que isto vai soar estranho mas quanto mais penso, mais acho que talvez não seja.
I've been thinking about this.
- Tenho andado a pensar nisto.
I've been thinking about this girl, Sandy.
- Estive pensando na Sandy.
Look, willie, i've been thinking about this Aaron king thing.
Olha, Willie, tenho estado a pensar sobre esta coisa do Aaron King.
I've been thinking about this daddy business.
Tenho pensado nessa coisa do pai.
I've been thinking, Homer, and you know what bothers me the most about this whole thing?
Estive a pensar, Homer, e sabes o que me chateia mais nisto?
This is hard to say but I've been thinking a lot about it and we can't have a relationship.
É difícil dizer isto... Mas pensei muito nisto e... Nós não podemos ter uma relação.
This might be a tangent but it's something I've been thinking about...
Isto pode parecer súbito, mas é cá uma ideia que eu tive...
I've been up all night thinking about this, and I'm miserable without you.
Estive acordado a noite toda a pensar sobre isto e eu sou infeliz sem ti.
I've been thinking about this.
Elaine, tenho andado a pensar muito nisto.
I've been thinking. Someone else must know about this program.
Outra pessoa deve saber sobre este programa.
Dana, I've been thinking about this and I have a theory.
Estive a pensar nisto, e tenho uma teoria.
Barn, I've been thinking about this executive job.
A SUA oportunidade DE evoluir! Estive a pensar neste cargo de executivo.
I've been thinking about this karate stuff my dad taught me.
Tenho andado a pensar nesta história do karaté que o meu pai me ensinou.
You know, I've been thinking about this for a long time.
Há muito tempo que penso nisto :
I've been thinking about this salute Jack gave me in his cell.
Eu estive a pensar na saudação que o Jack me fez na cela dele.
Although recently I've been thinking about this friend of mine.
Embora recentemente tenha andado a pensar numa amiga minha.
I've been thinking about this whole situation.
Estive a pensar nesta situação.
Well, I've been thinking about this, and... I've decided that I don't want to go to college a virgin.
Bem, estive a ponderar isto, e decidi que não quero ir para a faculdade uma virgem.
You know, I've been thinking about this suit.
Sabes, estive a pensar neste fato.
I've been thinking about this. You're Bilko's platoon!
Tenho andado a pensar nisto, vocês são o pelotão do Bilko.
You know, I've been thinking about this.
- Sabem, estava a pensar nisso...
And if... I've- - I've been thinking about this a lot.
Tenho pensado muito nisto.
Um, I've been thinking about this trip you're taking to Risa.
Tenho estado a pensar na vossa viagem a Risa.
I've been thinking about this.
Eu estava errado. Tenho estado a pensar nisto.
- Just like the lady should I ´ ve been thinking about this for so long. I want you so bad.
Ando a pensar nisto faz tempo Quero-te desesperadamente.
- Drop it. I've been thinking about this whole murder thing. - Have they checked out Randy?
Tenho andado amagicar e já pensaste que pode ser o Randy?
With this whole reunion thing and all, I've been thinking about that time a lot.
Com esta história do reencontro, tenho pensado muito nessa época.
I've been trying to figure that out. I was thinking about how we've had some pretty strange fights, but this one. Man, me ragging on you about school.
Pensei que temos tido discussões estranhas ultimamente, mas esta, de eu ralhar contigo por causa da escola, é realmente bizarra.
I've been thinking about what you said... that this was a place to encourage your imagination.
Estive pensando no que você me disse. Que este é um lugar... Que encoraja a imaginação.
I've been thinking about this and I think we should meet.
Estive a pensar e acho que devemos encontrar-nos.
Connie, I've been thinking about this a lot.
Connie, andei pensando muito nisso. Muito mesmo.
I mean, a case like this is all about career, and you've been thinking about that.
Um caso destes é sempre uma questão de carreira...
I've been thinking about this commercial thing.
Estive a pensar nisto do anúncio.
I've been thinking about this.
Estive a pensar. Podemos resolver isto.
I've been thinking a lot about this.
Tenho pensado muito nisto.
I've been thinking about this a lot... and, uh... I'm not mad anymore.
Tenho andado a pensar nisto muito... e, uh... já não estou chateado contigo.
I've been thinking about this for a while.
Já ando a pensar nisto há um tempo.
I mean, this is something... ... that you've been thinking about since you were, what, 1 4?
Isto é algo sobre o qual tens pensado desde o quê... os 14 anos?
I've been thinking about this.
Estive a pensar nisto.
I've been thinking about this meeting your parents.
Estive a pensar nisso de conhecer os teus pais.
I've been thinking about this baby thing.
Estive a pensar nisso do bebé.

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