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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I just wanted to tell you

I just wanted to tell you translate Portuguese

767 parallel translation
- I just wanted to tell you...
- Só queria dizer-lhe...
I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate it.
Só queria que soubesses que apreciei isso.
I just wanted to tell you... that I must be getting along now. But you can't!
Só lhe quero dizer que agora tenho de ir andando.
I just wanted to tell you the news.
Só queria contar as novidades.
I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for sounding off that way this morning.
Só queria pedir-vos desculpa por ter explodido esta manhã.
I just wanted to tell you that I'm really not Miss Winthrop's brother.
Sò queria dizer-lhe que näo sou irmäo de Miss Winthrop.
I just wanted to tell you that I know it was an accident.
Queria apenas dizer-te que sei que foi um acidente.
I just wanted to tell you. I don't want anything to happen to you.
Não quero que te aconteça nada.
I just wanted to tell you about it.
Só queria mostrar a ideia.
I just wanted to tell you I'll be there tomorrow at 10pm.
Queria dizer-lhe que amanhã à noite... - Estarei lá às 10 horas.
I just wanted to tell you, I'm awfully tired...
Só queria dizer-lhe que estou muito cansada...
I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am they chose you for this operation.
Estou contente por o escolherem a si para esta operação.
Judy, I Just wanted to tell you, I live right next door, alright?
Só queria dizer-te, eu moro mesmo ao teu lado, ok.?
I just wanted to tell you that he was right and I was wrong.
Eu só queria dizer que ele estava certo e eu, errada.
I just wanted to tell you ladies what I didn't get a chance to tell you yesterday.
Só queria dizer aquilo que não pude dizer ontem.
- I just wanted to tell you...
- Só queria dizer-lhe que...
I just wanted to tell you Bobbie here is madly in love with you... and trembles at the sight of your rippling biceps.
Queria dizer que a Bobbie aqui está loucamente apaixonada por você... e treme diante de seus bíceps vigorosos.
I just wanted to tell you...
Só queria dizer-te...
Sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted to tell you that an English nobleman, Count Stanhope, has come to town.
Lamento ter incomodado, mas queria lhe dizer que um nobre inglês, o Conde Stanhope, chegou à cidade.
Well, I just wanted to tell you... that I'm pregnant and I want money.
Bem, só queria te dizer... que estou grávida. Quero dinheiro.
I just wanted to tell you how much I really enjoyed your course.
Só queria dizer-lhe que gostei muito do seu curso.
I just wanted to tell you that, you seekers of perfection.
Só queria dizer isto a quem procura a perfeição.
- I just wanted to tell you.
- Era só para saber.
I just wanted to tell you that.
Só te queria dizer isto.
I just wanted to tell you that. Maybe
Só te queria dizer isso.
I just wanted to tell you I heard about your folks. I'm really sorry.
Eu apenas queria dizer que ouvi o que aconteceu aos teus pais.lamento muito.
I know you're leavin', but I just wanted to tell you somethin'.
Eu sei que vão partir, mas só queria dizer-te uma coisa.
Sorry, Francoise, I just wanted to tell you that today...
Eu queria avisar-te, Françoise.
I just wanted to tell you to eat it.
Só queria dizer-te que te fosses lixar.
I just wanted to tell you, I hope you find what you're looking for.
Só queria dizer, que espero que encontrem o que procuram.
I just wanted to tell you... whatever happens... it's nothing to do with me and you.
Eu só quero dizer-te... que aconteça o que acontecer, não tem nada a ver connosco.
- I just wanted to tell you...
- Eu quero dizer-te...
- I just wanted to tell you.
- Só quis vir dizer-te.
I just wanted to tell you that.
Só queria dizer-lhe isso.
I just wanted to tell you.
Era só isso que te queria dizer.
I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry.
Só queria pedir-te desculpa.
[Knock on door] sweetheart- - oh, uh, rebecca, i just wanted to tell you that i care for you very, very deeply.
Querida... Rebecca... Só te queria dizer que me importo bastante contigo.
I just wanted to tell you I just got a call from the doctor, and I'm dying.
Só te queria dizer que recebi agora uma chamada do médico, e estou a morrer.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that, but whatever you decide is okay with me.
Só te queria dizer isso, mas o que decidires, por mim está bem.
I just wanted to tell you that I'm starting Harris against the Yankees tomorrow, even though I know it's your turn in the rotation.
Queria dizer-te que amanhã será o Harris a jogar de início. Sei que era a tua vez.
- Madge, darling... I wanted to call you and tell you I just got married.
Madge, telefonei para te dizer que acabei de me casar.
Now, did you really decide to call it off... or did you just tell me that because you knew I wanted to hear it?
Agora, decidiu realmente cancelar... ou apenas me disse isso porque sabe que era o que eu queria ouvir?
- I just wanted to hear your voice and tell you we were married last night.
- Queria ouvir a sua voz e dizer-lhe que nos casámos ontem.
I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry if you've been unhappy.
Francamente, eu quero que lamentes.
I just - just wanted to tell you one thing.
Só queria... Queria dizer-te uma coisa.
When I left the house this morning, you were asleep... so I just wanted to call you up and tell you that... I'm sorry about last night.
Quando saí esta manhã estava dormindo... assim só queria te chamar para te dizer... que sinto o ocorrido ontem à noite.
It's just that there were so many things I wanted to tell you.
Só que houve tantas coisas Eu queria te dizer.
What on earth are you doing here? I just wanted to come by and tell you in person, I've read your paper, and I think it is absolutely extraordinary.
Só queria vir e te dizer pessoalmente, li seu artigo, e achei absolutamente extraordinário.
I just wanted to come here and tell you in person'cause I figured after everything, I owed you at least that.
Eu quis vir cá e dizer-lhe pessoalmente porque achei que depois de tudo, eu devo-lhe ao menos isso.
I just wanted to congratulate you... ... and tell you I thought your speech was incredible.
Só queria felicitar-te e dizer-te que penso que o teu discurso foi incrível.
Just wanted to tell you I'm resigning.
Só queria dizer-lhe que me estou a demitir.

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