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Jake ballard translate Portuguese

86 parallel translation
You did not get the full Jake Ballard experience.
Não experimentaste o pacote'Jake Ballard total'.
His name's Jake Ballard. He's a naval intelligence officer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
O nome é Jake Ballard, oficial da Marinha e do Conselho.
I need you to find out what kind of relationship - Jake Ballard has with Olivia Pope.
Descobre qual a relação do Jake Ballard com a Olivia Pope.
I want Jake Ballard gone!
- Quero o Jake Ballard fora.
Then I don't want to talk about Jake Ballard.
Então, não quero falar sobre o Jake Ballard.
- Cyrus, meet captain Jake Ballard.
Cyrus, este é o Capitão Jake Ballard.
I need you to find out what kind of relationship Jake Ballard has with Olivia Pope.
Descobre que tipo de relação o Jake Ballard tem com a Olivia Pope.
You know about Jake Ballard. You know that he's been sleeping with Olivia.
Sabes sobre o Jake Ballard e que ele dormiu com a Olivia.
If you ever wanna see Jake Ballard again, America will believe it was Jeannine Locke that had an affair with the president.
Se quiseres rever o Jake Ballard, os EUA têm de acreditar que a Jeannine Locke teve um caso com o Presidente.
I can't tell you how I know this, but Jake Ballard has been taken, and if I don't let Jeannine Locke burn, they're never gonna let him go, so... in B613... if you disobey an order, what happens?
Não posso dizer como sei disso, mas o Jake Ballard foi levado. E se eu não deixar a Jeannine Locke lixar-se, nunca mais vão soltá-lo. No B613, o que acontece se desobedeceres a uma ordem?
I need you to tell me if Jake Ballard is alive.
Preciso que me digas se o Jake Ballard está vivo.
Captain Jake Ballard has been taken by B613.
O Capitão Jake Ballard foi capturado pelo B613.
B613 has taken Jake Ballard, and I want him released.
O B613 apanhou o Jake Ballard, e quero que ele seja solto.
Jake Ballard is alive.
O Jake Ballard está vivo.
Behind door number two is me giving you exactly what you want and telling that same press corps how sorry I am to have slept with Jeannine Locke, at which point you will call your friends at B613 and get them to release Jake Ballard.
Porta número 2 : dou aquilo que queres, digo à imprensa que estou arrependido por ter dormido com a Jeannine, depois ligas para os teus amigos do B613 e pedes para soltarem o Jake Ballard.
Mm. - Where is Jake Ballard?
- Onde está o Jake Ballard?
Where's Jake Ballard?
Onde está o Jake Ballard?
! Jake Ballard refused an order.
O Jake Ballard recusou-se a cumprir uma ordem.
Only that it was a classified mission that Fitz flew with Jake Ballard in Iran back when they were in the Navy.
Era uma missão secreta no Irão que envolveu o Fitz e o Jake Ballard quando eles estavam na Marinha.
Jake Ballard?
- Jake Ballard?
( Fitz ) Jake Ballard.
Jake Ballard.
It's why he put Jake Ballard in charge of B613.
Por isso pôs o Jake Ballard no comando do B613.
Jake Bal... Jake Ballard did what anyone in his position would have done.
O Ballard fez o que qualquer um no seu lugar tinha feito.
- Jake Ballard moved it.
- O Jake Ballard transferiu-o.
If I hadn't called in some favors with some old associates of mine, men more loyal to me than they are to Jake Ballard, well, we both know what B613 does to its enemies.
Se não tivesse cobrado favores de antigos parceiros meus, homens mais leais a mim do que ao Jake Ballard, nós sabemos o que o B613 faz com os inimigos.
Jake Ballard, sir.
- O Jake Ballard, senhor.
Jake Ballard is making me go through justice's entire facial recognition network, and he's gonna kill me if I try to leave.
O Jake Ballard obrigou-me a procurar em todo o sistema de reconhecimento facial, e ele vai matar-me se eu tentar ir-me embora.
Cyrus, this is Jake Ballard.
Cyrus, aqui é o Jake Ballard.
I want an update on Jake Ballard.
Quero uma actualização sobre o Jake Ballard.
Jake Ballard is a predator, an animal, a killing machine, and just because you've decided to turn a blind eye to that doesn't make it any less true.
Jake Ballard é um predador, um animal, uma máquina de matar, e só porque decidiste, não ver isso, não quer dizer que não seja verdade.
There are many things I ordered Jake Ballard to do in the service of B613 and, yes, at times, in the service of my own personal agenda, but killing Harrison... was not one of them.
Há muitas coisas que mandei o Jake Ballard fazer, ao serviço do B613. E sim, às vezes, por razões pessoais. Mas matar o Harrison, não foi uma delas.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that you took Jake Ballard with you.
Imagina a minha surpresa quando descobri que levaste o Jake Ballard.
Yes, um, I-I need to talk to you about Jake Ballard.
Preciso falar consigo sobre o Jake Ballard.
Sir, I'm here for Jake Ballard.
Senhor, estou aqui pelo Jake Ballard.
But Jake Ballard is going to be tried in a court of law.
Mas o Jake Ballard vai ser julgado num Tribunal.
- Why not? I'm not going to let Olivia see Jake Ballard.
Não vou deixar a Olivia ver o Jake Ballard.
Do you believe that Jake Ballard killed your son?
- Acha que ele matou o seu filho?
Do you think that Olivia can be manipulated by someone like Jake Ballard?
A Olivia pode ser manipulada por alguém como ele?
Did you intervene to save Jake Ballard's life?
Intervieste para salvar a vida do Jake?
Jake Ballard needs to go.
O Jake Ballard, tem de desaparecer.
Jake ballard is no longer any of your concern.
O Jake Ballard já não é uma preocupação tua.
Jake ballard.
Jake Ballard.
Jake ballard is eating 2,700 calories per day.
O Jake Ballard come 2,7 mil calorias por dia.
- Captain Ballard... - Jake.
- Capitão Ballard...
- Captain Ballard.
- Capitão Ballard. - Jake.
I didn't try to have you killed.
Não tentei matar-te, tentei matar o Jake Ballard.
Where is Jake Ballard?
Onde está o Jake Ballard?
Jake Ballard.
Jake Ballard.
Oh. Jake Ballard.
Jake Ballard.
You said if I gave you a full report on jake ballard,
Get me Jake Ballard.
Liga para o Jake Ballard.

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