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I thought you were kidding translate Portuguese

43 parallel translation
I thought you were kidding about the piano lessons. Fred!
Pensei que estavas a brincar, sobre as lições de piano.
I thought you were kidding. I'm sorry. Oh, my God, I thought you were kidding.
Julguei que estivessem a brincar.
I'm sorry. I swear to you I thought you were kidding all that time.
Desculpem, julguei que estivessem a brincar.
- I thought you were kidding.
- Pensei que estava a brincar.
Hey, listen, Chris. Listen, I thought you were kidding about getting out.
Eu, escute, Chris, Escute, eu achei que você estava brincando sobre sair
- I thought you were kidding.
- Julguei que estavas a brincar.
- I thought you were kidding.
- Pensei que estavas a brincar.
I thought you were kidding. - You didn't pack?
- Pensei que estavas a brincar.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensava que estavas a gozar.
I thought you were kidding!
Pensava que estavas a brincar!
I thought you were kidding!
- Eu achei que estavas a brincar.
I'm sorry, I thought you were kidding. No.
- Pensei que estava a brincar.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensei que estavas a brincar.
I thought you were kidding when you mentioned it earlier.
Pensei que estivesses a brincar quando disseste isso antes.
I thought you were kidding me, Gibbs.
Pensei que estivesse a gozar, Gibbs.
I thought you were kidding about not buying me any presents.
Pensei que estivessem brincando sobre não terem comprado presentes pra mim.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensei que estava abrincar.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensei que fosse uma piada.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensava que estavas a brincar.
Uh, I thought you were kidding about the two days, Nancy.
Pensava que estavas a gozar sobre os dois dias, Nancy.
I thought you were kidding.
Pensei que estivesses a brincar.
You're drinking my booze! I thought you were kidding.
Chupar o meu pau.
My kitchen is a no-kimono zone. I thought you were kidding.
A minha cozinha é uma zona livre de quimono.
I thought you were kidding. Continue.
Pensei que estavas a brincar.
I thought you were kidding.
Meu perfil de... Não era um brincadeira?
When you said he was a pig farmer, I thought you were kidding.
Quando disse que ele criava porcos, pensei que estivesse a gozar.
Uh, I'm sorry. I thought you were kidding.
Desculpe, pensei que estava a brincar.
I thought you were kidding about dating an a'askavarian.
Pensei que estavas a brincar sobre ter saido com uma A'askavarian.
When you told me we were having dinner in the Techtropolis parking lot, I thought you were kidding.
Quando disseste que íamos jantar no estacionamento da Techtropolis, pensei que era a brincar.
- I kind of thought you were kidding.
- Vi logo que estavas a brincar.
I thought you were kidding.
Ainda bem que notaste.
Wow, I thought you were kidding.
Pensei que estavas a brincar.
I just thought you were half-kidding.
Pensei que estavas meio a brincar.
I'm so sorry. I honestly thought you were kidding about all that "men can be feminists, too" stuff.
Desculpa, achei que estavas a brincar com aquela coisa de os homens também poderem ser femininos.
When you said you are bad at dancing, I totally thought You were just kidding.
Quando disseste que dançavas mal pensei que estivesses a brincar.
I wasn't kidding when I said... I thought you were an alter.
Eu não estava a brincar quando disse que achava que fosses um alter.
I always thought you were kidding about dropping out of high school, Like when you say that Howard Stern is your dad.
Pensei que estavas brincando sobre teres desistido da escola, tipo, como quando dizes que o Howard Stern é teu pai.
When I first heard that there was a young couple, from Los Angeles, no less who were thinking about reopening the winery, I have to admit that my first thought was, "You have got to be kidding."
Quando soube que havia um casal de Los Angeles, nada menos, que estava a pensar reabrir a adega, eu... tenho de admitir que o meu primeiro pensamento foi, "Devem estar a brincar comigo."

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