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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / If i'd have known

If i'd have known translate Portuguese

578 parallel translation
If I'd known that, I never would have come.
Se eu soubesse, não tinha vindo...
If I'd known that, I would have waited. This is the skipper.
Se eu soubesse, teria esperado.
If I'd known we'd be buried side by side I'd never have taken this apartment.
Se soubesse que íamos ser enterradas lado a lado, não alugava este apartamento.
I wouldn't have asked you to come and live with me if I'd known that... a sort of readjustment takes place after divorce.
Não teria pedido para vir viver comigo, se soubesse que... havia uma espécie de reajustamento depois do divórcio.
If I had known from the start it was hopeless... I'd probably have blown my brains out.
Se tivesse sabido desde o inicio que não havia esperança, teria estourado os miolos.
If I'd only known, I'd have come straight home.
Se tivesse sabido, teria regressado logo, mesmo contra vontade dela.
I wouldn't have come if I'd known you were here.
Não teria vindo se soubesse que cá estavas.
Professor, if I'd known you made an "S" like that, I wouldn't have come here.
Professor, se soubesse que fazia um "S" assim eu não teria vindo.
- Bachelor party, eh? If I'd known your charming wife wasn't here, I wouldn't have hurried.
Se soubesse que sua mulher não está, não teria pressa.
If I'd known you were part of a duke, I'd never have picked you.
Se soubesse que descendias de um duque, nunca te teria escolhido.
If you hadn't been so uppity... I'd have known who you were a long time ago.
Se não fosse tão arrogante... já teríamos partido à muito.
If I'd known you was coming, I'd have cooked something fitting.
Se eu soubesse que você vinha, teria cozinhado alguma coisa melhor.
If I'd known where it would end, I'd have never let anything start if I'd been in my right mind, that is.
Se soubesse como iria acabar, nunca teria deixado que começasse, se estivesse no meu juízo perfeito.
If I'd known you'd act this way, I wouldn't have come here.
Se soubesse que ias reagir assim, não teria vindo.
If I'd known what you're like, you wouldn't have been asked.
Se soubesse como és, não te teria convidado.
If I'd have known that, I'd have tried to beat Johnny's time.
Se soubesse, tinha tentado chegar primeiro.
If I'd known what prospecting meant... I'd have stayed in Tampico and waited for another job to turn up.
Se soubesse o que era a prospecção, tinha ficado em Tampico e esperava que aparecesse outro trabalho.
If you'd rung me up and asked me were you fair or dark... or had a moustache, I wouldn't have known.
Se me prendesse e me perguntasse se você era loiro ou moreno ou se tinha um bigode, eu não saberia.
If I'd known, I'd have cut him closer with the flak.
Se eu soubesse teria aumentado o fogo. Como estão os outros?
But if I'd known you were going to get your moldy old ship captured by a gang of cutthroats, I'd have stayed in Boston.
Mas se soubesse que o seu barco velho e bolorento seria capturado por um bando de piratas teria ficado em Boston.
If I'd have known that, I wouldn't have charged nohow.
Se estivesse me inteirado disso, não teria disparado.
If I'd known what all that tennis nonsense of yours would lead to I wouldn't have run out on you.
Se tivesse sabido todas essas tolices do tênis não te teria deixado.
Yeah, honey, but if I had known he wanted older women, I'd have brought my mother.
Sim, querida, mas se eu soubesse que ele queria mulheres mais velhas, teria trazido minha mãe.
I would have gone to the funeral if I'd known.
Se tivesse sabido, teria ido ao enterro.
Well, if he'd known, I'm sure he would have told me.
Bem, se ele soubesse, com certeza que me teria contado.
If I'd known about this, I wouldn't have taken the job.
Se soubesse, nâo teria aceitado.
She was a headstrong woman, but if I had known things would come to this, I'd have been kinder to her while she was alive.
Ela era teimosa, mas se eu soubesse que as coisas iam chegar a este ponto teria sido mais simpático, quando ela era viva.
If I'd known that, I'd have joined the FBI instead of the Kangaroo Patrol.
Se soubesse isso iria para o FBI em vez da patrulha canguru.
If I'd known you were here, I'd have thought twice!
Se eu soubesse que você estaria aqui, eu teria pensado duas vezes!
If I had known I'd have finished you, too, while I was at it.
Se tivesse sabido, de passagem liquidava a ti.
If I'd known you was hunting Kimbrough because of Mary, I'd have tried to stop you from coming here.
Se soubesse que procurava o Kimbrough por causa de Mary, tinha tentado evitar que viesse.
If I'd known how much you talked I'd never have come out of my coma.
Se eu soubesse o quanto você fala jamais teria saído do meu coma.
If I'd have known you were coming, bud, I'd have hired a brass band.
Se soubesse que vinha, amigo, teria contratado uma orquestra.
Pity, if I'd have known you didn't like champagne...
Que lástima. Se soubéssemos que não gostava de champanhe...
If I'd known how much I'd miss you, I'd have made you marry me in Baltimore.
Se soubesse o quanto sentiria a sua falta, teria feito você... - casar comigo em Baltimore.
But it would have meant so much, if I'd only known.
Mas é que significava tanto, se ao menos soubesse...
If I'd known Poe, I would undoubtedly have been repelled by his drinking but I would have tried to understand him.
Se eu tivesse conhecido Poe, sem dúvida que sentiria repulsa pelo seu alcoolismo mas tentaria compreendê-lo.
If I hadn't known there were a number of entrances to the mine... -... I'd never have gone down.
Se eu não soubesse que havia várias entradas, não teria ido.
If I'd known I'd run into you, I'd have...
- Se eu soubesse que te ia encontrar...
If I'd known you'd cry, I wouldn't have said it.
Se soubesse que ias chorar, não teria dito nada.
If I'd known she might still come, I'd have waited till midnight.
Se eu soubesse que ela vinha, tinha esperado até à meia-noite.
If I'd known, I'd never have asked you to come here.
Se eu soubesse, não a teria chamado para cá.
If I'd known it was so isolated, I would never have left Bombay.
- Se fosse apenas isso! Recusam qualquer contato conosco. - Assim é, Vossa Alteza.
If I'd known he was a kook, I wouldn't have buzzed him out there.
Se soubesse que ele era tarado, não tinha buzinado.
If I had known you were leaving, I'd have never gone for the scholarship fund.
Se eu soubesse que ias embora, eu não teria contribuído para o fundo de bolsas escolares.
If I'd known about this in London... would I have recommended against sending an army?
Se tivesse sabido disto em Londres, teria sido contra o envio de um exército?
- No, I'd have known if there were.
Se houvesse, eu saberia.
If I had managed sons for him instead of all those little girls, I'd still be stuck with being queen of France, and we should not have known each other.
Se tivesse conseguido dar-lhe filhos em vez daquelas raparigas, ainda seria rainha de França e não nos teríamos conhecido.
Sorry, mate, if I'd known that I'd have spoken a bit louder. ( Cackles )
Desculpem, se eu soubesse disso teria falado um pouco mais alto.
- Tha'd have known if I'd got hold o'thee.
- E tu saberias se eu te tivesse apanhado.
If I'd known he was so beastly, I would have brought the children.
Se soubesse que era tão animalesco, tinha trazido as crianças.

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