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Irwin translate Portuguese

393 parallel translation
Irwin, we'll have to kill him.
Irwin, temos de o matar.
It's Ward Marshal Irwin Ward.
Meu nome é Ward... Delegado Irwin Ward.
Will you just put that stuff away, Irwin? August 15, 1945 from the selective...
Tira isso daqui, Irwin.
Good morning, Mr. B., how are you? Lonnie! Irwin!
Como passou, Mr.
Hey, Lonnie.
Ei, Irwin.
Irwin, how you doing, Irwin? Hey, baby, what's happening?
Que tal vai isso, Irwin?
MR. B : ( OVER LOUDSPEAKER ) Irwin, report to the office.
Irwin, apresenta-te no escritório.
Irwin, wherever you are, report to the office.
Onde quer que estejas, apresenta-te no escritório!
Did you hear your father, Irwin?
Ouviste o teu pai, Irwin?
Uh, Irwin, uh, would you come to the office? I wanna talk to you.
Irwin, quero falar contigo.
Irwin, uh, I hate to interrupt your summer vacation, but maybe you can look over last week's receipts, give us the benefit uh, of what you're learning in Business Management, huh?
Sei que são férias de Verão... mas olha para estas facturas. Mostra o que aprendes no curso de gestão.
Hey, Irwin, you cool? I'm cool!
Ei Irwin, tudo fixe?
Say, uh, Irwin, Irwin why don't you go'round there with Lloyd and Floyd, and work with the steam, huh?
Irwin, junta-te ao Lloyd e ao Floyd e trabalha no vapor, sim?
All right, stop that fooling around, Irwin! Irwin!
Acaba com a asneira, Irwin.
Hey, Irwin, come here for a minute, man.
Ei, Irwin! Anda cá.
Irwin, who did you say said all that?
Quem disse isso?
Sully Boyar, and Professor Irwin Corey.
Leonard Jackson, Sully Boyar e o professor Irwin Corey.
Mrs Irwin, why won't you take the elevator?
Sra. Irwin, porque não vai de elevador?
Mrs Irwin, you're a tease.
- Sra. Irwin, gosta de se meter comigo.
My name is Irwin Fletcher.
Chamo-me Irwin Fletcher.
What the hey, it's better than Irwin.
É melhor que Irwin, co'a breca.
Irwin, professional journalism time now. Two points.
- Irwin, temos de ser profissionais.
Go back to the beach... Don't say "Irwin."
- Não digas "Irwin".
As I pulled up to my palatial imitation apartment building, I observed the familiar red OIdsmobuick of Mr. Arnold T. Pants, Esquire, attorney for the former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher.
Quando chegava ao meu prédio imitação de palácio, vi o conhecido Oldsmo-Buick do Dr. Arnold T. Pants, gentil homem, advogado da ex-senhora Irwin Fletcher.
Yeah. "Irwin M. Fletcher, you choose."
É. "Irwin M. Fletcher, escolha."
I'm Irwin Fletcher.
- Irwin Fletcher.
Nice going, Irwin.
Boa malha, Irwin.
Don't ever call me Irwin, okay?
Não me chames Irwin, hã?
Call me Irwin.
- Chama-me Irwin.
And my uncles Irwin and Otto.
- E os meus tios Irwin e Otto.
Just before it came on, Uncle Otto bet Uncle Irwin he couldn't stick his head through the TV.
E quando ia começar, o Otto apostou com o Irwin que não conseguia fazer passar a cabeça pela televisão.
Hey! Uncle Irwin!
Tio Irwin.
Uncle Irwin, are you going to put your head through the TV again?
Tio, vai passar a cabeça na TV, outra vez?
Uncle Irwin, are you going to put your head in the salad bar again?
Enfia a cabeça na salada, outra vez?
Oh, nice example for the children, Irwin.
Lindo exemplo para os meninos, Irwin.
Hey, Mom, are we going to go down to the pony rides to see the look on the horse's face when Uncle Irwin chooses his mount?
Mãe, vamos ao picadeiro para ver a cara dos cavalos quando o tio Irwin os escolhe para montar.
Otto, Irwin, how you doing?
Otto, Irwin, que tal vai isso?
Well, I guess that means Irwin and Otto get to sleep on your bed, with the rotting rubber sheets.
Logo, presumo que o Otto e o Irwin vão dormir na tua cama com a porcaria dos lençóis de borracha.
Irwin, why don't you tell us about your record for rooster-throwing?
Irwin, por que não nos contas o teu record do lança-galos.
Irwin, look who's here.
Irwin, olha quem aqui está.
Irwin, look.
Irwin, olha.
My name, most of the time, is Irwin Fletcher.
Na maioria das vezes, chamo-me Irwin Fletcher.
- Irwin.
- Irwin.
Irwin M. Fletcher.
Irwin M. Fletcher.
Irwin Mahatma Fletcher.
Irwin Mahatma Fletcher.
- Irwin M. Fletcher just inherited Belle Isle. - I sense greed.
Irwin M. Fletcher herdou recentemente Belle Isle.
- Mr. Irwin M. Fletcher.
- Sr. Irwin M. Fletcher.
Irwin, admit that you are a sinner.
Irwin, admite que és um pecador.
Come on, Irwin!
Andem lá!
- Irwin.

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