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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was going to tell you

I was going to tell you translate Portuguese

399 parallel translation
I was going to tell you myself.
Queria ser eu a contar-Ihe.
I was going to tell you it was from me.
la dizer-lhe que eram meus.
I told Daddy tonight I was going to tell you.
- Falei pro papai que ia contar.
- I was going to tell you...
- Eu ia dizer...
- I was going to tell you later.
- Ia dizer-te mais tarde.
I was going to tell you on the way back from El Sordo, but I was glad when you wouldn't let me.
Eu queria-te contar quando regressávamos de El Sordo, mas tu não quiseste. Eu estava contente.
I was going to tell you myself, sir.
Eu ia lhe falar sobre isso.
I was going to tell you before, but I wanted to wait until it was definite.
Ia-lhes dizer isso antes, mas queria esperar até que fosse definitivo.
I was going to tell you about it, but with all this going on it seemed rather unimportant.
La contar-te, mas com tudo isto, pareceu-me bastante insignificante.
I was going to tell you tonight.
Ia lhe dizer hoje à noite.
I told you I was going to tell you.
Eu disse que explicaria.
- I was going to tell you all about it.
Estava esperando uma chance para lhe contar.
I was going to tell you a story.
Ia contar-lhes uma história.
I was going to tell you...
Ia dizer-te...
By myself, but I was going to tell you.
Por mim, mas eu ia te dizer.
I was going to tell you something, but maybe I shouldn't. It's pretty bad.
la contar-te uma coisa, mas talvez não deva.
I was going to tell you.
Eu ia contar-te.
I was going to tell you.
- Eu ia dizer-te.
I was going to tell you.
Ia dizer-lhe isso
I was going to tell you.
Era para avisar...
I was going to tell you, Kryten, Truly I was,
Eu ia-te contar, Kryten. Eu ia mesmo.
Well, I didn't think it was... I wasn't sure whether I was going to tell you or not. Given the way this evening has panned out...
Bom, eu não pensei que fosse... eu não tinha a certeza se vos ía contar ou não... tendo em conta como esta noite está a correr... acho que até pode ser apropriado.
Kate, i was going to tell you everything.
Kate, pretendia contar-te tudo.
I was going to tell you...
Eu ia-te dizer que... Sim.
Tinha mais qualquer coisa para contar, mas entretanto esqueci-me.
- I was going to tell you.
- Eu ia dizer-te.
I was going to tell you.
- Por quê? - Pretendia dizer-to, só que...
I was going to tell you to shut up.
Ia mesmo dizer para te calares.
That's what I was going to tell you to expect.
Era isso que eu iria lhe dizer para esperar.
I was going to tell you but I...
- Ia dizer-te, mas...
Now what was it you were going to tell Iris for her own good, may I ask?
Bem, que ias dizer à Iris, para o próprio bem dela, posso perguntar?
I'm going to tell you what really happened at West's hunting lodge the night he was killed.
Vou-lhe dizer o que realmente aconteceu no chalé de caça do West na noite em que foi morto.
No, but I was going to tell him that I had met you.
Não, mas eu ia-lhe contar que te conheci.
But today when I saw that... he was going public about it, I had to tell you the reality.
Mas hoje quando vi que ele ia contar tudo eu tive que dizer a verdade.
- I was going to wait to tell you for a while, but...
ia esperar algum tempo para lhe contar, mas...
Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, you see, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going.
De qualquer forma, eles puseram-me sob uma dessas sondas mentais, estás a ver, e tentaram que lhes dissesse onde é que eu ia.
He was going to kill me, I tell you! Too bad.
Ma não vê, que ele estava para me matar.
I was so afraid you were going to tell Kelly that I wrote that letter.
Tinha tanto medo que fosse dizer ao Kelly que fui eu que escrevi aquela carta.
OK, I wanted to tell you this, but I didn't know what Denis's decision was going to be.
- Ok, prestem atenção. Queria dizer-vos, mas fiquei á espera da decisão do Denis.
Now, how was I going to tell you anything with Leo sitting right there?
Agora, como eu ia dizer alguma coisa com o Leo sentado aí mesmo?
I promised myself I was never going to tell you.
Prometi a mim próprio que nunca vo-lo revelaria.
For that same reason, I didn't tell you I was going to have that abortion
Pro essa mesma razão, não te disse que ia abortar
And I've got to tell you, the whole thing was going pretty cute until some real boys showed up. They spoiled it for you guys.
E devo dizer que a coisa estava a correr lindamente até aparecerem os agentes verdadeiros.
No! I was going to wait till after the show... but I might as well tell you now.
Eu ia esperar pelo final do show mas vou-te dizer agora.
I told you he was going to kick ass, didn't I tell you that?
Eu disse que lhe ficava bem, eu não disse isso?
I was never going to tell on you.
Nunca te denunciaria.
I was just going to tell you to wear matching socks.
Só ia dizer que calçasse peúgas do mesmo par.
Falando de brasas, não lhe queria dizer tão cedo, mas este nosso caso tem de acabar.
Did he tell you I was going to do that?
Disse ele que eu pensava fazer tal coisa?
You go to him, and tell him I was going to quit it.
Diz-lhe que eu ia parar.
To tell you the truth if I didn't get out of that house and do something, I was going to go crazy.
Para dizer a verdade, se não saísse de casa e não fizesse algo, ainda ficaria louco.

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