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I thought it was you translate Portuguese

1,991 parallel translation
I thought it was you.
Pensei que eras tu.
I thought it was you.
Não, pensei que fosseis vós.
I thought it was you that sent me that bomb To keep me from ruining this gig for you,
Bem, primeiro achei que tu é que me tinhas mandando a bomba para me impedir de estragar este teu trabalho.
I thought it was you and me against the world.
Eu pensei que éramos nós os 2 contra o mundo.
I thought it was you that was gonna help me get there, but... I guess it has to be someone else.
Pensava que me iria ajudar a chegar lá, mas... acho que vai ter que ser outra pessoa.
Thank God you said something,'cause I thought you were following me around, and it was about to get awkward.
Graças a Deus que disseste alguma coisa, porque pensava que estavas a seguir-me, e estava a começar a ficar estranho.
Just when I thought it was weird that I'm going graduation, pregnancy, marriage I remember you went marriage, pregnancy, graduation and I just don't feel so bad.
Sabes, quando penso que foi estranho ter-me licenciado, estar à espera de um filho, casamento, lembro-me que tu casaste, engravidaste e licenciaste-te, e não me sinto tão mal.
I thought it was God saying I should give it to you.
Pensei que era Deus a dizer que eu deveria dar para ti.
I guess I thought it was something you might enjoy.
Achei que era algo que irias gostar.
I just thought if it was possible for you to make any other arrangements, you know?
Apenas pensei se fosse possível. Se tu pudesses fazer outros arranjos, entendes?
I thought maybe it was me. You?
- Pensei que tinha sido eu.
With you about to get your old job back and Fi heading home... I just thought maybe it was about time I made a change myself.
E como estás para recuperar o teu antigo trabalho e a Fi para voltar para casa, achei que talvez fosse altura de fazer também uma mudança.
I thought it was clear last time we spoke, if anyone from the intelligence community has anything to share, I'll call you.
DIEGO "PONTO DE CONTACTO" DO MICHAEL Pensei que da última vez que falámos tinha ficado claro que se alguém da comunidade da espionagem tiver alguma coisa para te dizer, eu ligo-te.
I never told you because I thought it was a dream.
Nunca te contei porque pensava que era um sonho.
I just always thought it was pretty and it was, you know, it was a species we lived with.
Eu sempre pensei que era bonito e que eram espécies com quem convivíamos.
I'm sorry if you ever thought i was anything more than that, lois, but it's not my fault.
Lamento se alguma vez pensaste que era mais do que isso, Lois, mas a culpa não é minha.
No, I thought it was a good idea to send you a rape victim.
Não, achei que era uma boa ideia enviar-te a vítima de uma violação.
You know how we never went to Brighton Beach because I thought it was too long of a subway ride?
Lembras-te que nunca fomos a Brighton Beach, porque eu achava que era uma viagem de metro muito comprida?
I just thought it was going to be you and me
- Achei que íamos jantar sozinhos.
I haven'ttold you because I thought you would think it was strange.
Nunca lhe contei, porque pensei que acharia estranho.
I don't know what Arctic expedition you were on I thought it was a hoot and a half.
Não sei em que expedição ao Árctico estiveram, mas eu achei o máximo.
You know, at first i just thought it was Like one of the guys hazing me or something.
Sabe, ao início pensei que fosse algum dos tipos a gozar comigo ou isso.
It's twenty-to - five on Thursday and I was just wondering if you were doing anything tonight... Nick.. cause my friend's band, which I told you about, is playing at this place... Nick..... and of course you're all into new music and shit so I thought you might like to come along.
São 25 pras 5 de quinta e eu tava me perguntando se você vai fazer algo hoje a noite... porque a banda do meu amigo, que eu te falei, vai tocar num lugar... e claro você tá ligada em música nova e tal então eu pensei que você gostaria de aparecer.
( STAMMERING )'Cause it really seemed like Vince thought that I was your boyfriend. He said that that's what you said.
