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I knew you'd say that translate Portuguese

85 parallel translation
I knew you'd say that, so I already took one.
Sabia que ia dizer isso, e já peguei um.
I knew you'd say that.
É exatamente o que precisamos.
I knew you'd say that.
Eu sei Gwendolyn.
Por favor... eu sei o que você diria Bill... e não o culpo por tê-lo dito.
I knew you'd say that.
Já sabia que ias dizer isso.
- I knew you'd say that.
Já sabia que dizias isso.
- I knew you'd say that.
- Sabia que você ia dizer isso.
I knew you'd say that.
Sabia que diria isso.
Oh, I knew sooner or later you'd say that.
Sabia que ias dizer isso.
I overheard her say that to Father "It's just like her, you knew she'd do it"
Eu ouvi-a a falar com o meu pai. Tu sabias que ela ia fazer isso.
- I knew you'd say that.
- Já sabia que irias dizer isso.
Man, I knew it! I knew you'd say that.
Eu já sabia que ias dizer isso!
I knew you'd say that.
Sabia que ias dizer isso.
I knew you'd say that.
Sabia que ia dizer isso.
I knew you'd say that!
Já sabia que ias dizer isso!
I knew you'd say that.
Sabia que me ias dizer isso.
- I knew you'd say that.
- Sabia que dirias isso. 5 anos?
I knew you'd say that.
Sabia que dirias isso.
I knew you'd say that.
- Sabia que dirias isso.
I knew you'd say that!
Sabia que dirias isso.
I knew you'd say that.
Eu sabia que você diria isso.
Jesus Christ, I knew you were sick but I'd never expected to hear you say... that kind of stuff. You bastard.
Eu sabia que eras doentio, mas nunca pensei ouvir-te dizer essas coisas.
I knew you'd say that.
- Devias ser tu. Sabia que ias dizer isso.
- I knew you'd say that... that's what the whore needs. As long as she has money...
É o que a puta precisa enquanto houver grana.
I knew you'd say that.
Já sabia que ia dizer isso.
You know, I knew you'd say that once we did it...
Sabes, eu sabia que ias dizer isso depois de o fazermos.
- I knew you'd say that, Dad.
- Eu sabia que irias dizer isso.
- I knew you'd say something like that.
- Eu sabia que ias dizer algo assim
.I knew you'd say that.
Achei que diriaisso.
I knew that if I asked you in advance that you'd probably say no, so I went ahead and called Mr. Herbert and several other clients and invited them to a party.
- Uma massagenzinha. Pronto. Não.
I knew you'd say that
Já sabia que irias dizer isso.
Yeah, I knew you'd say that.
- Já sabia que ias dizer isso.
- I knew you'd say that.
- Sabia que ias dizer isso.
I didn't know how or when you'd say that, but I knew you would.
Não sabia quando, nem como mo dirias, mas sabia que irias dizer isso.
Set you up. I knew you'd say that.
Eu sabia que ias dizer isso!
See, I knew you'd say that.
Vês, eu sabia que tu dirias isso.
Well, you know, here's the thing. I knew that if I asked you in advance that you'd probably say no, so I went ahead and called Mr. Herbert and several other clients and invited them to a party.
Sabia que se te tivesse pedido antes, provavelmente dissesses que não, por isso chamei o Sr. Herbert e outros clientes e convidei-os para uma festa.
- I knew that's what you'd say!
- Sabia que ias dizer isso!
I just knew you'd say that,
Sabía que dirías isso...
Yeah, I knew you'd say something like that.
É, sabia que você diria algo assim.
I've known that you've suspected something, and I also knew that you'd never say it.
Sabia que desconfiavas de alguma coisa e que nunca dirias nada.
I'd say other than celia, the one person you and I have in common that I do know is peter scottson, and I knew him very well.
diria que para além da Celia, a única pessoa que temos em comum e que eu conheço é o Peter Scottson, e eu conhecia-o muito bem.
I knew you'd say that.
Eu sabia que diria isso.
I knew you'd say that, Charlie.
Sabia que ias dizer isso, Charlie.
I was going to wait to talk to you in person but I knew that if I looked into your eyes I'd never be able to say it.
Ia esperar para poder falar contigo pessoalmente. Mas sabia que se te olhasse nos olhos nunca seria capaz de o dizer.
- No. - I knew you'd say that.
See, I knew you'd say that.
Vês, eu sabia que ias dizer isso.
Yeah, but I knew when I said you needed to go home... that you'd say you needed to be here when Peyton woke up, because you're stubborn, Brooke Davis.
Sim, mas sabia quando disse que precisavas de ir para casa que dirias que precisavas de estar aqui quando a Peyton acordasse, porque és teimosa, Brooke Davis.
I knew you'd say that.
- Sabia que diria isso.
See, I knew you'd say that.
Vês, sabia que ias dizer isso.
I knew you'd say that
Sabia que ias dizer isso.

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