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I just wanted to talk translate Portuguese

531 parallel translation
Good. I just wanted to talk to you.
Apenas queria falar contigo.
No, I just wanted to talk to you.
Não, só queria falar consigo.
I just wanted to talk to her. That's all.
Só quería falar com ela, nada mais.
I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, huh?
Só queria falar um minuto contigo, está bem?
I just wanted to talk to you.
Nothing exactly, I just wanted to talk to you.
Nada, só quero falar contigo.
Oh, Swede, I-I just wanted to talk to you.
Swede, eu só queria falar contigo.
Não, capitão. Sabe, só queria falar consigo.
I just wanted to talk to her about that evening.
Nada de especial. Queria só falar-Ihe sobre aquela noite.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Eu só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you about some of the things that have been happening lately.
Só lhe queria falar de certas coisas que têm acontecido aqui, ultimamente.
I just wanted to talk.
Eu só queria falar.
There was something about her. I just wanted to talk to her.
Havia qualquer coisa nela que me levou a falar com ela.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk.
Bem, só queria conversar.
I just wanted to talk, honest to God.
Fui só para falar com ela, Juro por Deus.
I just wanted to talk to you about C.J. Mack.
Vim falar sobre o C. J. Mack.
I just wanted to talk to you, Murdock.
Só quero falar contigo, Murdock.
I just wanted to talk to you about something.
- Queria falar contigo sobre uma coisa.
I just wanted to talk about Johnny Favorite and Evangeline Proudfoot.
Só queria saber sobre Johnny e Evangeline.
I just wanted to talk.
Só queria falar...
[Chuckles] I just wanted to talk to you.
Eu só queria falar contigo.
I-I just wanted to talk to Lizzie.
Eu só queria falar com a Lizzie.
Come on. Look. - I just wanted to talk.
Eu só queria falar.
I just wanted to talk.
Só queria conversar.
I just wanted to talk to you about a few things, but it's personal.
Queria falar de umas coisas contigo, mas é pessoal.
What are you doing here? - Well, I just wanted to talk to you.
- Bem, só queria falar contigo.
Lenny, I just wanted to talk to you about it.
Lenny, eu compreendo. Só queria falar contigo sobre isso. Nada mais.
I just wanted to talk toyou about it.
Mas quero falar contigo sobre isso.
I just wanted to talk.
- Nada. Só queria falar.
I just wanted to talk.
Só me apetece falar.
- I just wanted to talk to Tony for a minute.
Queria só dar uma palavrinha ao Tony.
I just... I just wanted to talk to you about it.
Queria falar contigo sobre isso
- I just wanted to talk to you.
- Queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk for a while.
Só queria falar um bocado contigo.
I just wanted to have a friendly talk.
Só quero ter uma conversa amigável.
Well, son, I just wanted the three of us to sort of talk things over.
Filho, nós os três temos que discutir um assunto.
I wasn't going to give you any high-flown talk about prejudice, Andy. I just wanted to know where you stood.
Eu não lhe vou dar nenhum sermão iluminado sobre preconceito, Andy, só queria saber a sua posição.
Well, you know, I wanted to talk to all of you just once more.
Mas, enfim, queria falar convosco uma vez mais.
See, I just never met another man my whole life... who only wanted to talk.
Nunca conheci outro homem, em toda a minha vida, que só quisesse conversar.
Well, um, I just remembered what it was. sir, we wanted to talk to you about.
Acabo de recordar o que queríamos falar com você, senhor.
I just knew that you were the only person I wanted to talk to.
Eu só sabia que... tu és a única pessoa com quem eu queria falar.
Susan, just the one I wanted to talk to.
Susan, queria apenas conversar contigo.
I just wanted... I wanted to also talk.
Só quero... também queria falar.
i just wanted to talk to you about your bombs.
Eu devia tê-lo trancado na garagem!
I was... just wanted to speak to you about what happened at the bank today. We can talk later.
Ernest, só vim cá, porque queria falar contigo por causa do que aconteceu hoje no banco.
If Curzon had told me he wanted to go off with some woman he just met I would have tried to talk him out of it, too.
Se o Curzon me tivesse dito que queria partir com uma mulher que acabara de conhecer, eu também teria tentado dissuadi-lo.
I'm putting down my gun. I just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes.
Vou pousar a minha arma.
I just wanted you to come to my shop, so you would talk to me, instead of... Instead of always walking away from me.
Só queria que viesses à minha oficina para falares comigo em vez de andares sempre a fugir de mim.
I just wanted to get your momma outta the house for a few minutes so we could talk.
Só queria tirar a tua mãe de casa para falarmos.
Look, I j-just w-wanted to talk.
Eu só queria conversar.

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