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I've never seen them before translate Portuguese

79 parallel translation
It's two men, and I've never seen them before.
Abby, são dois homens e não os conheço.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca as vi antes.
I ─ - I've never seen them act like that before.
Nunca os tinha visto se comportarem assim.
I've never seen them before.
TEUS amigos.
I've never seen them that way arranged before.
Nunca os tinha visto tão bem postos.
I've never seen them before.
Não, é a primeira vez que os vejo.
I've never seen them this agitated before.
Nunca os vi tão agitados. Vamos lá.
Christ, I've never seen them do that before.
Nunca os tinha visto fazer isso antes.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca os tinha visto.
I've never seen them before.
Não sei quem são, nunca os tinha visto.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca os vi antes. Porquê?
I've never seen them before.
Nunca vi estes antes.
- I've never seen them before!
- Eu nunca vi estes gajos antes.
l-l'm sorry, I've never seen them before.
Desculpem, eu nunca os vi antes.
And he also said that most of them were college guys I've never even seen or met before.
Ele também disse, que a maioria são conhecidos meus e que voltarei a vê-los.
I've never seen them act like that before.
Nunca os vi manifestarem-se assim.
- I've never seen them before.
- Nunca tinha visto antes.
I've never seen a fish before, not a real one, but I've read about them on our database.
- Mas é. Nunca vi um peixe antes, não de verdade. mas li sobre eles em nossa base de dados.
I will give them something they've never seen before
Dar-lhes-ei algo que nunca dantes viram.
I don't know who they are. I've never seen them before.
Nunca os vi na vida.
No, I've never seen them before in my life.
Não, nunca os vi antes.
I like the way you told them you've never seen a baptism before.
Gostei da forma como lhe disse que nunca viu um baptismo.
I've never seen anything like them before.
Nunca vi nada assim.
Because I've never seen them before.
Porque nunca vi isso antes.
I've never seen either one of them before.
Nunca tinha visto nenhum deles.
I've never seen them shine like that before.
Nunca os vi brilhar assim.
I've never seen them mating before the solstice.
Nunca os vi acasalar antes do solstício.
- I've been to these places before but I've never really seen them.
- Já tinha estado nestes lugares mas nunca os tinha visto, realmente.
I swear to God, I've never seen them before.
Juro por Deus que nunca as vi antes.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca os tinha visto antes.
I've never seen them before. Oh...
Nunca as vi antes.
I've never seen them before in my life.
Eu nunca os vi antes!
I don't know these girls and I've never seen them before.
Não conheço estas miúdas e nunca as vi.
Those shoes are pretty nice. I've never seen them before.
Esses sapatos são giros, nunca os tinha visto.
I've never seen them like that before.
Nunca as vi assim antes.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca as tinha visto.
You know how... when you see people for the first time, even though you know you've seen them before, it's... and then John Lennon must be the most famous person in the world... and I've never seen him!
Quando vemos alguém em pessoa pela primeira vez, apesar de sabermos que já a vimos antes? O John Lennon deve ser a pessoa mais célebre do mundo e eu nunca o vi.
I've never seen tattoos like them before.
Nunca tinha visto tatuagens assim.
I've never seen them before in my life.
Nunca os vi antes.
I told them I've never seen it before.
Eu disse-lhes que nunca a tinha visto.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca os vi antes.
No, I've never seen them before in my life.
Não. Nunca os tinha visto antes na minha vida.
- I've never seen them before.
- Nunca os vi antes.
I've never seen them before in my life.
Nunca as tinha visto.
I've never seen anything like them before.
Nunca vi nenhuns parecidos antes.
I don't know what to expect,'cause I've never seen them in the wild before. - So it's a first for me. - Okay.
Não sei o que esperar, nunca os vi na natureza, é a primeira vez.
I've never seen them before.
- Desculpe, nunca as vi antes.
I've never seen them before.
Nunca as vi.
I've never seen them before.
- Eram cidadãos da cidade?
I've never seen them armed before.
Nunca os tinha visto armados.
I mean, most of of them are just random background people we've never seen before anyway.
Quero dizer, a maioria são apenas pessoas aleatórias de segundo plano que nunca tínhamos visto.

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