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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was thinking about you

I was thinking about you translate Portuguese

1,174 parallel translation
I was thinking about you and Heather.
Estava a pensar em ti e na Heather.
I copped that Who's Next album. I was thinking about you.
Comprei o álbum "Who's Next" e pensei logo em ti.
I was thinking about you too.
Também estava a pensar em si.
I was thinking about you the other day.
É engraçado. No outro dia, estive a pensar em ti. - Em mim?
" and I was thinking about you all the time.
"e estive sempre a pensar em ti."
I was thinking about you the whole time.
Estive sempre a pensar em ti.
I was thinking about you yesterday.
Pensei em si, ontem.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and...
Era só para te dizer que estava a pensar em ti.
Anyway, I know that I owe her a lot of money, and I was thinking that... possibly, I would put the money into a trust for Luca... and I wanna know what you think about that.
Sei que lhe devo muito dinheiro e estava a pensar que, possivelmente, poderia colocar esse dinheiro num fundo para o Luca e quero saber o que pensa disso.
- I was just thinking about you.
- Estava a pensar em ti.
It's real weird running into you...'cause the thing of it is, I was just thinking about you.
Porque estava mesmo a pensar em si.
I was thinking about them tests you wanted to run on me... you know, after Alex died.
Estava a pensar nos testes que queria que eu fizesse, depois do Alex morrer.
You said if I was ever thinking about writing a piece for the paper...
Disseste que, se eu quisesse escrever um artigo...
I was thinking about how much you remind me of your mother.
Eu estava a pensar no quanto me fazes lembrar a tua mãe.
I was thinking about the upstairs bathroom, and I wanted to remind you... ... to schedule that guy to recaulk the tub.
Estava a pensar na casa de banho lá de cima e queria lembrar-te para chamares aquele tipo para vedar a banheira.
You know I was thinking about that V thing.
I was thinking. Once you meet your mom, you'll stay the night, right? What about me?
Estava a pensar quando te encontrares com a tua mãe, passarás a noite na casa com ela, não é?
Funny thing. I was thinking about what you and chancellor Stevens were discussing this morning.
Uma coisa engraçada, eu estava a pensar no que tu e o Reitor Steven, falaram esta manhã, sabes em...
You know, I was thinking about the nanotech virus you encountered a few months ago.
Sabe, eu estava a pensar no nano-virus... que encontrou há uns meses atrás.
You know, I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Estava pensando o mesmo de você.
Curious, I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Eu estava pensando o mesmo sobre vocês
I was just sitting at home, thinking about you... and I thought, why don't I crawl up the side of his house and say hello.
Estava em casa, sentada, a pensar em ti... e pensei, porque não trepar ate à janela dele e dizer olá.
I was just thinking about you.
Estava a pensar em ti.
I was just thinking about what lasts, you know, and who gets the benefit.
Estava a pensar no que perdura e quem benefecia.
I was, uh, home watching The Exorcist, and it got me thinking about you.
Estava em casa a ver "O Exorcista" e o filme fez-me pensar em ti.
I was thinking about having this party for you, for the show.
Estava pensando em dar uma festa para você e para o show.
- I was thinking the same about you.
- Estava a pensar o mesmo de ti.
You know, next time I was thinking about trying it with a limp.
Sabes, na próxima vez, acho que vou entrar a coxear.
I was thinking about all the time we spent together, then it hit me : by kissing you, I was trying to prevent change.
Pensei no tempo que passámos juntas e percebi que, por te beijar, queria evitar a mudança.
Man, I was just thinking about you.
Estava mesmo a pensar em vocês.
Jack, I was thinking about, you know, Dee and the kids.
É que prometi à Dee e aos miúdos que estaria em casa parajantar.
I was thinking about her, you know, and about her husband.
Estive a pensar nela, sabe... E no marido dela.
I was just thinking about you and your father, and why you got so angry about it.
Só estava a pensar em ti e no teu pai, e por que razão se zangaram tanto.
Everything I told you about Elizabeth back in high school, thinking you were cute and having a crush on you, was a... fib.
Tudo o que te disse sobre a Elizabeth nos tempos do liceu, que ela te achava giro e que tinha um fraquinho por ti, era... invenção.
Hi, Mom. Uh, I was just thinking about how much I missed you guys... and... I was thinking I should come for a visit, you know, like today.
Uh, eu estava pensando o quanto eu sinto falta de vocês... e... eu estava pensando em ir visita-los, você sabe, hoje.
I had to get something out, something I never got to say to Zan, and now it's too late, and I was thinking about how maybe if I tell you, I can get it outta my head, you know?
Tenho uma coisa para dizer, uma coisa que nunca disse ao Zan, e como agora é tarde demais, estava a pensar que dizendo a ti, posso tirar isso da minha cabeça, percebes?
Um... I was thinking about what you said about, uh, a beam coming out of the altar.
Estive a pensar no tal feixe que saía do altar.
Well, I was thinking about what you said about a beam hitting the Stargate.
Estive a pensar no feixe que atingiu o portal.
Um... I was thinking about what you said about a beam coming from the altar.
Estive a pensar no tal feixe que saía do altar.
I was just thinking about you. Okay.
Estava mesmo a pensar em ti.
Well. you know. I was just sitting there trying to enjoy the concert but all I kept thinking about were the kids and their bright little faces.
Bem, sabes, estava lá sentada a tentar aproveitar o concerto mas a única coisa em que pensava era nas crianças e nas suas carinhas lindas.
I was thinking about you the whole night.
I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you,
Lembro-me da primeira vez que te vi...
I was thinking about putting you on a desk.
Estava a pensar pô-lo numa secretária.
I was thinking about me, and I should've thought of you...
E eu até achei que era uma ótima idéia - É, eu lembro.
To tell you the truth, Miss Lytton, I've been thinking about the way Mr. Shaeffer was dressed.
Para dizer-lhe a verdade, Miss Lytton, tenho estado a pensar na maneira que Mr Shaeffer estava vestido.
I was thinking about me, and I should've thought of you...
Estava a pensar em mim, quando devia ter pensado em ti...
Not in any serious way, I was just thinking about you casually.
Não é nada de sério, lembrei-me só de ti.
You know, driving over here, I was thinking about how to handle this.
Sabes, Angie, quando vinha para cá, vinha a pensar em como tratar deste assunto.
I was thinking about what we were talking about last time you were here.
Estive a pensar no que falámos na última sessão.
I was just thinking about how much I love you.
Estava aqui a pensar como eu te amo.

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