Ele disse que você falou isso.
I suppose the fact that you did believe me, that you actually thought I'd destroy you just out of spite, that alone should have told me it was over.
O facto de teres acreditado, achares que te destruía por despeito... Só por isso, devia ter visto que acabara.
But I thought you said it was in the master bath?
Disseste que era na casa de banho.
I thought you said it was important.
- Não disseste que é importante?
I thought you said it made me look like my neck was wearing a dress.
Pensei que tivesses dito que parecia que o meu pescoço estava a usar um vestido.
I couldn't tell you at first because i thought it was somebody in the fbi.
Não te pude contar logo porque pensei que fosse alguém do FBI.
I was so proud of myself when I thought of it because you're impossible to buy for.
Tive tanto orgulho em mim quando pensei nisso, porque é impossível dar-te presentes.
Oh. I thought you said it was an emergency.
Pensei que tinhas dito que era uma emergência.
I thought it was because you're afraid you're losing daniel, That we're taking your friend away from you.
Pensei que fosse por estar com medo de perder o Daniel, por estarmos a afastar o seu amigo de si.
And so I was thinking about it and I thought that I should tell you I stayed the night because you were all sad and alone and I felt bad for you.
Pensei nisso e achei que deveria dizer-te que passei cá a noite porque estavas triste e sozinha e tive pena de ti.
I thought it was my job to cover for you.
Pensava que o meu dever era encobrir-te.
You know, I'd killed it basically, and then for a couple of months we thought it was...
Você sabe, eu teria matado ele, basicamente, e, em seguida, por um par de meses, pensei que era...
No, but I... I think he thought you'd know what it was about.
Não, mas eu... eu acho que ele pensou que sabias sobre o que era.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said it was a boat.
Desculpa, pensei que tinhas dito que era um barco.
You know, I thought he got out while the getting was good, but I will bet you dollars to donuts, it was that whore that barbecued his ass.
Pensei que ele se tivesse ido embora enquanto os lucros eram bons, mas aposto o que quiser que foi aquela vadia que o matou.
Although actually I thought it WAS the fried bread cos before you turned out to be obsessed by it and I thought you couldn't care less and I'd have bet mushrooms were a no-go.
Embora achasse que fosse o pão frito porque antes parecias obcecado com isso e eu pensava que não te importasses com isso, e apostaria nos cogumelos como sendo um, sem pensar.
If I believed in this thing numbers, that would be the end, but that's what Beth said, I need to stop counting and begin to feel, and... you do not seem what I thought it was Mr. 11.
Se eu acreditasse nessa coisa de números, seria o fim, mas é o que a Beth disse, preciso de parar de contar e de começar a sentir, e... tu não pareces o que pensei que seria o Sr. Onze.
I thought it was what did you want.
Pensei que fosse o que tu querias.
I thought you looked like her, but I never imagined it was really you...
Eu pensei que você parecia com ela, Mas eu nunca imaginei que fosse realmente você...
I thought you said it was a cabin.
Pensei que disseste que era uma caravana.
You know, I thought I knew how it was.
Pensava que sabia como era.
I thought you said it Was gonna rain.
Pareceu-me teres dito que ia chover.
- I thought you said it was over.
Pensei que tinhas dito que tinha acabado.
No, I thought it was an everyday thing for you people.
É uma coisa normal para vocês.
Hey, Gary, I thought you said it was going to be just us three here tonight.
Gary, pensei que tinhas dito que éramos só nós os três, hoje à noite.
I thought you said it was your Christian duty.
Pensei que tinha dito que era o seu dever cristão!
You gonna tip me? I thought that was including tip, but anyway, I'll give it to you because I'm the Paula.
- Pensei que já estava incluída... mas vou dar, porque sou a Paula.
I thought it was a sign of being pure only if you have done something specific.
Sempre vi isso como um sinal de pureza, independente das coisas que se fazem.

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