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I saw him this morning translate Portuguese

79 parallel translation
I saw him this morning when I arrived.
Vi-o esta manhã, quando cheguei.
He was wearing a light gray suit and a gray hat when I saw him this morning.
Vestia um fato cinzento claro e usava um chapéu cinzento quando o vi esta mnahã.
- I saw him this morning.
- Eu vi-o esta manhã.
I saw him this morning, running for the coach to Innesbad.
Vi-o esta manhã, a apanhar a carruagem para Innsbadd.
I saw him this morning.
Vi-o esta manhã.
I saw him this morning in the fog and he was all bloody.
Esta manhã estava no nevoeiro cheio de sangue.
- I saw him this morning.
- Vi-o esta manhã.
I saw him this morning.
Estive com ele esta manhã.
I saw him this morning, and I said hello.
Vi-o na entrada, esta manhã, e disse-lhe olá.
I saw him this morning.
Sim, está lá? Vi-o esta manhã.
I followed Johnny after I saw him this morning.
Segui o Johnny depois de ele me ter ido ver esta manhã.
I saw him this morning down by the river.
Eu vi-o hoje de manhã perto do rio.
- I saw him this morning, but he's not here.
mas ele não está aqui.
I saw him this morning.
Eu o vi hoje cedo.
I saw him this morning, then he went with Andy to the house.
Vi-o esta manhã, e ele foi ver a casa com a Andy.
I thought I saw him this morning outside the coffee shop... but then it was just some poor homeless guy.
Pensei tê-lo visto esta manhã fora da cafetaria, mas era apenas um pobre sem-abrigo.
I saw him this morning.
Eu vi-o esta manhã.
Then I saw him this morning in class.
Hoje de manhã vi-o nas aulas.
I think I saw him this morning!
- Acho que o vi esta manhã.
I saw him this morning!
Ainda esta manhã o vi.
Well... I saw him this morning.
Bem... eu vi-o esta manhã.
I saw him this morning. He didn't say anything.
Eu vi-o esta manhã e não me disse nada.
I saw him this morning, and he said if I ever step foot in his room, something bad will happen to my pretty little face.
Vi-o hoje de manhã, e ele disse que se eu pisar o quarto dele, alguma coisa de mal vai acontecer à minha linda carinha.
Yes, I saw him this morning.
Sim, vi-o esta manhã.
I saw him this morning.
- Eu vi-o esta manhã.
Yep, I know. You know, I saw him this morning and I just- - you should've seen his little face, it was so droopy and sad and... Beth :
A tua mãe não adoeceu devido ao casamento.
Ma'am, I just saw him this morning.
Senhora, eu vi-o esta manhã.
No, when I remember the feeling in my chest this morning... as I saw him run away.
Não, quando me lembro da sensação no peito esta manhã quando o vi fugir.
He wasn't so cocky when I saw him at 7 : 00 this morning.
Já não estava tão arrogante hoje às sete da manhã.
I saw him go in here this morning and the door wasn't off its hinges. Look - it's blood!
Vi-lhe entrar aí esta manhã e a porta não estava fora das dobradiças.
- I saw your cousin this morning. - You saw him?
- Vi o seu primo, menina.
Keeps them up to snuff, as my old papa used to say. Anyway, that meeting was this morning at 11 : 30, and just before it I came up here to have a wash and I poked my nose in here and I saw Kenneth hard at it, so I... I just didn't disturb him.
De qualquer modo, a reunião foi, esta manhã, às 11 : 30, mas antes eu passei aqui, e vi que o Sr. Kenneth estava ocupado, portanto eu não o quis incomodar
I saw him this morning in the crowd at the award ceremony.
Vi-o hoje de manhã entre a multidão, na cerimónia de entrega do prémio.
Well, I saw him this morning.
Bem, vi-o esta manhã e chovia imenso, por isso emprestei-lhe o meu impermeável.
This morning I saw him once again.
Esta manhä, vi-o outra vez.
I saw him kill Dr. Winninger this morning.
Eu vi-o matar o Dr. Winninger esta manhã.
I saw him playing marbles with it this morning, sir.
Eu vi-o hoje de manhã a jogar ao berlinde com ele, sir.
Nobody actually liked to come out and ask him how he's getting on with the proof, so somebody would say I saw Andrew this morning.
Ninguém queria ir perguntar-lhe como se estava a sair com a prova, assim, alguém dizia : "Vi o Andrew hoje de manhã."
I saw him, big as life, just this morning.
Eu vi-o bem vivo, esta manhã.
'Cause I thought I saw him here this morning, man.
Porque eu acho que o vi aqui hoje de manhã. Tweener.
I saw him this morning.
Vi-o, esta manhã.
I saw you with him this morning at a coffee shop!
Vi-te esta manhã com ele, num café.
I spoke to on-set security and they said that he arrived here this morning in a taxicab, and they swear that they never saw him leave, so...
Falei com a segurança do local que disse que ele chegou esta manhã de táxi e juram que não o viram sair. - Espera, há quatro horas?
I saw him just this morning near San Nicholas with a friend.
Eu vi-o esta manhã, perto de Saint Nicholas, com uma amiga.
I saw them in the barber shop with him earlier this morning.
Eu vi-os na barbearia juntos, ontem de manhã.
I realized I forgot my wallet in his car, so I went over this morning, and I saw him standing in his driveway, kissing this blond wench.
Percebi que me tinha esquecido da minha carteira no carro dele, por isso fui lá esta manhã, e vi-o na garagem, - a beijar uma prostituta loira.
I saw you with him at school this morning.
- Eu vi-te...
He didn't mention anything about a book this morning when I saw him.
Ele não disse nada sobre um livro, esta manhã quando o vi.
I saw how you were looking at him this morning.
Eu vi como estavas a olhar para ele de manhã.
You know, I saw him standing across the street when I was coming in this morning.
Eu vi-o do outro lado da estrada quando estava a entrar, esta manhã.
I saw on the news this morning, the D.A. offered him an immunity deal.
Vi no noticiário esta manhã, o procurador ofereceu-lhe um acordo de imunidade.

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