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I should have warned you translate Portuguese

64 parallel translation
I'm sorry, I should have warned you.
Devia tê-lo avisado.
I should have warned you that those passages were a waste of time.
Eu devia ter avisado que essas passagens eram uma perda de tempo.
He's right. I should have warned you.
Devia tê-lo avisado.
I should have warned you.
Eu deveria tê-la avisado.
I should have warned you about that hairpin back there.
Eu devia ter avisado sobre aquela curva fechada lá atrás.
I--i should have warned you.
Devia ter-te avisado.
I should have warned you about the- - the tricks the mind can play on one during periods of emotional transition.
Devia ter-te avisado sobre os truques que a mente prega nas épocas de mudança emocional.
Woody, maybe i should have warned you about her.
Woody, eu deveria ter-te alertado sobre ela.
Oh, that's OK, I should have warned you, but...
Não importa.A culpa foi minha. Devia ter-te prevenido.
I should have warned you, Sally.
Devia ter-te avisado, Sally.
I am so sorry. I should have warned you.
Lamento, Inspector-chefe, devia tê-lo prevenido.
I should have warned you.
Devia tê-lo avisado.
I should have warned you.
Devia ter-te avisado.
I should have warned you... my relationships don't last either.
Devia ter-te avisado. As minhas relações também não duram.
I should have warned you that they make the hottest coffee in town.
Devia ter-te avisado que gosto daquele sítio porque têm o café mais quente da cidade.
Sorry, she is Asian. I should have warned you.
Desculpa, Vanessa, ela é asiática, devia ter-te avisado.
- Sorry, I should have warned you.
- Desculpa, devia ter-te avisado.
I should have warned you.
Eu devia ter-te avisado.
Listen, I'm sorry about Anna, I should have warned you. Oh, you know
Escuta, sinto muito por Anna, devia ter te avisado.
OK, I should have warned you about this.
Certo, devia ter-te avisado sobre isto.
I should have warned you.
Devia de te ter avisado.
I should have warned you of my impending visit.
Deveria ter-vos avisado da minha visita iminente.
Sorry, Rosie, I should have warned you, she's Filipino.
Desculpa, Rosie, devia ter-te avisado, ela é Filipina.
I'm sorry, miss, I should have warned you about poor Carla.
Desculpe, Srta. Eu deveria ter avisei você sobre a pobre Carla.
[DAN GRUNTING] I should have warned you.
Eu deveria ter-vos avisado.
I should have warned you, this happens a lot.
Lamento. Eu podia tê-lo avisado. Isso acontece muito.
- I should have warned you.
- Devia ter avisado.
I should have warned you about that- - but you got to stick with it.
mas vais ter de te acostumar.
I should have warned you about the three-day weapons quarantine.
Devia tê-lo avisado acerca dos três dias de quarentena para armas.
I should have warned you.
Devia ter-vos alertado.
- I should have warned you.
- Devia-te ter avisado.
I should have warned you.
Devia ter avisado.
You should have burned these as I warned you long ago.
Deveria tê-los queimados como eu lhe disse há muito tempo.
But your elevator is broken. Oh, perhaps I should have warned you, I'm sorry.
Oh, eu deveria ter avisado, peço desculpa...
I should have remembered. You should have warned them. Belle Reve has a habit of misplacing its patients.
Eu já me lembro, devias tê-los avisado... que o Belriver tem o hábito... de confundir os seus pacientes.
I warned you. You should have listened to me.
Eu tinha te avisado meu rapaz.
So I probably should have warned you Curtis Ames was coming in.
Devia ter-te avisado que o Curtis Ames vinha cá.
I was warned of your stubbornness and impertinence, and I should have known better when you were called the "governess of last resort." But I had no idea of your utter unsuitability.
Bem fui avisada da sua teimosia e impertinência, Miss Pettigrew e devia ter percebido ao ouvi-la chamar "nanny de último recurso", mas nunca a imaginei tão pouco apropriada ;
Yeah, I should have listened to Vampire Bill when he warned me about you.
Devia ter ouvido o vampiro Bill, quando ele me avisou sobre ti.
I've should have warned you earlier but... I couldn't because of the transcript.
Devia ter avisado antes, mas não pude por causa da transcrição.
I probably should have warned you about that.
Eu provavelmente devia-o ter avisado.
I never should have stepped foot in it, just like you warned me.
Eu não devia ter vindo, como me avisaste.
I probably should have warned you.
Eu devia ter lhe avisado.
Sorry, I probably should have warned you.
Desculpa, eu deveria ter avisado.
Oh, I should have warned Beckett about you.
Eu devia ter avisado o Beckett em relação a ti.
Hello, my love. You should have warned your play date. I'm the only one who can bite you.
Devias ter avisado o teu amiguinho... que eu sou a única que te pode morder.
I probably should have warned you before I brought you over.
Provavelmente, devia tê-la avisado antes de a trazer cá.
I probably should have warned you.
Devia ter-te avisado.
I should tell you we have been warned... that the Nazarene Jesus has come to Jerusalem.
Devo dizer-vos de que fomos avisados... que o Nazareno Jesus veio a Jerusalém.
I should have listened to you when you warned me about Brie.
Devia tê-lo ouvido quando avisou sobre a Brie.
I should have at least warned you before you got here.
Devia ter-te avisado.

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