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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I didn't know you were

I didn't know you were translate Portuguese

2,599 parallel translation
Because I didn't know you were fucking going there, because you didn't fucking tell me.
Porque não sabia que lá ias, porque não me disseste.
I didn't even know you were here.
- Pois, nem olhaste.
I didn't know you were home.
- Não sabia que estava em casa.
I didn't know you were married. I thought you understood.
Pensei que compreendias.
I-I didn't know you were still up.
Não tinha reparado que ainda estavas de pé.
- I didn't know you were so upset.
- Não sabia que estavas tão perturbada.
I didn't know you were reading.
Não sabia que estavas a ler.
Ezra. I didn't know you were coming to this.
Ezra, não sabia que vinhas.
I didn't know who they were at first. You know who they are now?
Ao princípio, não sabia quem eram.
You think I didn't know he started with Lisa before we were separated?
Achas que eu não sabia, que ele começou com a Lisa antes de nos separarmos?
You left at night and I didn't know where you were going and when you'd get back.
Partiste de noite e eu não sabia para onde ias.
I didn't feel what Brody and I were was something you needed to know about.
Não achei que o que eu e o Brody éramos fosse algo que precissases saber.
Austin, I didn't know that you and Marilyn were acquainted.
Austin, não sabia que tu e a Marylin eram conhecidos.
If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were getting cocky.
Se não te conhecesse melhor, achava que estás a encontrar-te.
I didn't know you were coming here today.
Não sabia que vinhas hoje.
For him, he became just wild - pent up rage, anger, I mean, the whole gamut of emotions, so, and you really didn't know what you were going to get - it was very intense.
Ele perdeu a cabeça, libertava fúria, raiva, isto é, todas as emoções possíveis, e nunca sabíamos ao certo o que ia acontecer. Era muito intenso.
I didn't know you two were talking.
Não sabia que se falavam.
If I didn't know any better, I'd... think you were avoiding us.
Se não te conhecesse bem, pensaria que nos estás a evitar.
If I didn't know any better, I would think you were accusing me of something untoward.
Se não tivesse experiência, ia pensar que estás a acusar-me de uma coisa ilegal.
I didn't know you were back from over there.
Não sabia que tinhas voltado de lá.
John I didn't know you were back from over there.
John, não sabia que tinhas voltado.
Oh, I know. I didn't know where you were.
- Não sabia onde estavas.
I didn't know that you were- - yeah.
Não sabia que estavas...
Well, I didn't know you and Chuck were back together.
Bem, não sabia que tu e o Chuck tinham voltado.
I didn't know they were dead until you told me.
Não sabia que estavam mortas até me dizerem.
I didn't know why you were upset.
- Não sabia porque estavas chateado.
I didn't know you were married. Should we spike his food or his drink?
Juro que é só mais um minuto.
Oh, I didn't know you were...
Não sabia que estavas aí...
Oh, I didn't know you were home.
- Não sabia que estavas em casa.
I didn't know you were helping Ashley on this.
Não sabia que estavas a ajudar a Ashley.
I didn't know you were gonna be here.
Não sabia que ias estar cá.
I didn't know you were going back to back.
Não sabia que ias tocar-me com as costas.
I didn't know you were making a move.
Não sabia que ias fazer alguma coisa! - Ah... otário?
I didn't know you were here.
Não sabia que estava aqui.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you guys were writing the next Marilyn Milner novel.
Se não os conhecesse, podia dizer que estão a escrever o próximo romance da Marilyn.
I didn't know you were a bad flyer.
Não sabia que tinhas medo de voar. Não tenho.
I just didn't know you two were that serious!
Eu apenas não sabia que vocês estavam assim tão a sério!
If I didn't know you guys were mortal enemies, I'd say you were hanging out.
Se não soubesse que vocês eram inimigas mortais, diria que estavam juntas.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were offering to be my sponsor.
Se te conhecesse melhor, acharia que te estás a oferecer para seres o meu padrinho.
When I signed on to this job, I didn't know that you were gonna make me...
Quando aceitei este trabalho, não sabia o que ias fazer...
I didn't know you were gonna come into my life, that I was gonna have feelings. But all of a sudden, it's Max all the time in my head.
Não sabia que ias entrar na minha vida nem que ia sentir isto por ti e, de repente, não penso em mais ninguém.
I did her hair for her for prom, and I told her all about birth control when she didn't know who to ask, and we were sisters, you know?
Falei-lhe sobre anticoncepcionais, quando não tinha mais ninguém para falar. Éramos irmãs, sabes?
I didn't know you were sensitive about it.
Desculpa, não sabia que ficavas melindrado com isso.
I told you when you were here before I didn't know anything about the key.
Quando cá estiveste, disse que não sabia nada da chave.
It's just, you know, I didn't think we were gonna start dating or anything, you know?
É só que não pensei que a gente ia namorar.
I didn't know you were gonna take getting fired so hard.
Não pensei que fosses ficar tão mal com a demissão.
Hey, I didn't know you were such a big fan of Lionel Richie.
Não sabia que eras assim tão fã do Lionel Ritchie.
Ally, I didn't know you were coming.
Ally, não sabia que vinhas.
I didn't know you were into poetry.
Não sabia que davas na poesia.
You were covered in blood. I didn't know if it was yours. I had to make sure you were okay.
Tinhas muito sangue, não sabia se era teu, tinha de ver se.... estavas bem.
I didn't know that you were going to be here.
- Não sabia que ias cá estar.

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