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Ivanovich translate Portuguese

122 parallel translation
V. MERKURIEV as Feodor Ivanovich
Fiodor lvanavitch - B. MERKURIEV
Could you get some drugs for me from Feodor Ivanovich?
Não poderia pedir alguns medicamentos a Fiodor Ivanavitch?
- Feodor Ivanovich.
- Fiodor Ivanavitch.
No, I'm by myself. I have to see Feodor Ivanovich.
Não, tenho um assunto meu a tratar com Fiodor Ivanavitch.
Feodor Ivanovich should be here in a few minutes.
Fiodor Ivanavitch vem já.
Be seated, Mikhail Ivanovich.
Mikhail lvanavitch, sente-se.
To the health of the hero of our last campaign, His Highness Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration!
À saúde do príncipe Piotre lvanavitch Bagration, herói da última campanha!
Be seated, Mikhail Ivanovich.
Mikhail Ivanavitch, sente-se.
To the health of the hero of our last campaign, His Highness Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration!
À saúde do príncipe Piotre Ivanavitch Bagration, herói da última campanha!
Mikhail Ivanovich, how do you want those plans altered?
Mikhail Ivanavitch, diz-me, como vais reformar isto?
Hurry on to Prince Pyotr Ivanovich, and find out exactly what happened.
Vai ter com o príncipe Piotre Ivanavitch e inteira-te da situação.
Mikhail Ivanovich, how do you want those plans altered?
Mikhail lvanavitch, diz-me, como vais reformar isto?
Hurry on to Prince Pyotr Ivanovich, and find out exactly what happened.
Vai ter com o príncipe Piotre lvanavitch e inteira-te da situaçäo.
Ivan Ivanovich, the trucks are here.
Ivan lvánavitch, as carroças chegaram!
Serge Ivanonich Minskov!
Sergei Ivanovich Minskov!
That's Anton Ivanovich Inbedkov, her current lover.
É Anton Ivanovich Lebedokov, o seu amante actual.
You must be careful of Anton Ivanovich.
Tens que ter cuidado com o Anton Ivanovich.
Ivan Ivanovich Korf.
Ivan Korf.
Alexander Ivanovich Karsov.
Alexander Ivanovich Karsov.
Cry, Long live the tsar Dimitry Ivanovich!
Gritem : viva o tsar Dmitri Ivánovitch!
Pyiotr Ivanovich Grushenko.
Pyiotr Ivanovich Grushenko.
Peter Ivanovich Grushenko?
Peter Ivanovich Grushenko?
Pyiotr Ivanovich. Yeah.
Pyiotr Ivanovich.
You and Pyiotr Ivanovich, the pair of you... do you know what you are?
Tu e o Pyiotr Ivanovich, vocês os dois, sabem o que são?
We will see Pyiotr Ivanovich in exactly one hour... Ten minutes. Or she won't need an elevator to get off the Tower, correct?
Veremos o Pyiotr Ivanovich daqui a uma hora... e dez minutos, ou ela não precisará de um elevador para sair da torre, correcto?
Petr Ivanovich.
Petr Ivanovich.
"... Ivanovich Petrotsky. "
"lvanovich Petrotsky."
Pjotr Ivanovich.
Pjotr Ivanovich.
Pjotr Ivanovich Ulyanov.
Pjotr Ivanovich Ulyanov.
Now listen, Pjotr Ivanovich Ulyanov.
Agora ouça, Pjotr Ivanovich Ulyanov.
- Nickolai lvanovich.
- Nickolai Ivanovich.
Nickolai lvanovich, the senior member of the logistical negotiating team said he had language to add to the joint statement. He wrote it himself.
Nickolai Ivanovich, o líder da equipa de logística, escreveu algo para adicionar à declaração conjunta.
Maxim Ivanovich, please.
Maxim lvanovich, por favor.
- Maxim Ivanovich?
- Maxim lvanovich?
Hello? Maxim lvanovich?
Maxim Ivanovich?
It is hereby certified that the bearer, Nikolai Ivanovich spent... the night...
Por meio deste certifica-se... que o portador, Nikolai Ivanovich... passou... a noite...
Yours, in the inerest of humanity... Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanov.
Sinceramente, no interesse da humanidade, doutor Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.
- I'm doctor Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanov...
Eu sou o doutor Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.
- Even mosquitoes don't live there. - Boris Ivanovich said they did.
Nem os mosquitos poderiam sobreviver.
Well, of course, if he said so.
Mas o Boris Ivanovich disse - mosquitos...
Well, Boris Ivanovich.
Oh, Boris Ivanovich!
Thank you for the compliment, Boris Ivanovich.
Obrigado pelo elogio, Boris Ivanovich.
Pavel Ivanovitch!
Pável Ivánovich!
But where is Pavel Ivanovitch?
E onde está o Pável Ivánovich?
Pavel Ivanovitch! !
Pável Ivánovich!
Pavel lvanovitch!
Pável Ivánovich!
How is he, Victor Ivanovich?
Viktor Ivanovitch, como é que ele está?
Thank you, Victor Ivanovich.
- Obrigada, Viktor Ivanovitch.
I am a research scientist...
Eu sou o doutor Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, sou um cientista de investigação... estou a trabalhar num fármaco anti - rejeição, como a sua empresa também.
It's Boris Ivanovich.
Olá, Boris Ivanovich!
Well, it's a little late for that. Isn't it?
Tarde demais Boris Ivanovich.

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