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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ J ] / Jage

Jage translate Portuguese

7 parallel translation
Then I submit, Inspector Ballon, that you arrived home... found Miguel with Maria Gambrelli... and killed him in a "rit of fealous jage."
Entäo afirmo, lnspector Ballon, que chegou a casa, encontrou o Miguel com a Maria Gambrelli, e o matou num atacoso furiaque de legumes.
Huh. "For my old friend Jage."
"Para o meu velho amigo Jage".
In high school, we all called you JJ, but then I shortened it to Jage, so...
No liceu todos te chamávamos JJ, mas eu abreviei para Jage.
Okay, we need to get these signatures in by 2 : 00 P.M., candidates mixer starts at 3 : 00, we need to go to Bubbles and get my mother to sign over the store, and you and Jage
Precisamos de entregar as assinaturas até às 14h. A reunião começa às 15h. Nós temos de ir à "Bubbles"
Not "Jage." Jason.
Não é "Jage", é Jason.
Jage, I'm ready.
JJ, tudo pronto...
need to go to Mr. Pouzihno...
pedir à minha mãe que assine a escritura da loja e tu e o Jage vão ter com o Mr.

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